Altcoins to Watch 👀 (XRP Creating Buzz) 🐝

Altcoins to Watch 👀 (XRP Creating Buzz) 🐝

In this livestream recap Deezy talks about his DCA move into Graph, Kelly covers the charts, Algorand get’s discussed and much more!

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How are we all doing today is the Weekend yeah it is the weekend Elizabeth Warren she's trying to cancel me baby Canceled the truth I'm trying to cancel You just trying to cancel all of the Crypto [Music] Thank you [Music] I picked up some graph today I picked up Some graphics okay all right getting in Buying the dip 13 cents where was it at An all-time high I believe February of 2021 yeah February of 2021 it hit above Two dollars okay so we got in uh maybe Even some wick candles up to 250 I Wouldn't be surprised to see that yeah If it's if it's hitting 234 on this All-time chart that probably means it Touched briefly around 250. Okay yeah you're looking at a 15x Roughly uh or no really closer to a 20x 20x from these levels so you know what It is Friday I do like to DCA on Fridays I'm stinging from the cruise and I don't Mean a sunburn I mean my ass is chapped Excuse my language uh but no not from The Sun and so uh I don't know if I can Afford the DCA this week but you know What I'm gonna buy a little bit Yeah I Will gonna you know we were also talking About agix yes I know maybe I'll I won't Add Fiat to that but maybe I'll go ahead Collect some Ada rewards that I've been

Collecting for a while because I stake I I have my Ada passively working for me While I sleep so I can earn more Ada Maybe I'll withdraw my staking agix Rewards grab my staking cardano rewards Combine that into a poll and then I'll Restake all that with 50 50 cardano AGA IX and then Fiat I'll add some graph That's probably what I'm gonna do today Those are some moves guys this is the AI Show AI is going to be such a strong Narrative when the mainstream public Grasps what chat GPT is doing and how It's being implemented into businesses Two or three years from now people you Know regular retail is going to be Talking about this for some time so I Feel comfortable kind of just getting Slight exposure to it before it becomes Kind of more mainstream and get position Ahead of it you know what I mean that's What I'm trying to do at least we're Trying we're trying out here folks all Right uh you don't talk about Theta oh You talk about Theta you're missing out What are we missing out on all right Potentially huge gains all right looks Like all-time high roughly uh pushing Around 14 you're looking at a 14x well I Sped out of 20x no I don't know I'm not Saying these are my predictions I'm just Saying these are the multiples required To reach all-time high I I don't have

Any opinion without doing further Research on where it's new uh Bull Run Price Target will be compared to All-time high I'm just you know just Doing Simple Math here but yeah there You go you got your little Theta shout Out you're happy are you happy now it Has been an interesting project I mean They've had a lot of like the Sony Partnership that was being floated last Bull market and it's it's doing Something interesting it might be there I don't have any but I've been meaning To get in for a long time and maybe a 9 99 Cents I mean that that looks pretty Attractive under a dollar so because I Remember I was looking at it at five Bucks I was just talking earlier today About how important it is for us to Understand if we want to make money in These markets that there's really only Two types of people in the market There's predator and there's prey now as Rough as that may sound you are either Taking opportunity which means somebody Else is capitulated at that level and You're buying in a in a Zone where Somebody else is selling because their Emotions are triggered or you are Emotional and you are basically donating Your money to somebody else to build Their deck to buy a new boat to buy new Rims for their car to uh stack their own Sets and I want to really emphasize for

Everybody this week was a great Characterization of the need to have Strategy and plan in the markets because If we come here on the charts we can see That uh you know if we zoom out this Week felt so scary but if we zoom out I Know you hear it all the time but few of Us to remember remember to do this in The moment we're emotionally triggered We look at things that trigger us Further rather than saying okay let me Get a bird's eye view and this is a Monthly chart uh for Bitcoin with Hikanashi candles and the difference Between these candles and the Traditional candles you know it's very Similar shape but we can see there's a Lot more days on these traditional Candles than on the high kanashi and That's because with high kanashi candles You're essentially getting I don't want To call it an aggregate view but you're Getting each candle is uh the color it Is based on the average like where most Of the volume was traded during that Time period because each one of these Candlesticks yeah this is the basics we Got to take it back to basics baby each Candlestick when you're looking you Always need to look at the candlesticks I look at the top left corner of any Chart you're looking at to figure out What time period you're looking at Because if we're looking at the monthly

Each candle is one month and so we see This is a lot less noise looking at the Hikanashi candles on the monthly and we See that we have started each time we've Started in an uptrend we had a small Pullback here but uh you know as small As this looks this was about 100 move Back here in 2015 but we started this Uptrend now on these candles it looks Like we're actually accelerating into an Uptrend coming into near the close of April but if we look on the the Traditional candles I mean it's like Very strong Bulls Morningstar doji sort Of set it up here and then uh indecision Cut back within continuation could be Pulled back so it's a lot more noise Here and if we actually zoom in on all This we can see this was this is a four Hour chart this is this week everybody's So excited somebody bought here which is The only way these candle prices got up To this level so somebody bought out of Fomo they donated liquidity to somebody To take a short to take advantage of This Market to the downside somebody was Selling taking profits or somebody was Shorting making money while this person Was left holding the bags and somebody That buys at these levels typically Doesn't have the conviction to hold or Add to their position at these levels or These levels [Applause]

[Music] Foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jpeg junkies tweeted this out 19 hour Ago the junkies Council has been placed More than two weeks but we're working Hard behind the scenes to bring you more Utility we just got staking with the Cardano Crocs Club so if you want to get A JPEG junkie go to type in junk junkie you'll See them coming up ORD ape Creator where My monkeys at borde Creator Yuga Labs Dominates nft sales with 35 share a huge Huge amount I'm actually surprised it's Not higher Um they can they more than a third of All nft trading volume this is over a Six-month period from October to March Of 23 is according to DAP radar they're Pretty uh legit we also have crypto Punks they have me bits mutin Apes other Side they have the vessels the land Deeds and of course uh the titular uh Ford Apes they created our own projects Collectively generated more than two Billion dollars worth of trading volume Over the last two quarters combined uh Representing 34.6 of the total crypto Market cap or uh trading volume there They lead the pfp market with the floor

Price tag of 51 eth or about a hundred Thousand dollars so yeah they always Hang around a hundred thousand crypto Punks also hang around a hundred Thousand yeah when we get bullish uh I Can see Crypt uh board Apes may be Hitting 300K again that's where they hit Before my Mutant hit 120 uh right before An airdrop held it like an idiot uh Wrote it all the way down Um maybe I could see that hitting 80 100 Again I don't know and you know what if It does I probably won't sell because I'm an idiot so I am slightly bullish on November all-time highs that being said Yeah I do think there's potential uh Upside here Hillary Clinton or Clinton Foundation Being involved with algorand it's not Going to be good when it comes to crypto Ideals but I think it will be good when It comes to VC money investing in it and To me that is a you know bullish Narrative I have a little bag of Algorand I don't know if I'll add a Whole bunch uh you know compared to a File coin agix a graph but I'm Definitely not selling right now I have No plans of selling you know this is a One to two year hold for me Um so that that is my two cents on Algorand but let's just look at the Tokenomics real quick circulating Supply 7.2 billion Max Supply is going to be 10

Billion total 7.4 so we don't really Have that much uh tokens being dumped Here a lot of people Um it is centralized though let me say That there's Operator nodes and then there's relay Nodes and I might be wrong I didn't Study up on it so I'm not sure if I have That jargon correctly but one anybody Can do it you can do it I can do it and Hey hey Grand were decentralized right Because you got a node and I have a node That means we're decentralized no There's relayed nodes on top of those Nodes there's only 140 and they're Hand-picked by the algorand foundation So that's why it's a little centralized But VCS like that big money likes that There's going to be a lot of millionaire Billionaire donors that hear Clinton and They're gonna be like whoa right I want To put all my money into this coin right Then there's going to be people like Drew they hear Clinton they're going to Want to put no money into this coin yeah Um I I tend to think the first group Will outweigh the second group when it Comes to moving the needle uh price wise Because for every 50 it'll take a lot of Drews to equal that one millionaire that Gave a Soros back to Geo 10 million Dollars I have a little bag do you have A little bag I have a I am well invested In xrp and have been since flu season

Um okay I got in at like 17 cents you Know the reason I got into it is just The overlap of like their interns and People that worked at Ripple that were Put in place at different central banks And then Rosie Rios joined in the board So I see a lot of overlap between the Actual Ripple organization and central Banks across the world for the last Three or four years Um so as watching that I just figured Position it's about 10 of my portfolio But I'm definitely at the uh I can't get Lucky if I'm at the fair so I'm Definitely in there uh let's just give a Quick lesson on Leverage not leverage Trading go to Frankie for that I'm Talking about Archimedes you know what Archimedia said no tell me give me a Long enough lever and I can move the World oh and that is a true statement You give me a long enough lever that Much pressure can move the world I love It and we live in an age of infinite Leverage this is all from Naval Robin I'm not saying anything new here before There was leverage the first leverage of A homo sapien was picking up a club and Leveraging the power of his fist against An enemy yep and now we have moved Beyond that now there's human leverage Capital leverage and so that's what Existed in the 50s that's how the old Class of billionaires got rich that is

How the the Henry Fords got rich that is How Warren Buffett got rich but then There's been a new class of Leverage and That is infinite leverage with zero cost Of replication I'm talking about Computer code and I'm talking about Media and with those two tools and AI Which is essentially computer code with These tools you now have infinite Leverage at your fingertips 80 years ago The worst Lumberjack compared to the Best Lumberjack might be ways chopping Five times as many trees right so There's a little bit of our leverage or A lumberjack and you give them a Slightly sharper ax okay now he's moving Up he's like 1.5 x now we live in an age Of infinite leverage where Mark Zuckerberg in a laptop can trillion x Someone else's same output with that Same laptop and now we live in an age of Infinite leverage so use these tools I'm Not saying go learn to code although That would be great if you want to learn How to code that's great but you should Probably do that if you have any kind of Inclination to it you don't want to do That make some con content make video Content make a podcast spread it out Guess what YouTube is going to Infinitely leverage your video you make One video they can make it where a Billion people can see it just like Gangnam Style all right YouTube leverage

That to Infinity almost the last one you Don't want to do that I'm weird behind The camera I don't want to do that I Don't want to learn how to code use a i You now have autonomous agents that can Live in your pocket that can one million X your productivity so we live in an age Of infinite leverage there's enough Capital out there for everybody watching Here to get rich and I think we can we Just got to take these DZ winnicisms and Whiz system nuggets and encapsulated Into our own lives and we can get there All together underrated stimulate you Robert you stimulate me let's stimulate That like button that's all I got easy Out [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music]