Best New 2021 Altcoin to 100x (Cosmos Price Prediction)

Best New 2021 Altcoin to 100x (Cosmos Price Prediction)

With the high likelihood that there will be a huge number of blockchains operating simultaneously in the future, it seems that a focus on interoperability between different blockchains is crucial to the advancement of blockchain technology. Two major contenders have risen up to lead the charge towards that goal: Polkadot and Cosmos. While both protocols utilize similar architecture, there are a number of important differences between them, and within their respective ecosystems as well. While Polkadot is getting a ton of acclaim, Cosmos is one that is vastly underrated. Find out why and how high the upside is.

0:00- Intro
2:02- Polkadot
3:59- Cosmos
5:42- Ecosystems
8:07- Price
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