Bitcoin Buyers Are Dumping Crypto With Volatility Exploding This Week. Is The Dump Over?

Bitcoin Buyers Are Dumping Crypto With Volatility Exploding This Week. Is The Dump Over?

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Massive volatility has exploded in Bitcoin overnight going from 28 000 up To 30 000 getting dumped back down a few Hours later to 27 000 and now we see Ourselves back above the critical Resistance level of 29 000 but how long Is this going to last and what we should Look out for if this pump fails along With this we're also seeing Cryptocurrencies getting dumped yet Again maybe your USD values are going up But unfortunately the facts remain that The BTC values continue to get crushed This is characteristic of a bull market Now I want to show you what that means In the charts and of course what's going On in the US as well so make sure you Have liked subscribe Bell notification Icon if you haven't already top of the Video description you guys would have Received your free crypto and economic Report that went out last night so go And check your emails that stuff is Coming up and also we've got massive Trading results coming in from our Members hundreds of a percent return so Congratulations to you guys who are Really killing the game if you want to Know more about that go and check out Michael's Channel I'll leave a link to This in the video description but for Now let's get on with the analysis of What has happened over the last 24 hours And moving this into our macro picture

For the stock markets the worldwide Markets because that is going to lead us To understanding what is going on in Cryptocurrencies okay so over the last 24 hours the US market has fallen Another 0.58 so we had a peak on the 18th of April and we are now down to the Low of three percent and the market is Now closing at 2.7 down remember this is Still within the cautiously confident Zone as we remain above 50 percent four Thousand and twenty points so that's our 50 level short term right now the yellow Line here is at 4060. so these levels are pretty key Support levels for the S P 500 following These moves if it does break down then Our really critical support levels are At 3 800 you can see here 38 40 and 38.55 basically dead on that banking Crisis low which is dead on the 50 level Of this entire range from the current Cycle low to that February top this is The key area that the market has been Trading in for over a year now you can See there's 366 days if I take it back To the tops here in late April early may You can see we've been in this range of 4 300 points down to 3 500 points and One could argue that we could move this Right over to this point here in early May so that brings us down to about 350 Days so a couple of weeks short of a Full year trading in this Zone but if

We'd listen to the news headlines and All of the analysis that is going on Telling us that the markets are going to Collapse with banks going down with more Money in printing with less money Printing with anything that is getting Thrown in Us in the news headlines you Would think that this Market would have Fallen out of bed by now one year in a Trading range pretty good going so far We're not out of here yet but I remain Cautiously confident while we look to Put in a correction before potentially Some higher prices later in the quarter Or probably quarter three so we still Have plenty of time here especially with These lows holding up that leads us to The market sentiment so what's going on It looks like we definitely need a reset On the market sentiment in the stock Market and cryptocurrencies we're seeing That in crypto as we've just Fallen to 52 and 50 points on the fear and greed Index here Now the upside is that we're starting to Reverse that again personally I think It's a little too early to push to new Tires which if it was to happen would Mean that we'd get a more severe Correction later it's just a balancing Act of the emotions in the market and Right now I don't think we have remained At these levels so much enough time to Reset the pricing structure of the of

BTC and of course the stock market at This point however I don't control the Market I just analyze what's going on in Terms of the facts on the charts and the Data that's given to us so at the moment We're heading back up the greed is Creeping in again at 59 points although This is the fear and greed index the Greed is increasing we're still seeing Cryptos drop against their BTC values And if the theorem remains as strong as It is you're also going to see many of The cryptos drop against their eth value Like you can see here Matic is losing Ground against eighth and Bitcoin but of Course it's holding up on its dollar Value that's because Bitcoin is going up All that this means is that the old Coins in one's portfolio are not going Up as much as Bitcoin therefore it's More risk holding the altcoins for a Longer term adding all coins to a bag And hoping that they go up in the next Three months six months 12 months is Higher risk based on the data that the Market continues to give us day after Day after day and we see this with the Bitcoin dominance going from the 2022 USD cycle low so this is where all of The prices came down basically to that Low point now we're seeing the dominance Take over and push towards around that 49 of the total cryptocurrency market Cap this includes stable coins so you've

Got to take that into account as well Without stable coins we're somewhere Above 50 but for now what we're looking At is a stellar bull market for Bitcoin Dominance it has had a slight rejection Here at around 48 and a half percent but Of course that has been the resistance Zone for nearly the last two years going All the way back to the 2021 bear Market When Bitcoin climbed out of that so what Can we expect to happen next what does This mean why is it important basically While this is still at an uptrend you Can expect for the majority of all coins Like you can see here anything that is An ALT labeled alt BTC or alt eth in This case but we'll stick to BTC you can Expect these to decline decline against Bitcoin value basically Bitcoin is going Up faster than the old coin so it Depends on the investor do they want to Take more risk in the hopes that their Altcoin does pump like we've talked About plenty of times before looking at The last two cycles now which I've been Through all coins from previous Cycles Typically don't make it there might be The odd few if you want to take that Gamble go ahead last cycle we had Thousands of altcoins where twenty Thousand in the 2021 we had a few Thousand in the 2017 markets and most of Those did not make it so take your Gambles if you wish if you do wish to

Gamble I highly suggest getting on board With Tia premium this price is going up So if you want to understand more about Uh trading and investing links are in The top of the video description here We've also got limited specials here With free usdt you can see the profits That many of our members are making by Following strict mechanical plants stuff That we go over in our membership in Discord and I'll leave a link to Michael's channel in the comments as Well who goes through the short-term Trading so with that in mind where we Currently sit with Bitcoin dominance is That it looks like at least in the short To medium term is trying to break out of This resistance which would then mean That you would see further declines on Alt BTC values great for trading you Make some money on the USD values but if It's a longer term hold they are going To decline based on the data here based On the objective of data from the charts And historic data from all of the Previous Cycles altcoins are riskier Than Bitcoin therefore most people don't Want to be holding them while Bitcoin is Actually going up I recently posted About this on Twitter in the last 30 Days Bitcoin has only spent one minute Barely a minute underneath twenty seven Thousand dollars remember there's a lot Of people hoping and waiting for prices

To go under 25k for whatever reason They're listening to other analysis They're doing their own thing don't just Listen to me go and question it of Course but don't be stupid don't think That the market has to go under 20K we See and have plenty of significant Reasons why the Market's not going to go Under 20K 25 might be a possibility but Like I've pointed out here 25k is still A possibility but the analysis says 20K Is far more unlikely nothing is Impossible in trading and investing but It's far more unlikely and it's setting Up the hopefuls for failure so if you're Sort of sitting there hoping and waiting For the market for BT TC to go Underneath the 25 or 20 000 level then You're probably setting yourself up for Failure with what is actually going on In the market with what the buyers are Actually doing we saw the recent Explosive volatility going down to 27 up To 30 and back down to 28th and back up To where we sit now at 29.3 but it's far Less likely to see Bitcoin go back under Quite a significant low this low was Formed on Extreme news I go back and Point this out time and time again Because of how extremely important this Low is to the market it's extremely Important to bitcoin it's extremely Important to the stock markets the s p Has a very significant low here and this

Is something that we were pointing out Months in advance based on historic data For the markets over 100 years so it's Basically just going back and doing the Back testing in these markets the Markets have proven time and time again In that very significant lows are formed In October for the stock market for Cycles and March and so if we're trying To go against these lows in the market The historic data over 100 years you're Basically just ignoring the Probabilities of the market and hoping For the best the market has said October And March are very high probability lows June is also another one of those times And all we have to do is just go back Even to the last 20-year cycle this is For the Dow Jones it's for the s p it's For the NASDAQ and the 20-year cycle Here in 2002 to 2003 very significant Low was actually the cycle low for the Dow Jones and the s p In October of 2002 then the higher low Formed in March of 2003 so an exact 20-year repeat now you see the market Bounce up from that point start to put In another higher low this is through June but you also got a higher low here In May and then another one here in late March early April and then it starts to Push higher again and start to take out Some of the log downtrends in the case Of this year we've already started to

Take out the log downtrends for the Dow Jones and also For the s p we've also taken out this Downtrend line here and put a new higher Low On top of all of those downtrends so This is a pretty key signal for the Future of the bull market the future of The stock markets moving forward over The next couple of years so really it's Misinformed analysis to believe that the Market can just all of a sudden collapse Past a very significant low and another Low grind away and then eventually come Up over the next six to 12 months if These lows are to break The markets are in much bigger trouble And there's no point in even trying to DCA and hope for the best that would be An absolute Fool's game so going forward From this point of course it can still Be wrong but these are critical pivot Points for the market and you don't want To see the markets break these and Consolidate underneath them so that's The reasoning why I still think 20K is Not going to be broken moving forward With what's going on from here markets Are 29 200. this has been that critical Box that we did not want to see Bitcoin Get into and hold into for too long Essentially it would grind away and then Try to build another case to break back Above so far it's had a reasonable close

Yesterday just getting above our red Line so we had this red line here which Was the tops of a lot of the candle Bodies and basically it closed dead on It at 28 426 so getting above that 20 400 for a daily close not a bad sign so Far for now the volatility just seems a Little bit too irrational should we Break higher obviously great for the Bulls but eventually the move does come To an end and we just get a longer Grime To the sideways finding another area for The market to consolidate remember we've Looked at this in multiple bear markets In the past you can see through 2015 and 2016 the market can break out And then go on little runs in between This took about six months for the Market to break out churn sideways and Then eventually break out again but if We are in the midst of something like What happened in 2015 2016 then we could Potentially expect another six months Trading within these particular ranges Going for about four to six months so We've already done approximately a month A month and a half so let's see how it Continues to play out from this point Forward and all that's going to do is Eventually squeeze out the Bears all the Bears that are thinking that 20K is Going to get broken or 22 is going to Get broken and their missed opportunity They're going to be able to refill their

Bags again maybe even the 25s but we're Getting a little bit ahead of ourselves At this point because the volatility is Increased we're seeing cryptos drop Against their BTC values and what we Need to see next is some more closures Above the 29 000 level which is a key 50 And it's above all of the previous highs Once Bitcoin can close above the 29 000 Level then the probabilities reduce for The dump it could potentially mean that The dump is over and we're going through One of those sideways accumulation Periods possibly getting a little bit Boring out there however during the Boring plenty of profits are being made Especially by guys who are following a Strict mechanical plan like we teach Over in Tia premium this price is going Up so if you want to jump on board Before that price increase go and check Out the newsletter there is a discount There signing up to the newsletter will Get you a discount for Tia premium so Check that out plenty going on over in Our Discord Community with Traders Making hundreds of a percent I'll update You guys again with how all of our Traders are doing in the near future Until then like and subscribe pay Attention to the 29 000 level on BTC and The support levels coming in for the S P 500 this is going to be the clues to What is happening moving forward in the

Economy and real estate Cycles stock Markets and of course Bitcoin and crypto See you at the next video Until then Have a good one peace out