Guess who got their twitter back…@BIGBLACKCRYPTOE aka DADDYDYOR
please enjoy the first episode of HOTSHOT’s where when we can, we give you insights on what’s driven today’s rally. As Elon delivers his highest output on Q1 cars produce. People are what the “economy of things” will mean for the rapidly growing expansion of city charging systems in metropolitan areas? Will the interoperability of Holochain make it easier for city payment systems to encourage growth into market participation as oppose to hindering crypto currency transactions. I posit further…. how long until the biggest metropolitan hubs follow suit and take after Innisfil, Ontario.
Tesla delivers 184,800 vehicles in 2021 Q1…
Next Holochain Virtual Meetup
Registration: for April 6th, 8pm UTC time (or 4pm Toronto Time) https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/regis…
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Ask @JonnyStang about the community discord there
Holochain Live 24/7 Mission to 1 Cent
HoloTUBE Interview with Digital Asset Analyst Big Black Crypto on Holochain
Thank you to Jonny Stang you started a live watch, and I started as subscriber 1! Also special thanks to ITSM4rvin for the excellent graphics work!!! Thank you to all the mods who help ensure our ecosystem is inclusive & welcoming to all.
Please enjoy first Holotube interview w/ Jonny Stang regarding HOT & the ecosystem that is Holochain. Jonny Stang goes 1v1 w/ me aka Big Black Crypto the Digital Asset Analyst asking the big questions that the community we’ve been dying to have answered. Less than 1 percent of the world is trading cryptocurrencies, NFT’s & other digital assets.
Link to interview: skip to 24Min mark (approx 1hr in length)
HOLOCHAIN: The Salmon Cannon Roars Once More 30x Gains!
Update: Holochain 14,000x potential
What is Holochain?
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#BigBlackCrypto #digitalassetanalyst
#BBCyourassets #hotcoin #hotcrypto
#crypto #holochain #digitalasset
#Holochain #HolochainPricePrediction #HOLO
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