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Is Elrond a filthy crypto whale and not a magical elf king of middle earth? Is Elrond an elaborate scam? Is its explosive growth all a sham? I thought BitBoy loved EGold? Don’t get lost in a MIRKWOOD forest of rumors and confusion. Consider this video your LEBETHRON to the latest developments in the land of Elrond.
0:00 Intro
0:47 What is Elrond?
1:25 The Dirty Rumor
2:26 Whale Wallets vs Exchange Wallets
3:36 Staking
4:00 Elrond Swap Bridge
All of our videos are strictly personal opinions. Please make sure to do your own research. Never take one person’s opinion for financial guidance. There are multiple strategies and not all strategies fit all people. Our videos ARE NOT financial advice.
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