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Welcome to bitboy crypto people's Channel home with a bit Squad largest And greatest crypto community and all The interwebs my name is Ben I'm here at My son's baseball tournament we're Getting ready to get started uh it Rained all night and they had to move it To tonight instead of this morning so Um he's gonna wait for his first game And uh banks are getting ready to Collapse guys I never thought We would see what we are seeing right Now and that's what we're gonna be Talking about today we're gonna be Talking about Banks on the brink of total Collapse I think the government's gonna Do some stuff to try to stop it They're the ones who want to put us in This mess in the first place so not sure It will work but guys what we're seeing From the banking system is uh just not Good right now and um obviously that's Why we're in crypto I'm also going to be At the end of this video by the way at The end of the video I'll be telling you Guys about a major change we have coming To this channel so if you're a fan of This Channel or if you hate this channel Which would probably be you one or the Other to make sure to stick around to The end of the video it's not gonna be Very long Um guys

There's 220 Billion dollars in liquid money In the banking system The banking system Is supposed to have guess how much money 220 billion dollars is how much it has So we have 22 trillion dollars guys that Means there's literally one percent Liquidity One percent that means a two percent Bank Run would would destroy our entire Banking system our entire way of life Financially we have stocks everywhere Getting crushed Bank of America stock is Down I think almost 50 percent from the Peak or the local Peak a few months ago Um we have the Chase stock getting Crushed Wells Fargo getting crushed First Republic Crush doesn't even begin to describe it Deutsche Bank or douchebank as I had to Call them credit twist all these Banks The stocks are absolutely plummeting as We speak wise up people you better get Some crypto if you don't have crypto That's not Financial advice that's Freaking life advice You need protection you need to be Hedged right now if we see our banking System collapse which I guys I never Thought this could happen this quick This quick I mean we look around this is What they're talking about They're literally talking about opening

An emergency Lending Service for banks An emergency Lending Service for banks That's because they're solving right and Guys the more Janet Yellen and Jerome Powell come out and try to reassure us That everything's fine the more we know It's not fine guys It is most definitely not fine now is This gonna have a massive effect on the Uh on the price of Bitcoin absolutely Now I'm not sure if you guys know but There is a rumor out there the big one's Going to hit a million dollars in like 85 days Because of all these crises now Could the price of Bitcoin go up Dramatically I had a dream it went up to Uh 70 75 000 last night maybe ninety Thousand dollars that's what I had to Drink And it happened pretty quick could we See this can we see a gigantic candle go From the 20s all the way to the 40s or The 50s well we've seen it before so I'll go from 28k to 42k like that we've Seen it so we know it is possible and if You look back actually what's here's What's interesting when you look back at The history of Bitcoin over the last um You know few years what you'll see is in Between about 28 and 42 that's where We've had the biggest one candle moves

In Bitcoin is in that area so yeah on The way down there was certainly like a Lot of points like 38 000 where there Were was a lot of volume but very couple Times it just went right past that Entire entire section you know section So now do I think Bitcoin is going to Hit a million dollars in nine days no Absolutely not what I need Bitcoins Gonna do keep doing what it's always Done for every single Bitcoin cycle it Doesn't look exactly the same but it Definitely Rhymes and I think we could Be potentially looking at Um you know Bitcoin being at about fifty Thousand dollars by the time of the Having next year I mean I think that is Potential if it's a fifty thousand Dollars or higher in the time of the Having then we should be looking at Somewhere in the range of a 200 000 Bitcoin I think I mean I Who knows at this point right I'm gonna Be more conservative with some of my Predictions on this Expo run Um just because I'd rather overshoot Them than undershoot them like we did Last time Um but overall like in in my heart I feel like if we're at a higher price Point than forty thousand dollars at the Time of the having that that's a good Sign bitcoin's gonna really really take Off and you see all the macro that's

Just giving it the fuel so here's here's The the two things you should take away From this video Uh number one Make sure you're hedged against your Bank You do not want to lose all your money Guys are talking about contagion in the Banking system That's not good okay number two If you don't own any Bitcoin at all or Any ethereum especially uh I would say You're you'll want to own up some Um that's going to help you to hedge now I can't give you Financial advice can't Tell you to buy that stuff because it's Going to go up in value But I can tell you I think it's good to Buy Because I don't trust the menu system at All Um the price of Bitcoin should get a a Boost from all this stuff going on Unless we see like a total collapse Um and then we'll probably see Bitcoin Go down a little bit before bouncing Back up harder than everything else Because this is the safest thing out There uh so do you want to make a big Announcement here for uh the channel We've now signed a uh a long-term deal With a new sponsor for the channel And that sponsor is uh steak Um s-t-a-k-e uh you can use them

International Um they also have a U.S version of the Site Um what is stake oil steak is basically Um an online uh place where you can use Your crypto to Um you know bet on sports to bet on Various games and it's the kind of thing Where You guys are not gonna see us playing We're not going to be playing you know Blackjack or whatever the case may be we May try to figure out a way to uh you Know incorporate some sports betting When I'm out when I'm out of the country And stuff like that Um mostly on Twitter wouldn't really be Here on YouTube but this is going to be A big sponsor of ours um and what is This going to allow us to do yeah we got To talk about what's the what's Well let's address the elephant in the Room first uh the elephant in the room First is Um guys this channel is about helping You to find Financial Freedom through Crypto assets that's what it is that's What this channel is if you're in a Position to where your money's tight Then you should not be doing any Gambling period right just like we tell You you shouldn't be taking your last Bit of money and leverage trading with It either okay you need to build up and

When you're at a place where you feel Comfortable or you're at a place where You can just gamble for fun then that's Something you can do Um and a lot of people do it a lot of People in my office have been playing on Stake and having a really good time so We're the point of this video is not to Sell you on them it's just to tell you How things are going to change here Comes my wife yes here she is look at Her She's like a shark There she is What in the world is she doing what are You doing What are you doing Okay she's gonna wait right there while I finish the video because she's a Creeper so okay so uh that's that's um I Want to address that Um second of all you know we definitely Want you guys to be safe we don't want People going and losing all their money Game later no no no no stretch the Imagination there Um that is a thing that can't happen so We're gonna continue to get disclaimers And let people know we we want the right People doing this if you have a gamely Addiction you should certainly shouldn't Be doing it second of all let's talk About what this does for the channel Um we have a few partners and we have a

Few Um deals uh that we have signed Um such as uh you guys know we work with I trust uh we work with Um uh coin Ledger we work with a few Others Um we're not taking any new sponsors on After this there will be no new sponsors On this channel Um you guys know we don't do corner Tokens we haven't done Corner tokens and Uh well over a year year and a half Um so we don't do any of those we'll Never do those on this channel never do Sponsor content for reviews nothing like That we don't do that Um but what this one big sponsor is Going to allow us to do is turn off YouTube ads so we're gonna be turning Off YouTube ads Um which means the only ad you guys are Going to see on this channel are for Steak and um we're excited about that And also what this does is it means that We don't have to go out looking for uh Deals to help sustain the channel and uh You guys remember it's not just me I've Got 30 employees we have 40 000 square Foot Studio we're a very large operation We're about to be bringing in uh some More employees and things like that so It's going to allow us as a company to Go further faster and it's going to Allow us not to have to really worry

About monetizing the channel outside of The ways that we already do Um and uh it's gonna be a big deal so You guys are going to be looking at this Channel A lot of people are going to um Be associating us with steak that is the Way that it is Um there was some backlash for steak Where they had some uh some streamers Some some young streamers that were Playing on Twitch and stuff like that And they were getting paid by by stake And then they were gambling all the Money that they were getting paid and uh People were not understanding that they Were spending the money that was coming In it wasn't their just own money that They were going crazy with Um and so they did get some blowback From that we're not going to be doing Stuff like that we're not gonna be Playing the games on the channel Um this is going to be more of an Awareness thing Um a brand deal if you will is what it Is and uh we're super excited to bring Them on as a partner and um looking Forward to uh this is going to be you Know over a year deal and there will be Hopefully down the road we'll continue This deal uh they sponsor Drake they Sponsor the UFC they sponsor Formula One Um we're going to be going on their Website just like those you know names

And and brands are so we're excited About that helps give this channel more Credibility and I just want to say thank You to all the bit Squad you know you Guys are the ones that make all this Happen you you stay here you support us And um you know a big thank you to Everybody who's uh stuck through this Channel in the bear Market Hey we don't slow down all the content We only make more so I want to let you Guys know about that there'll be a big Change coming starting on Monday we'll Be doing those uh you know uh you know Advertisements for for steak and excited About it that's all I got be blessed way Out

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