2023 Bitcoin Prediction

2023 Bitcoin Prediction

It’s been a rough year for crypto, and I’m sure a ton of people are believing its now impossible to make substantial money in crypto. This couldn’t be further from the truth. All it takes is knowledge, hard work, and a plan. In this video I go over the steps you should be taking next year to fine tune your crypto plan to make sure you’re ready once the next bull market comes into full swing.

0:00 Intro
0:39 Things to Remember
1:04 Crypto is a Way of Life
2:36 Study Up!
3:25 Apply What You Learn
5:00 Practice!
6:03 The Future is Bright

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I want to start off by acknowledging the Hard truth that crypto isn't an easy Game for the everyday person on the Outside looking in when they think of Making a living in crypto they think Fast cars big houses and a bank vault Full of money it's reality for a few but For every success story there's a Thousand or more people who lost much More and they'd like to admit the Success stories are all people who Either got in the game very early or who Outworked everybody else under the table And since we don't have a way to travel Back in time there's only one way for You to make it in crypto we're gonna Show you today let's get it Foreign Crypto my name is Ben now before we get Into the nuts and bolts of this video I Want to acknowledge a couple things Number one if you haven't made it yet in Crypto that doesn't mean that you can't Number two if you lost everything in Crypto that doesn't mean you can't make It back the catch is if you want to make It back you have to be honest with Yourself reevaluate and don't make the Same mistake twice number three you Gotta be willing to put in the work go The distance and be confident in the Fact that you're working harder than Everyone else that's why we made it here At bibboy crypto so first of all trading

Crypto isn't a hobby it's a lifestyle When I got into crypto I quickly learned That you can't win today off of Yesterday's effort you can't just throw Money at letters and you have to keep Your finger on the pulse every single Day and know what's going on or you're Not going to understand why the chart is Going one way or the other you want to Make it in trading right so from this Day forward it's your job to stay up to Date on the news and not just the news In crypto you have to follow the Macroeconomic news too because it's all Relative cryptopanic.com is my home base And I leave that tab open every day next To my trading charts before we get into The training charts you need to honestly Ask yourself Am I ready to trade do I know what I Need to do before I put my hard-earned Money at risk it's okay if the answer is No because at least now you have time to Catch up answer me this do you know what An oversold bounce is what is macd RSI Or vrvp stand for what's the difference Between a dow and a DEX what's the Difference between a ZK or optimistic Roll-up why would anyone want to use the Total three chart what's an ascending Scallop why is Bitcoin dominance Important when trading all coins sorry If you're head spinning but the question I just asked are barely tipping toes

Into the tides of crypto if you don't Know the answer of those questions my Best guess is that you need to spend More time studying before you try your Hand at trading not saying any of this To sound condescending I'm saying this Because I care understand when you trade Crypto you're trading against the elites You're trading against an army of 200 IQ Whales who sit in front of 10 computers All day you don't lose money in crypto They take your money to be successful in This game you don't need to be better Than everyone but you need to have a Serious Edge my point here is this if You're willing to invest your money into Crypto then you should be more than okay With investing in yourself take the time To read a few books on investing read Endless news articles take a crypto Class like the bitlab academy watch Hours of YouTube content of successful Traders like Frankie candles or crypto Face look into how indicators work and How you should use them and which ones You should use get involved in Communities on Discord listen to spaces On Twitter a point here is that you Can't binge study your way into crypto You have to systematically take small Bites every day and be dedicated to Knowing the ins and outs of the space Where you even think about putting your Money in be willing to learn if you want

To take advice most importantly know That it's okay to ask for help and if You've made it this far into this video Means you still want to learn more on How to be successful in crypto this Shows that you're willing to listen and That's great but are you willing to Apply what you learn into your habits Step one I want you to get on a set Routine once you plan out every hour of Your day what time you wake up what Hours you study what hours you're doing Ta what hours you're working everything The next thing I want you to do is write Down your goals what do you want how are You going to get there and how do you Plan to keep yourself accountable when You do or don't achieve those goals I Want you to write down a strategy and Stick to it are you trying to Strategically accumulate and patiently Wait for new all-time highs or are you Trying to leverage trade one thousand Dollars into five thousand dollars this Is very important a lot of people say They want to accumulate for years but Then the chart pumps 10 percent they ask Me if they should take profits my answer Is if you made a plan before you open This trade you would already know the Answer this is why it's so important to Keep a journal or even two journals one To plan and stick to your routine and Another one to keep track of every trade

You make before you make a trade I want You to evaluate how you're feeling on That particular day did you lose your Last trade I know I did are you feeling Antsy or upset are you Revenge trading This is all very important stuff because You should never make trades when your Emotions are getting best of you if you Revenge trade and lose another time just Know that nothing in this world is more Important than your mental health let me Say that again there's nothing in this World more important than your mental Health don't take that part lightly Trading can drain you mentally and Emotionally and it's imperative you stay On top of where you're at each day they Ain't doing this on bit get trading View Femax and other places they have test Nets where you can practice trading Can't stress how useful this is and this Is why you read every book ever written About skateboarding but until you go out There and put the hours in you'll never Beat Tony Hawk in a game of Skateboarding I know I sound Hypocritical here because I just told You how much you have to study but hear Me out you need to know what you're Doing theoretically and in practice and Trading on test Nets is a great place to Put those hours in before these tanks Get raised another fun thing to do is to Trade with a hundred dollars and pretend

You're trading with a thousand or even Ten thousand this is a great way to do Those mental gymnastics and get practice In with just a little bit of skin and in The game now if you've made it this far In the video and you do want to trade or You do want to try out a hundred dollars Make sure to check out big get this is The site where I do all my training at Right now and also check out all of our Really great bit Squad indicators you Can get those at bitlab Academy we've Got links down in the description for Both of those and many more to help you With your trading game here's the thing If you got into crypto at the end of Last year or even during 2022 Sorry about your luck but at least now You know how to handle a bad situation People are defined by how well they cope With adversity Ledges are created or Forgotten by how much pressure they can Handle pressure makes diamonds I know This bear Market seems like it could Never end and it's likely to get worse Before it gets better keep your eyes on The prize and never budge when the Market tests your conviction because That's what it's designed to do Take a look at these charts here from The rational root and coindesk after Every having we shoot up to the Moon After about a year and a half we're the Top and we begin to fall back down 64 at

Least after every having trades sideways For a little bit and eventually we start Climbing back up the hill in the past Within a year before the having we Pumped 385 142 and 17 we have just Entered the new white box on the right And the next having is going to be in March of 2024. so we're only months away From being one year away from the having In the past exactly one year after the Having we pumped 8079 284 and 559 top of The next Bull Run is projected to be Sometime between September and December Of 2025. Syrian is not even 2023 Step back take a breath and note there's So much to be optimistic about do you Want to spend the next 15 months Complaining about your bad luck Are you going to spend it building the Rest of your life so what if you didn't Get to buy Bitcoin a thousand dollars or Even a hundred dollars that doesn't mean You can't make a living in crypto that Doesn't mean you can't put both feet Into the game and make life-changing Money the way I see it your journey in Crypto well it may be just getting Started today that's all I got be Blessed [Music] Thank you [Music]

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