$45K PEPE PAYDAY! (INSANE Meme Coin Portfolio Update)

$45K PEPE PAYDAY! (INSANE Meme Coin Portfolio Update)

Meme coins are crypto gambling. But look what happens when it done right! Latest update of our portfolios with a hero coin of the day – PEPE

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Can you believe this crap can you Believe this we I just want to do this For fun I I was okay losing all this Money And we've absolutely crushed it [Music] [Music] [Music] Welcome to bitwood crypto my name is Ben Today we're gonna be going over our Portfolio video uh and we're gonna be Going over our portfolios are several Different wallets we've now migrated Everything over to coinly as you guys Can see here we've added a couple new Portfolios but as you guys can see we're Up significantly now we're up 46 000 why Well that's one word And I'll tell you it's the name of a Frog we'll be talking about that in just A moment I want to go over our portfolio So you guys remember now these are not Our company portfolios this is real Money in all these accounts um but I Want to go over a couple things as we're Setting the new kind of standard for how We're gonna be doing these videos in the Future we will be showing our entire Company portfolio Um but we're not quite there yet as you Guys know we lost almost all of our all Coins on Celsius so we're kind of trying To rebuild those and we're repositioning Some stuff we're ready for that we'll

Let you know but we have our 1 000 Portfolio our 10 000 portfolio our 25 000 portfolio our ISO 20022 portfolio That says 20 0202 that's incorrect I'll have Decker Fix that Um but we had five thousand dollars in This one we also have what we were Calling the crypto Casino portfolio Where we're putting meme coins in it and All kinds of different stuff Um some of these could be rug pulls we Are certainly not telling you to do this This is a casino it's just like when you Go and you put all your money let's say You win and you put all of your money on Red and black on roulette right uh so Let's say you've got a thousand dollars Now if you win both those bets Um your You're just washing out you're not even Really making money if you do that Because it what you would lose on the Black you'd make on the red right but Let's just say hypothetically you took Your money you bet it all in black and Red well there's still a chance it could Hit green and if it hit green you'll Lose you lose all your money that's the Way you should be looking at these meme Coins now we have two of them Um and the reason is because we have Most of these on metamask but you guys Can see like shib and Doge you can't

Hold on metamask so we had to put them On kucoin for their own um for their own Wallet so as you guys can see here our Total cost basis of everything we have In here is ninety nine thousand one Hundred and ninety five dollars and our Total value is up 47 to 46 174 and it's Because of a frog look at Pepe it's up 300 we just put this in the portfolio Yesterday we just put in yesterday Fifteen thousand dollars uh from over in Bitcoin we put over there and you can See now it's 61 000. I mean we've and That's after we've already taken some Profits on that so we'll be talking About that as we get into it but let's Start here with our one thousand dollar Portfolio this is our worst performing Portfolio and I really want to want you Guys to understand that this is why it's Hard for a regular person to make money Okay this is why the the elites try to Rig everything in the system so that you Cannot make money they want you to be an Accredited investor so you only have so Much money because you'll see with all Of our other portfolios we're up pretty Considerably at least almost double Digit percent however in this one we're Up Point zero seven percent we're not even Up one percent in this we're not even up A tenth of a percent why because you Just need when you hardly have any

Crypto you need them to really run to be Able to make big moves and so this is Going to be the one to really watch Um and this is gonna this is really Interesting in my opinion because I Didn't expect this one would be this Hard to move so it just shows you one Thousand dollars you also have to be More conservative of one thousand Dollars because you can't go put your One thousand dollars into a meme coin if You do and you lose it and it goes down To zero you're completely out of the Game you don't want that so we'll see How this portfolio shapes up we move a Little further in we didn't make any Changes in this portfolio right now Well it's over 10 000 portfolio where We're up nine point one six percent We're almost up ten percent on it Um now we did not make any moves in this Portfolio either this week uh you guys Can see everything that is in there We'll do another video maybe next time Where we look at kind of the percent Gains on some of these things Um but we're up almost 10 on that one Because we're here at 25 000 portfolio We're up um let's see this would be like Eight percent we're at twenty seven Thousand dollars now we did make some Moves on this portfolio we actually sold 500 worth of ICP to get a position here In suite and we also sold two hundred

Dollars worth of ethereum so we moved a Little bit of ethereum and a little bit Of our profit well ICP is one of our Biggest Gamers so we just simply moved Some of our profits which if you like ICP we have a big video how much ICP is It gonna take you to be a millionaire in The next Bull Run coming out pretty soon Uh you guys know we're very bullish on This coin Um but you guys can see here sweet Um we're our we're we're right now I Wonder if we're up or down let's see if We click this if you balance history So there we go so it hasn't really moved At all since we bought it but I think Suite is a good position Um I just want exposure to it it may not Be it may not do super great Um but we'll have to see what happens Um I I think that it's got a pretty good Chance of uh of doing well I think it is Up today a little bit Um I don't I'm not quite familiar with Coinly enough to figure out how to see That right now so uh then we go over Here to our ISO 2002 tutu we're up 10 in This portfolio we start with 5 000 these Are all coins that are ISO 20022 Friendly I guess is a good way to say it Can I change this right now can I edit This let's see if I can edit this look At this guys on the Fly bitboy Making Moves In the portfolio even renamed the

Portfolio Um and the reason I pronounce it 20022 And some people say 222 but that sounds Like 222 right some people say 2002 too I guess you could say that that would be Fun some people say twenty thousand Twenty two you say that too but I say ISO 20022 I think it sounds the best uh We're at five percent on this haven't Made any moves here Um once cardano really starts running We'll be moving car Nano down into some Of these other coins uh now let's talk About our Casino portfolio while we're Here in our crypto Casino portfolio if You want to check out a real crypto Casino by itself make sure to check out Our partner steak there you can deposit And withdraw in crypto that's right and For some users you can actually bet with Crypto uh we love steak they allow this Channel to go further faster great Partner of ours make sure to check them Out we got links below we put ten Thousand dollars into Doge and ten Thousand dollars in the ship you guys Can see right now these are down so We're down about eight hundred dollars Between the two of those But we started moving on some other Things those hex was your other original Coin that we had built in here and we're Up about 10 on Hex now hex is not a meme Coin but I feel like it kind of Moves

Like a meme coin you guys know Richard Hart he's out there he's been a lot more Humble lately he'll tell you that Himself that's what a true humility is Um but uh you know we'll have to see What happens with pulse chain maybe We'll add some pulse chain in here when It happens Um when it finally launches and see what Happens but I think hex is look in my Personal opinion I've said this many Times like I'm not in the hex Community You guys are we're hedge Community Friendly but we're not in it Um and so it's just one like I feel like I would really have to do a deep dive on And it's just not one that I'm Um that I really want to spend the time To do that to just be honest with you It's very controversial a lot of people Don't like Richard A lot of people don't Like me so I get it um and I do like Richard obviously as you guys know he Came to my studio and everything so um I Just think overall I thought it was good To add in this portfolio and it's paid Off so far it's up ten percent that We're actually up overall in our Original Three Coins just from those but We did add fifteen thousand dollars Worth of Pepe yesterday that is worth Now sixty one thousand dollars after we Took ten thousand dollars in profit and We put it into these two coins we went

Back into Gensler Um we got it against our you know uh Maybe last week I've been back I've been In and out of it a few times and it just Keeps going down and I keep thinking at Some point it's got to hit a bottom it's It's an anti-gary Ginsburg movement is What it is and we don't like Gary Ginsler so we want to support that and We're going to hold on to this We're not Gonna be moving this unless we get Profits so if it goes all the way down To zero we're gonna write it down to Zero we we've got five thousand dollars Now and against our we're gonna stick With it poo Finance let me tell you I Got a text I got a text message from a Guy he said this is the one you need to Get in this one it's poo poo.finance is What he said what I'm telling you is Extremely sketchy so don't take this to Be personal financial advisor by any Stretchy imagination and I said I didn't even respond to it well poo Went up pretty considerably I saw that And so I texted the guy back and I said Uh I've been watching this one and yeah Like next time you have a coin let me Know because it went up and he responded And said uh no it hasn't even really Moved yet it you know watch it this Weekend it's gonna move listen I'm Telling you this is a real story this Really happened I'm not telling you it's

Going to move this weekend I'm not Telling you that telling you what the Text message said I don't be very clear On that there's not like some kind of Insider it's a random text message I got I responded to the guy and I said who is This Crickets and then I got I said another One I said mysterious question mark Crickets never heard back but you know What Why not we took ten thousand dollars in A casino out let's put it in a new Casino game that's what we're doing so We put it there in Pooh and we'll watch It we'll see what happens with this coin We'll see how it moves I'm not promoting Any of these I have no connection you Guys know we don't take any promotion For any coins we haven't done it since January of 2021 we always disclosed of Course Um but there we go there's our crypto Casino portfolio between the two Portfolios they are now worth Um let's see where are the wallets uh Let's see I guess I gotta do that Manually there were 19 two plus uh They're worth over a hundred thousand Dollars in our crypto You believe this crap can you believe This We I just want to do this for fun I I Was okay losing all this money

And we've absolutely crushed it We've made like seventy thousand dollars That's not even my personal uh Pepe Portfolio that we rolled the money from Into here like it's absolutely insane When you look at what's going on with This coin like I I don't know what to Say about it it does remind me of shib It reminds me of Doge This is the number three meme coin Already continue to watch it Pepe is Definitely risky there's risk to all This it can't go up forever that's why I Keep taking profits I keep taking Profits and it just keeps going up Um I even gave some of it away in the Very beginning Um I took my original investment out This is all house money at this point And that's the thing if you're taking Your money that you need and you're Rolling it into something like this That's very risky if you make profits And you're comfortable losing with house Money that's what you should be rolling Into these meme coins I talked about on The show this morning it's not crypto I'm telling you these have no utility There's no value but they keep going up And it's hard to argue with the results Right now so all right guys well that's What's going on our portfolio drop Comments down below let us know what you Think we told you all the moves we made

Today Um and uh very interested to hear what You guys have saying so I gotta be Blessed big boy out Good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Foreign [Music]