Top Three 100x Altcoins! (A.I. Is The FUTURE Of Crypto)

Top Three 100x Altcoins! (A.I. Is The FUTURE Of Crypto)

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ChatGPT has caused discussion about AI to skyrocket in the past few months. AI and crypto go more hand in hand than you think, and today I’m going to be discussing 3 of my top AI-centric crypto coins that may not only change the game, but the world of AI as we know it.

0:00 Intro
0:32 AI and ChatGPT
4:35 SingularityNET
6:52 Alithea


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Ever since chat GPT exploded onto the Scene everybody's talking Ai and no I'm Not talking about Allen Iverson after All this isn't just practice we're Talking about practice man but the fact Is is that Chad gbt is ushered in a new Level of interest for this technology Now everybody's asking the question will AI replace all human jobs or even more Sinister replace humans let's get it Welcome to bitwood crypto my name has Been make sure to smash that like button Or have your AI do it for you also don't Forget to subscribe to the channel makes You a member of the bid Squad alright Guys let's talk AI in 2004 the Blockbuster film iRobot bust onto the Scene and made waves and really caused a Lot of people to think about the future Of robots in Ai and by AI of course we Mean artificial intelligence as we move Forward in entertainment and movie Business we saw films like dudesmashina And shows like black mirror that Demonstrate the pros and the cons of This powerful technology some of it has Quite the dark side and of course in November of last year now almost Everyone has gotten a chance to be Exposed to AI in the form of chat GPT It's absolutely exploded in popularity Growing faster than any other social Media in history even though it's not Technically a social media site but you

Get the point and now there is money Everywhere pouring into this industry And as the crypto markets have turned Around a plethora AI projects have Popped up or some refreshed in order to Take advantage of this hype and craze so In this video we're going to be Highlighting our top three AI coins in Crypto they're taking advantage of the Hype but also have the substance to back It up the first project we got my eye on Is fetch AI a project I've actually Known about for quite some time it's Been hard to ignore lately as it's Pumped 200 since the new year of course Almost all AI projects have been pumping But this one in particular has been Moving and it's the number three overall Market cap coin in the AI Niche and in Zero to 100 real quick it went from 30 Cents to well over a buck now the coin Is called fat f-e-t and it's utility of Fetch so let's look at what it does the Gist of fetches combining AI with Blockchain to build a decentralized Inclusive digital economy it will enable People to be able to trade goods and Services in the most optimal way on Their Twitter bio it says they're Building the autonomy of things they do This through their interchange Bridge Which autonomous agents and their open Economic framework Now The Interchange Bridge is a key feature of fetch AI

Because it allows interoperability That's what Bridges do connects now this Is D5 so things work very interesting Here what this project does is it Combines all of the strengths of certain Blockchains and gets rid of some of the Weaknesses of other blockchains to Create a monster AI transaction the Bridge allows it to move fluidly through All the chains imagine a transaction With the security of Bitcoin the privacy Of zcash the speed of hbar and this is All possible with fetch AI now these Autonomous agents they're not like agent Smith they're peer-to-peer computer Programs so I guess maybe you could say They kind of are they make decisions Based off data that they're given fetch AI gives these agents the ability to Interact with each other and negotiate And solve real world problems of course These agents are self-governed they Don't need humans watching over them They use Ai and machine learning to Collect and analyze data then they make Improvements think about how this is Going to work in robotics computer Networks or self-driving cars the Autonomous agents and The Interchange Bridge what really packed the punch in This project what allows them to get Things done of course their end goal Well that's to create an open Decentralized Digital Economy based on

Their open economic framework or their Oef it's actually the most crucial piece To this puzzle kind of like the corner The oef is an open source platform that Integrates smart contracts AI endows to Automate and optimize trading into Quick Secure transparent way it leverages all The other pieces of the puzzle to make This economy work as a star this month Fetch well the heated Milestone five Million transactions on their main net All in all fetch AI well it's a very Impressive project it's got a lot of Substance behind it now it's already Pumped huge will it continue certainly You can have a retracement but when it Does it might be a good one to take a Position in but just remember right now Ai is the trend we've seen it with Metaverse and FTS supply chain tons of Other niches so remember the hype always Does die down in crypto the next one We're going to cover Singularity net AKA AG IX that was a lot of letters in a row Right now it's ranked number two in Market cap and all AI projects it's Already pumped over 900 since the Beginning of this year and there's a Reason for it built on ethereum Singularity net is a Marketplace for AI Services the AGI Network what breaks Barriers down and allows people to offer These AI services and for users to be Able to access them their ticker agix it

Stands for artificial general Intelligence exchange and the developers Who contribute these Services well They're paid in agix the singularity net Dow well it allows users to vote on Which AI projects to fund next also the Services from The Exchange their used Upon those projects as well powered by Cosmos is sdks it's a perfect place to Access AI technology on a decentralized Platform and just by scrolling the Services on their marketplace now in the Demo you'll see how impressive the list Is these Services include multilingual Speech translator to allow any human to Talk to any human image generation Textual emotion recognition which gives Real emotion to monotone text in my Favorite neural music demixing where you Can separate the drums vocals bass Etc Into separate files you can choose to Have just the drums or just remove the Vocals so you can freestyle over your Favorite hip-hop beat that's what I do Definitely go scroll their Marketplace Is going to be huge competition for chat GPT Singularity net while they're also Behind hits and Robotics who've built Sofia the robot who's very lifelike also Don't forget about her sister Desi Desdemona that's right I met her and we Kind of had a thing what I like most About Singularity net is that it's Making AI accessible everyday people can

Now use these and developers who didn't Really know how to offer their services Well now they've got a channel to do That Ben gurtzel and his team are years Ahead of everybody else in this game and Ben gergel in my opinion I've met him Talked to him consider him a loose Friend only met him a few times but we Along very well and I'll tell you this Smartest guy I ever met nothing about This chat gbt they averaged 13 million Users a day Think about the unbelievable amount of People that Singularity net and agix has To draw from that's why I think even Though it's about 900 percent Can certainly waiver retracement it's Got bigger and better things in this Bull run ahead third project we're Looking at is Althea AI it's been the Idea of a metaverse and a time machine And sent it Forward 100 years their Twitter bio states that they're building At the intersection of generative Ai and Blockchain and it's not at all an Exaggeration the end game for this Project is to build an intelligent Metaverse where intelligent nfts or Infps are on the same infs are built on Character GPT AI it's a protocol that Would be similar to chat GPT so the Difference is you can actually talk Learn and interact with it it's launch It on polygon and then a single prompt

Users will be able to create any Character any voice any look they want And also their personality and their Skill sets and once you have your Character you can tokenize it also don't Forget to customize and train it once You do that you'll be able to trade its Generative outputs across other dapps And protocols although they're Intelligent metaverse well they're Calling it Noah's Ark and it's still Being built but you can already create And interact with your own custom AI Avatar you can do that at micro well Noah's Ark well to be Here in no time maybe 40 days and 40 Nights Mark Cuban actually called this One back in 2021 but he also called iron Finance Valley Quinn itself well that Stands for artificial liquid Intelligence and it's without a doubt One to watch between February 3rd and February 6th this year it pumped over 300 percent just like the other ones Wait for a pullback do not sleep on this One or I'll create an AI custom avatar That has a special skill set of not Sleeping now obviously another one That's been blowing up is the graph so We're not covering in this video we've Covered it before we're going to do a Deeper dive into the graph in a future Video but I want to know what are your Thoughts and opinions on those three

Coins drop them down below that's all I Got be blessed way out Thank you

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