Grow Your Stacks! (iTrust Capital Interview)

Grow Your Stacks! (iTrust Capital Interview)

Interested in Crypto Retirement Accounts? Check out iTrust Capital!➡️

Today, we got a very special interview for you guys from iTrust Capital. This is the top Bitcoin IRA company in the business. When many other of these companies have been going down insolvent, they’ve been playing by the rules the entire time and they’ve kept all their customers afloat.

But what I would say here is to pay attention. We’re going to be interviewing Jared Feldman. He is the VP of client experience with iTrust Capital about their Bitcoin IRA program. You’re going to learn things from how to save on taxes, the different product offerings they have, and how you can go into your retirement, maybe sooner rather than later.

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There wasn't necessarily anything wrong With the current setup but an expression That I really like is what got you here Isn't necessarily going to get you there Welcome to Big Boy crypto my name is Ben And today we got a very special Interview for you guys from I trust Capital this is the top Bitcoin Ira Company in the business when many other Of these companies have been going down And solvent they've been playing by the Rules the entire time and they've kept All their customers afloat now this is a Sponsored video we have been working With ihrs capital so if you want to get That out of the way first and think of I Trust capital for supporting the channel And allowing us to do all the free Content that we do but what I would say Here is pay attention you're going to Learn things from how to save on taxes The different product offerings they Have now you can go into your retirement Maybe sooner rather than later and guys Don't forget we've got a link Down Below In the description if you guys are Interested in anything you hear today Make sure to click that link go Investigate uh I trust capital and their Website see if there's anything in there That you like and if there is a you know No financial advisor maybe you want to Go with them all right guys let's go Ahead jump into the video hey guys today

We are pleased to be be joined by Jared Feldman he is the VP of client Experience at I trust and we're going to Be talking about what I trust is what They offer Um and a big new exciting partnership That they actually have that's going to Allow them to offer more to you guys Let's start with this Jared first of all Kind of tell people who you are and uh What is I trust thanks for having me uh Really excited to be here my name is Jared Feldman I'm the VP of client Experience at I trust Capital my Background is actually more Legacy Finance so I used to be in the financial Planning world uh helping people Allocate their Savings in the most tax Efficient way possible I ended up at I Trust Capital just over two years ago And we're an IRA provider so we deal With individual retirement accounts only We have retirement accounts for just uh Regular people who want to fund one we Also have retirement accounts for people Who are self-employed right so business Owners who want to be able to make a Contribution into a SEP IRA so we have Different Ira types we also have three Three ways that people can fund an Account people will make an annual cash Contribution like they normally do to Any individual retirement account We have people who have IRAs with a

Current provider one of the Legacy Providers and they want to move it over To allocate into our digital assets as Well as gold and silver because we have Precious metals physical precious metals On our platform as well what about Soybeans uh not yet no I don't have any Requests for that we sometimes will get A request or two for Palladium uh but in Terms of precious metals and the Commodities you know people are pretty Content with that one it's a good Question though on the soybeans not sure If you're joking but I was 90 joking ten Percent serious fair enough you never Know uh we like to have fun here I guess But ultimately we allow individuals to Also move over former retirement plans So a previous 401k or 403 b or 401a with An employer that they used to work for And then they can move it over to us and Roll it over into an IRA This usually catches people by surprise Because a lot of folks don't realize That you can actually do that with one Of your previous retirement plans with An old employer you can just roll it Over to another retirement plan of your Choosing and then be able to self-direct Those assets I guess one important thing For people to understand here is almost You talking about the IRA individual Retirement account Um that's what that stands for there's a

Way for people to have a cushion you Know when they get done working maybe Hopefully for some of the people in Crypto they're gonna be able to retire a Little bit earlier than you know they Would have otherwise but what are the Benefits of a Bitcoin Ira as opposed to Just your normal run-of-the-mill Ira That most people would have so people Want to be able to self-direct Where their retirement assets are Invested into so a lot of people are Content with investing with a legacy Provider maybe they go into a mutual Fund or maybe they get exposure to Crypto through one of the trust products Or other ETF quasi-etf products that are Out there Our platform allows our clients to Directly allocate funds into physical Crypto now what do I mean by physical Crypto a Bitcoin you can hold in your Hand well people can take distributions Whenever they'd like oh nice health so If you have an account with a legacy Provider that is offering digital asset Exposure you can't necessarily take that Crypto out they make you go back to cash Whereas our clients when they're ready For a distribution let's say it's a Required minimum distribution per their Retirement they can take it out in Crypto so we'll send them Bitcoin or Ethereum or any of our digital assets to

A crypto wallet of their choice and that Can be their rmd for the year so it's a Really powerful concept that no one else In the game is really off another really Critical component of what we do is the Qualified custody of the assets Themselves there's a lot of Regulatory Compliance baked into what we do because We're an IRA provider and we have to Work with a charter truck a qualified Custodian so they have to keep their Assets off balance sheet and that's a Really interesting concept that we've Always felt really strongly about and it Wasn't necessarily a sexy concept until The last couple of weeks where you've We've had a lot of news coming through About qualified custodianship uh assets Being off balance sheet and people are Feel really safe by the fact that we Have those sort of safeguards in place When you look at some of the Announcements that have been coming Around in just in the last year a lot of People realized last year that their Assets on exchanges were not their Assets those are on balance sheet assets So something were to happen to the Underlying company those assets are Actually subject to creditors and that's A business for the exchange or the Liquidity provider itself for us it's Off balance sheet and our qualified Custodian keeps everything off balance

Sheet as per Regulatory Compliance Standards so there's a lot that's just As I said baked into the cake which is a Huge Boon for our clients and then for Our company as well because we feel like We're very well positioned given the Direction that regulatory is going right Now yeah I mean when you look at a lot Of these changes that were insolvent uh Over the last uh year obviously FTX Celsius I mean Voyager the whole nine Yards Um they were all skirting around a lot Of regulatory issues but the IRA world Is a very very very regulated world and So picking up what you're putting down Here is that because of the way the IRAs Have already been regulated you guys are In a much better position to allow your Clients to have a much safer Relationship with their funds Correct and when the news came out in 2022 with all the insolvencies the Floodgates opened for us in terms of Clients reaching out with questions Wanting Clarity and we really did Everything we could we produced other Videos we produced articles we made a Lot of statements uh to make it really Really clear where we stood and Education is just the most important Part of being in the in the ira space And really in the digital asset space as Well and that that's really been the

Theme of your show in particular always But really over the last six to 12 Months it's really become this kind of Defensive theme of hey how can we Protect ourselves what sort of Safeguards exist in the industry already That we can use as building blocks to Make everything be I guess a little bit Stronger for for the next uptake in the Crypto markets yeah and I think um Another thing that's really important For people to to understand and realize Um one of these benefits of a Bitcoin Ira specifically and I would assume you Know any Ira at large are the tax Benefits can you talk a little bit about The tax benefits of an IRA as opposed to If you had an IRA that let's say had 10 Bitcoin in it as opposed to holding 10 Bitcoin and cashing it out Like what what are the benefits for tax Purposes for holding in the ira Great question so there's two main types Of IRAs there's traditional and there's Roth when the Roth comes out when you Pull money out of a Roth it comes out Tax-free when you pull the money out of A traditional it comes out taxable you Have to wait until you're 59 and a half For qualified distributions for both What they both have in common is that The tax Sheltering while the assets are Inside of the account So let's just cover an example if you're

Trading on a regular exchange outside of An IRA and you do very very well and you Decide to take some risk off the table Because you want to go back into Stables Or you want to go back into USD if you Made money on that you're going to be Subject to capital gains whether it's Short-term or long term if you do that Same transaction in an IRA you're Completely sheltered from taxes it's Sheltered for any transaction while it's Inside the IRA so for digital asset Investors they get to quote unquote grow Their stack over time in a tax sheltered Way whereas if you're doing the same Strategy outside of an IRA unfortunately You're going to be subject to capital Gains so you're constantly doing that Math is it profitable how profitable is It what's my tax exposure in an IRA You're not asking those questions you're Not even reporting the actual Transactions themselves yeah I think That's really good I mean I I think it's When you think where it's the the Long-term perspective of crypto over the Short-term perspective if somebody's Trying to make flips and you know you're Trying to get a couple Bitcoin out of Almost nothing then um you know you're Going to want to you're going to pay a Lot of taxes but you're going to want to Do it a different way this is more for The person that's going to believe in

This for the long term protect your Assets over time grow your wealth and You know have quite a cushion at some Point so Um lastly I want to ask you uh you guys Have a big partnership that you guys you Know just signed and it's gonna allow You to offer some new products so uh if You could kind of go to what that Partnership is and then you know what What that might may potentially allow You guys to do for sure we announced Last week that we're going to be moving To a new qualified custodian which is Going to be Fortress trust there's There's a press release we have other Documentation about it as well but it's Really big news for us we're super Excited there wasn't necessarily Anything wrong with the current setup But an expression that I really like is What got you here isn't necessarily Going to get you there and this is a Great example of that because the Custodian that we were using M2 trust It's a great legacy custodian Self-directed IRAs alternative assets But at the end of the day we really Wanted to align with a trust company That has modern infrastructure for Digital assets that have people on board Who are familiar with how not just Qualified custodianship works with Having assets off balance sheet but can

Also help us build and innovate to have New Order types new offerings as well as Have just much smoother onboarding as Well as off-boarding for people who need To take money out so it's really just Reflective of our ambition we are not Complacent we didn't just want to sit Around and be happy about the fact that We were one of the companies who were Thriving in crypto while other people Were not doing as well we want to be Able to capitalize on this momentum and That's what the move to Fortress was Really about glad to hear it looks like There's going to be a pretty good result For you guys for anybody that wants to Sign up for um I trust Capital we have a Link down below for you guys in the Description Um I think that pretty much sums it up I Think Jared did a great job explainers Look forward to having somebody from my Trust you or someone else back on the Show again in the future and uh is there Anything else you kind of want to leave Everybody with I would just say don't Hesitate to reach out to us we have an Open phone line it's a really unique Aspect of our platform customer service Is something that a lot of people would Say is is dying in a lot of ways and It's something that we're really leaning Into whether the market was on the way Down or on the way up we were there to

Answer calls and we're here to answer Calls now so I think that's something That makes us really unique and we look Forward to hearing from you yeah I love It love the consistency that's what you Know we we never slowed down making Videos on this channel or educating People even when the market wasn't good And you know good glad to hear you guys Have those same principles so thank you So much for joining us thanks for having Me take care All right what interview that was hope You guys learned a lot I know I got a Lot out of it myself reminder if you do Want to take advantage of I trust Capital we do have a link Down Below in The description and thank you to I trust For sponsoring this video look forward To having Jared in on the channel again Maybe on a live stream in the future all Right guys that's all I got be blessed Oh yeah [Music] Foreign

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