Ben Coin Roadmap UNVEILING (ULTIMATE Crypto Revolution)

Ben Coin Roadmap UNVEILING (ULTIMATE Crypto Revolution)

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We’ve been talking about $BEN coin for a while now, but what exactly is the plan for it? Well, this coin may just lead the charge for the future of crypto adoption. In this video I go into detail on the $BEN coin roadmap, giving you insight into our plans for community, marketing, education, and more!

0:00 Intro
2:47 The Four Pillars
5:49 Public Awareness
9:35 Government Regulation
14:45 Crypto News
18:07 Crypto Education

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A lot of people have been wondering what Is bencoin of course we know it started Out as a beamcoin but I've been Promising much more well today we're Going to talk about the bencoin Collective and the road map for Bitcoin You're not going to want to miss it this Is nothing anyone has ever seen before This is a new niche in crypto a crypto Adoption coin we're going to tell you What that means show you what the future Looks like and it's bright let's get it Foreign Welcome to Big Boy crypto my name is Ben Today we're going to be talking about Bitcoin now uh Bitcoin who is the owner Of Bitcoin well that would be the Bencoin collective we've been saying the Word foundation we've been looking into That we don't actually have a legal Entity as a foundation uh so because of That we can't really say Foundation what Is bitcoin Collective it's a group of Crypto enthusiasts that want to see Crypto adoption move across the adoption Line what does full adoption look like In crypto well that's where everybody is Using crypto and blockchain without Knowing that they're doing it right now There's reluctance of people to want to Do that so what we've done is have been Coin Collective it came up with a road Map on how we think we can kick this off This year to get started towards crypto

Adoption all right guys so let's go Ahead and get started uh first and Foremost you will notice here This is the Kenobi era that's right we Borrowed a page out of cardano's Playbook uh the Kenobi era of 2023 we Are going to be naming all of our eras After famous bends uh so old Ben Kenobi Right I think he's the oldest one I Don't know uh so that's what we named it After so this is going to detail what We're going to do this year so remainder Of quarter two uh number one we are Going to establish the Bitcoin Collective it is a group of crypto Enthusiasts by joining Ben Nation our Community which you guys can join on Telegram we'll drop the link down to our Telegram down below you are in the Midcoin collective we are a group of People that are pushing crypto adoption And it's important we're going to be Making all these decisions together That's where the coin comes in we'll Show you guys exactly what we mean by That Um of course next build out the team We're gonna have to have team leaders is What this is going to be we're gonna Have team leaders of the different we Call them the four pillars Um let me show you real quick what the Four pillars are and then we'll explain When these get integrated a little bit

Later okay so let's talk about what These four pillars of crypto adoption These are the four pillars of Bitcoin These are the four areas we're going to Be looking to come after now there's Certainly other ones you're going to Find out in our announcement tomorrow That we're actually going to be bridging Into another pillar of crypto adoption In my opinion but I think it kind of Fits underneath one of these but it Certainly is something outside of what We're doing and now we've got access to Help with and there may be many many More things like this Um so first Public awareness I mean this is Something that people have to understand Has got to happen if we don't have Public awareness of what crypto is Then people are gonna have the wrong Idea so maybe you'll have the wrong idea Of what crypto is and it's our job to Raise the awareness of what the Traditional Financial system uh to what Its flaws are and how crypto fixes this Right including Bitcoin of course Um so that is going to be the first Pillar public awareness now each one of These pillars we're going to break down Here in a few moments number two crypto Education guys without the education Without people being able to get a good Handle of the ins and outs of crypto and

Blockchain then how are we going to get Adoption people have to understand what It is what they're looking at and people That want to become experts need to have Ways to be trained into the ecosystem so Obviously that is number two next we Have government Regulation okay now this is something in The United States we're going to kick Off first so we're going to break down What that means exactly but obviously we Have crypto loss to be able to protect Our ecosystem we cannot have what I call The Salem Witch Trials of crypto which Are coming if Joe Biden wins again if Joe Biden wins again if you know anyone Who has a voice interface in crypto in America they're going to be put on trial They're going to be burned at the stake Without an option to win that's what Happened to Salem Witch Trials that's What Joe Biden is trying to orchestrate Again uh you know God bless Donald Trump And uh you know Ron DeSantis or anybody On the other side that could or even Robert Kennedy Jr on the Democratic side God bless these people that are going to Come in and try to change this we we Cannot have this guys so obviously Government regulation a big one and then The fourth one Crypto news we're going to break down What this looks like here in just a Moment as well so these are the four

Pillars of crypto adoption we've got to Get right and Bitcoin is going to work To do this so we're going to need Leaders on each of those pillars uh next We're going to be working to create The Advisory Board we already have a few Advisors uh pegged Um they're not getting pegged they're Getting named on The Advisory board so We're going to talk to you guys about That when we get our Full Slate of Advisors we already have three or four We'll let you guys know when that fills Up but that's what we're doing during Quarter Two Next we have kick off public awareness Campaign so obviously Um this is what we mentioned with our Four pillars so let me go a little bit Into a little bit more what the public Awareness campaigns are gonna uh consist Of okay so let's talk about the public Awareness campaign what we're going to Do here well this is going to be very Tangible right we're going to be doing Billboards we're going to be doing uh You know like bus stop ads just ads all Over the place you got to see bus stops Have those digital ads there a lot of These are going to be digital some are Not uh we're going to be doing newspaper Ads God forbid I mean our Target Demographic people that are against Crypto this is the kind of thing that

They see right and uh you know Commercials we're gonna be trying to do Commercials we might do these along with Our our new partner that we're going to Announce tomorrow so we might want to do Commercials and here's the thing these Have to be okay this is what they are Right but they have to be provocative I Think that's how you spell guys Provocative they have to be provocative We have to penetrate the current ideas That people have about the traditional System Banks the crypto whatever it is We've got to get people talking right so That's what we're going to aim to do We're going to work on targeted ads Towards anti-crypto people Anti-crypto ideas uh the banking system All of this and they're going to be Provocative why do they have to be Provocative number one we have to change The way people think but number two we Want people talking about this we want Mainstream news organizations covering These Billboards and saying oh my gosh What in the world like how how dare they Put this up there about the banking System or Gary ginsler or the S or Defund the SEC right so these are going To consist also of Um you know they're all going to be Provocative messages but they're going To be uh uh quotes we have quotes from People like our founding fathers we're

Gonna have quotes from people like big Accounts on Twitter things that went Viral we're gonna we're gonna integrate Big accounts on Twitter with this you Guys see where this is going right so We're gonna have quotes we're going to Have Um we're gonna have innuendo ads right We're going to say things about big Politicians and their hometown and we're Going to push these narratives we may Not be able to directly attack them Through Billboards but people are going To know when I say powwow Chow who I'm Talking about if you guys don't know That look that up so these are going to Be things that are going to push the Space forward things that are going to Challenge we want them to be challenging I already know the first one I want to Do first what I want to do is an ad in Times Square a billboard in Times Square I don't want to tell you what it is Because I want it to be a surprise but It's going to challenge the thinking the Same way on my show I throw barbs at people all throughout The show we're going to be throwing Barbs at ideas and people that are Anti-crypto so this is what we intend to Do with a public awareness campaign Um we want we want uh as well we want These to be on big landmarks I just Mentioned uh Times Square obviously I've

Got another place that we're currently In talks Um to do to do some of these messages You might have seen my messages that we Had on airplanes flying around at Bitcoin uh in the Bitcoin conference in Miami those were supposed to be fun Those were obviously targeted the Bitcoin maximalist that's not who we Want to Target we're not targeting Bitcoin Maximus we are targeting Anti-crypto people it was the only thing We're very pro-bitcoin we're gonna have Some very specific Pro Bitcoin Um you know ads next going back to our Government uh rules and regulations uh Section of one of our pillars we've got To secure lobbying firm we think we Already have one locked down we'll let You guys know when that is uh secure but We're gonna have to have a lobbying firm To help us go into uh the world of Politics now let's go ahead and break Down a little bit more about what our Government regulations pillar is going To actually look like okay so government Regulations the important thing here Obviously we know what Pro crypto Regulation looks like I want to I want To push for influencer regulation I want To put so influencers know what they're Allowed to do and not allowed to do I Want to push for let's get clarity on Commodities versus Securities I want to

Push for pro Bitcoin mining bills that Might be the first one that we start Working on Um but what we're going to be doing with This we're going to be funding Um we're going to be sponsoring bills With this money we are going to be uh Backing Pro crypto candidates so this is Where the Bitcoin uh Community the Bitcoin Collective uh comes in we're Going to give you guys a list of pro Crypto candidates and we're going to let You guys choose how much money we donate To each one we're gonna have a big pool Uh when election season comes and we're Going to start disbursing that we're Also going to be backing Pro crypto Um Pro crypto let's call them orgs the First one that we are going to be Backing is going to be the Satoshi Action fund I love Dennis Porter love What he's doing he does mostly Pro Bitcoin stuff so that's going to be one That we are going to be uh obviously Donating to and working alongside to get Pro Bitcoin regulation passed across the Country and then of course along with That we are going to have to like I Mentioned secure a lobbying firm we want To be able to have power in Washington Now this is not this is not power for The industry this is what coinbase is Coinbase is the mouthpiece for the Industry we are for the retail we

Investors aka the people that's a good Way to say it you know the slogan of Bitcoin is be everywhere now but a side Slogan is crypto is for the People by The people and dang it we are going to Be those people so Ben Nation you guys Are the people this is where we're going To be doing with government regulation You can't tell me there's another group Out there doing more for you than Bitcoin is going to be doing Foreign Next we have several exchange listings We had so many exchanges licking their Chops to get Bitcoin on there remember The more you trade the more you help Crypto adoption that's kind of the idea Because our liquidity pool profits are What are going to fuel Um all these initiatives that we're Talking about but we still need Centralized exchange Partners to be able To help give Bitcoin the awareness that It needs so we have some exchanges Already locked down they'll be coming Out very soon we're only going after top Tier exchanges any other exchange if They want to list us they can go ahead And list us but we are not going to be Working with those exchanges to make That happen next create minimum Thresholds and limits for selling Ben by The bencoin collective so a certain Percentage of the coins are owned by the

Bitcoin Collective Um we believe we're gonna be putting out Another video next week that's going to Detail more about kind of what we're Doing with these we think we already Have these uh we're going to allow any Of our Ben coins to be sold from the Bitcoin Collective we're looking out now 500 million dollar market cap or the Bitcoin having would be the first Opportunity that the Bitcoin Collective Could sell any of the the coins or Tokens that doesn't mean we're going to But it means that the option is there Um and also we're looking at any sale That happens will not be allowed to be Any more than half of one percent of the Day's volume but we're gonna put out Another video next week that's going to Detail exactly more about this begin Creating Partnerships we got our first Big partnership announcement tomorrow so You guys uh stay tuned Um and then establish social media team And website Um we're still working on the website We've taken control of most of the Social media uh we're gonna need some Help with that so you guys head on over To telegram uh if you want to you know Volunteer and say you'd help with social Media Um you know go into the telegram group Become someone in there that people know

Comment frequently Converse people will Start to know your name and then you Might be able to be part of the team Down the road all right let's go ahead And move over here to Quarter three introduce Ben as utility Coin for governance so already Bitcoin Is a utility why this is going to be the Utility this is going to be the coin You're going to use to take part in Helping the Bitcoin Collective decide Initiatives however we haven't Introduced any of those voting Initiatives yet those will come in Quarter three Um so that is what is going to happen of Course the more bend that you have and We're working on potentially the longer You hold bin giving you more voting Power so if you guys think that's cool Idea drop your comments down below Um so next crypto Newsroom is one of our Four pillars launch plans for unbiased Crypto news platform let me go and show You a little bit more about what we want To do with crypto news crypto news It's a mess we are going to create this Is going to take us a while to figure Out there's gonna be the hardest piece Of this puzzle by the way we are going To figure out how to do a decentralized A decentralized and Unbiased news organization So what does this mean this means no

Paid promos There will be no paid promos on this new Site Cointele been promoting rug pulls Forever coindesk ran by digital currency Group also doing paid promotions and Press releases for coins we are also Going to be looking at the Block that Took 27 million dollars from Alameda Research it's biased we have to have Something that is decentral and unbiased Now we probably will I'm not a hundred Percent sure about this but we probably Will use Google ads uh to generate Revenue for the site to help pay Reporters and stuff like that we're Gonna have fun set aside for that we got A big meeting next week we're going to Be mapping out a lot of this but like This will probably be okay I think you Guys are used to seeing Google ads Everywhere that you go Um I'm not 100 sure about this if you're We may do a poll and see what the Community thinks uh if it's going to Help us go further faster maybe the Community will do it um but yeah let's Say that I'm going to say the community Is going to get to vote on whether we Have Google ads on the site or not no Other ads no other promos it would just Be Google ads obviously those are Unbiased you know nothing that we put on The site so we understand there's a big

Problem in this environment Um and and what we're going to be using For this we're going to be using our Crucial crypto we have a crucial crypto Newsletter that comes out but crucial Crypto is going to end up becoming uh This website nothing we certainly have Paywall stuff with crucial crypto we Have a paid newsletter it's 99 a month You're gonna check it out crucial but the point is the news on Crucial crypto Is always going to be free We're not going to have special news Articles we might have we're going to Have other things on the site Um we're going to have like glass node Style analytics on-chain analytics if You will we're going to have something Similar to coin market cap where you can Do coin research there might be some Tools on the site that we do have a Paywall from but the news this is what We're trying to clean up guys how can we Have a space where people can trust the Information they're getting When the websites are taking money from Projects so what that means if you take Money from Alameda you're pumping up Alameda and you're throwing other Competitors under the bus look at what Happened with ICP for instance so that Is our commitment with crypto news all Right now for our education pillar the

First step of our education pillar is Going to be kick off a campaign to get a Copy of catching up to crypto my book For beginners and intermediate people in Crypto I find it on Amazon and every Library in America now I know what People are going to say oh Ben is using Bit was using all of these profits to go And buy his own book and make more money Not true we're actually going to be Taking all of the profits that we earn From the book sales that we're going to Buy from the bencoin collective back Into the project so there you go there There's a little bit to kill that Flood Now this is part of our strategic Education pillar so let me jump a little Bit more in to what the Strategic Education uh pillar looks like okay so For crypto education this is obviously Very important what what are the things These are the things that we all want to Outline that we want to do number one we Want to get a blockchain Accreditation uh org so we're going to Get an organization together it's going To be a third party that is basically Going to be the stamp of approval on Crypto content when it comes to the way It's looked at nationally and Internationally we're going to create a Blockchain I guess I should write the Word chain blockchain accreditation Organization next we are going to get

Crypto education That the accreditation organization Organization approves but crypto Education in schools of course what are We talking about we are talking about Kindergarten through uh through college Kindergarten through college that's what We want we want that we're catching up To crypto it's a book for beginners and Intermediate especially uh In every library in America now when I Say every library in America and of Course we'll move beyond the borders of America Um of course Um what do we want to do there Every Public Library every private School every High School in every University college in America every Middle School we want a copy of this Book why we want free access to crypto Education for everyone and like I said Earlier if I didn't say this yet we'll Be rolling the profits that we make we Have a Publishing Company the profits we Make from this book are all going to get Rolled back into the uh into the uh the The Bitcoin Collective Now We may what if we did this how about This guys how about a pro pose this We commit to taking all the profits from This book And rolling it back to the community how About we do that we'll take all the

Profits and we will AirDrop it to Bencoin Holders does that sound like a Good idea y'all like that we'll put that Up for a vote as well but I think That'll probably pass if I know you guys Like I think I know Ben Nation uh so Also what are we going to do Independent workshops let me explain What that means here in just a little Bit so you're gonna find more about These independent workshops and these Are going to be the types of things that You guys are going to be able to vote on So when it comes to the books for Instance uh you know Where should we start we're going to Should we start in the Southeast should We start in the midwest we're gonna ask You guys where we should start Um to disperse these books at uh when it Comes to the independent workshops there Can be Grant proposals you guys are Going to get a vote on who gets to run These independent workshops and things Like that so as you guys can see we've Got a pretty pretty good strategic Education program here imagine if we get Crypto in the schools how big that is Going to be I think private schools will Probably be the first ones to work with Us Um but we'll have to see there maybe Some colleges if you work for a school Or you work for a college or a

University and you think you can help us With this process Um make sure to reach out to Um let's see who should you reach out to Let's just say for now go ahead and Reach out to info and We'll get a strategic relationship going With you all right next announce Community Initiative Program so this is Where we're going to really start Getting into the nitty-gritty of what do We as a Community want this coin to look Like some ideas for instance these are Going to be benefits to the community And you guys are going to get to choose Them such as airdrops maybe we take a Certain percentage of the liquidity pool Profits every month and we air drop that To Holders or maybe we air drop it to Holders that have been holding a certain Amount of time a certain ranking of Addresses maybe our top 500 addresses Get air drops there are several other Things that we're looking at legally Whether the Bitcoin Collective is able To do or not Um such as BuyBacks or Burns or things Of that nature we did look into a Selling tax that would involve as Creating another V2 contract we know the Community doesn't want that so we're not Going to do that but we're going to let The community choose every single Quarter what you guys want to see us do

With Bitcoin because guys this is a Group effort of course Um so here we go establish transparency For all spending so Um right now the the way this is Generally going to work is The bencoin collective we have a backer The backer is getting a certain Percentage of these coins that we're Going to announce next week the lock up Periods for those okay That's going to go along with our Announcement about a lot of other things Involving the actual money the liquidity Pool profits the Bitcoin Collective gets 43 of the liquidity pool profits for Instance over the last 24 hours it's Been about 70 80 000 maybe a little bit More than that I haven't looked at the Latest numbers maybe it's around 100K we Would get 43 percent of that that 43 Percent is going to be rolling into all Four of our pillars we're going to roll These out strategically that's why we Have some of them like lobbying firm First we're going to do that first Um with the money to be the very first Thing that we put money towards but Since we're not technically since it's Not technically a foundation it's a Collective then it doesn't have regular 501c3 rules about regular 501c3 rules Then all of this would be transparent Already so we're going to create a

Mechanism to show you where all 43 of That is going my general idea is about 20 of that goes to every single uh one Of the pillars and the additional 20 That's left over maybe we take five Percent of that and we roll it back into The community and then the other 15 Percent could go potentially to hit Network of the consultation because it's All of the people that hit Network that Are doing all of these things right like These initiatives cost money and they're Costing us money to do Um because if we take 20 and we do Strategic education with that well People on the back end still have to do The work and we don't want that work Included in that 20 but once again we'll Have more details on that next week but We are going to have transparency so you See where everything's gonna dime that We're spending is going uh then of Course we're going to create the Community temporary voting system Um I think when I say temporary this is Probably going to be permanent this is a Little bit of a change from what we we Did when we initially created this Roadmap uh this is when I thought we Were going to do a V2 smart contract we Don't have to do that so we're going to Create the community voting system don't Look at as uh as temporary now this next One begin building a staking platform

This is tentative this is not for sure We've been looking into this and we're Trying to figure out the best way to do It uh we don't know if us legally if We're able we're still looking at the Ins and outs of this if we can do our Own staking platform if you look at what The southern district of New York said About Terra Luna the way they created Their staking platform it was basically Um you know kind of co-mingling of Entities we don't want that we are Looking into it if you guys want staking That's what we might look at but we Can't guarantee Returns on the staking So if we do the staking platform it will Be strictly to uh operate the voting System if that makes sense so this one Right here is one that uh when we first Had the idea we definitely thought we Were going to do it now we're looking at Maybe this is not the direction we want To go so I do want to want to point that Out and of course the rest of quarter Three we are going to continue exchange Listings as well so this is a typo on Our roadmap here that's supposed to say Quarter four so you guys just stick with Me this is quarter four this is not Quarter three we'll make a note Down Below in the description as well and we Put this graphic on Twitter we're gonna Make a couple changes to it guys this is A fast operating thing if you guys can

See we've been a little overwhelmed with How fast we've been having to move on All of this Um so this is quarter four we're gonna Put the full document out we will Actually Um put this out as well on the community Tab right as this video goes live so you Guys see the full Um you know roadmap this is quarter four So quarter four voting is going to begin On community initiatives already Explained what those are the community Initiatives Um we're gonna announce the 2024 and Beyond road map Um I want to know guys drop your Comments down below I want to know Whether you want the 2024 era to be Known as the Affleck era the Stiller era The Franklin era or the Armstrong era Drop those down below I want to see what You guys uh think we'll we'll actually Put uh we'll also put a poll on the Community tablet let's see what you guys Think uh the next one should be because Guys this Bitcoin Collective we're Making all these decisions together Um begin integrating education materials Into strategic education campaign this Obviously is going to have to do with um What we were talking about our strategic Education pillar so what we want is we Want these education materials into

Schools we're trying to create an Accreditation organization to be able to Accredit these blockchain materials and Other blockchain materials we want to be Able to get the stuff into schools into Universities so people learn about Crypto wow what a novel idea just think How much further along we would be if we Had blockchain and crypto education Right now in schools then we're not in Specialized classes it was just part of What you learn so the very cool there We're going to do that we're going to be Establishing Street teams for crypto Adoption so um whenever there's big Large events like the Bitcoin conference For instance or vcon or uh you know VidCon it doesn't have to be crypto Related stuff anything where we think it Would be good to send Street teams out Uh to get boost at conferences International conferences as well That'll be included in that we're going To work on establishing team leaders for Those and then of course also beginning Decentralized crypto workshops we Provide funding and materials for so This will go back to the voting what's Going to happen here is people are going To be able to submit proposals for them To create independent workshops Internationally wherever they are in the World and we're going to look at those Grants and proposals we're allowing the

Community to vote on which ones that we Believe should actually get the funding And once they get that funding well then From there it's going to be as simple as Sending the materials getting them the Funding and they're going to be able to Create workshops all over the world that Are teaching people who want to know who Want to learn about crypto we might even Be able to come up with some pretty cool Ways to do this that kind of Click baits People in if you will you know it's a It's a technology seminar or an AI Seminar but they come in for the AI but They end up walking away also learning About crypto that might be some cool Stuff for us so there you go there is The Kenobi era of the Bitcoin roadmap This is how we push crypto adoption Remember the four pillars of crypto Adoption crypto news crypto education Crypto regulation and also public Awareness we are going to be changing Minds changing Hearts about crypto There's a crypto adoption coin no one Has ever heard of this before no one has Done this we just explained that all of Our funds that we're getting from the Liquidity equal profits from the Bitcoin Collective are going to be flowing into Crypto adoption you can't beat that guys So let me know what you guys think about It drop your comments down below it's All God be blessed but Nation I'm

Watching bit boy out Good Foreign