BitBoy Went To Court! (They Got NOTHING)

BitBoy Went To Court! (They Got NOTHING)

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Thank you Hey welcome to Google crypto my name is Ben We're in jail Oh hardcore today uh look big win's Boring right now 19 countries say they Want to join the brics Nations it's dual Economy yada yada I want to tell you Guys about what happened today in court And I'm going to be as brief as I can With this because I just made a video and it was 20 Minutes and that's too long so I'm going To try to keep this four or five minutes Uh just let you guys know briefly what Happened as you guys know I'm being sued Um for a billion dollars in a class Action lawsuit And I won't shut up about it And this is led to some harassment Charges uh or complaints for my opponent The attorney on the other side uh I'm Trying to comply the judge I'm not Supposed to talk about I'm sorry I can Talk about I'm sure I can say his name On the channel uh in the context of the Transcripts or public record and what Happened in court today uh but I'm not Going to I'm not going to give him the Um The benefit of the pr of me ever saying His name again so what happens is we go To court and I just I think that the guy Thinks I'm an idiot and that's you know

A lot of people that are loud And they are Boasters and they have big egos Humbling around situations They talk a lot a lot of times those People are dumb that's the idea anyways I don't know if that's true or not That's what people think so I think that People think because Of how I've handled this that I'm just An easy pushover idiot and I just won't Comply with the law because I won't Comply with the law that's not the case At all I didn't go to court last week Because I would go to jail Before I rug pull my audience I go to Jail before I work for my audience 100 people signed up going to bitcoin Cruise about it may have been 70 maybe 120 I don't even know how many it was we Had a lot of people on the Royal Caribbean Independence of the season Last week for the bitboy crews went Awesome unbelievable We're gonna do it again next year I want To go to Jamaica next year uh so you Know there's your announcement Billy Cruise for the win uh I'll schedule the Court date after next time The lawyer knew I was in the Bahamas Last week he knew I was going he's been Combing our website for evidence I know This for factually for several reasons

He intentionally set me up I said this On public record today He's about false allegations he's Outright like to the judge The accusation is I threatened him Verbally On voice call And then on several audio calls they try To make me look like a crazy person a Psycho Is what one of his employees said about Me No that's what happened at all actually The first phone call which is the key to The entire thing is the first phone call We debunked the whole thing but the First phone call it couldn't have been Me It was at 106 PM Eastern Standard Time Our show on St Patrick's Day went until 107 PM Eastern Standard Time then I Immediately went downstairs with Kelly And failed a video for bitlab that Didn't get released I don't have the Metadata for that one But we do know it was on our calendars And we both remember recording it and we Had four or five people uh at the office Who signed sworn statements saying that We didn't make phone calls for that time We went down and we set things up for a Video and we made a video unfortunately We just decided not to post that one so It got deleted however the next one's a

Little more condemning for him which is It was a 2.20 2.0 video which we started At like Um when did we started we started it at I think 129 I think it ended at 149 some Somewhere around there uh pm I'm on camera with timestamps I literally could have made those calls Literally couldn't and it's it's like Seeing someone on camera in London and Accusing them at the same time murdering Somebody in San Francisco it does not Make any sense and it never made any Sense and that's why I told the judge Today I apologize to the judge about not Being in court last week I want to be There But the other attorney made it so I Couldn't because he specifically Scheduled it because they hate me they Hate me it's very clear I looked him in The eyes when I walked in I had some Glasses on I wish I had him off so I Could start him in the eyes eye to eye But once I did that he never looked at Me again in the face Uh and as I stated in the court It's because of false allegations and It's because it made up stuff guys I Didn't do what he said I did period I Approve I have evidence I didn't do it And so This whole thing has been based on these Big threats that I gave them that I

Never once did not one phone call uh There was one phone call that came in Later at 5 30. the only other piece of Evidence I was live streaming with Madden on his Channel for two and a half hours that Night during that time so He knows the attorney knows That he's lying he knows that he's lying I said this report I told the judge this Today He knows I didn't make those phone calls Whether these phone calls were contrived Man isn't it interesting that it's only The transcripts of audio voicemails You wanna know why Either because well I just hate like This Because everyone there knows that it's Not me it's very obvious if you listen To that voicemail it's not me or either It doesn't exist one or the other uh Both of those are not good news however The case the harassment part of this Case today was dropped because There's nothing to pursue because I Never did any of the the threatening Things I said all I've done is make fun Of the guy on Twitter that's all I've Done uh and I send some emails that were Some nasty emails of course but nothing Threatening of them I wanted to get his Legal license taken away and so the spin On this stuff was unbelievable

But after I gave my opening statement Under oath by the way I wanted to go Under oath today to say all this stuff After I go in there and do it The judge and I talked for a few moments And she asked the other attorney if There's anything That he wants to say He smirks a little bit He stands up healing's over in the Microphone Know your honor The case is over and for this part of The harassment side Which means The attorney is not going to be held Accountable he's not Going to have to show where those Voicemails came from and that's what I'm Disappointed about Because I've got a chance here In so many ways to clear my name not Just on this case but beyond that with a Lot of false allegations people say About me all the time and I'm chomping At the bit to this lawsuit Has been a gift handed to me on a silver Platter There's so many great things that I can Do with this Um and I really believe That uh by the end of this entire Saga Maybe a while my name's gonna be cleared On not everything here but people are

Going to start looking at me in a Different way I'm not a cartoon Character okay guys I'm not a meme I'm a real person with a real family Just made a lot of money in crypto has Done very well and I try to help people And that's it that's that's all that I Do And he has to make some enemies along The way who are these enemies Or people take advantage of people that That's who I go after think about think About all the people I've gone after They're people that take advantage of People and I stand up for people that's What I did today in the courtroom that's What I'll continue to do now what comes Next from here I'm not sure but I did uh On the record today for on the Transcripts now look you guys know we Love our partners take they're our main Sponsor on the channel they are they are Our Channel sponsor we love snake I made A bunch of money on there at the other Day of my own money I always want to Point that out because I know uh you Know people go after people who like Pretend like it's their money and it's Sponsorship money no I take the same Amount of money home today that I took Two years ago every week I take the same Amount of money every week and I have Doesn't matter how much money is coming In from a sponsorship

Um and if I lost the money it's really My money that I lost Um so They are a partner and they do pay us But I collateralize a bunch of my nfts To get somebody to play on stake the Other night Um which is I said this in a video last Time of course if you watch you go back And watch it Um but the fact is is that I made a lot of money on Stakes A lot of money 162 000. From 1200. It was a lot it was pure luck it's pure Luck Um but What I do with that money what about Aboard eight And uh How about a Rolex today So this Rolex is sponsored by steak now I did of course in the transcript uh you Guys will be able to see it when it's Made public in the next few hours Probably Um is that by the opponent my opponent Had a very big problem with me Continuing to say sponsored by steak Very big problem with it I actually wore a tie today that says Take on it To the courtroom uh because you know why Did I do it uh well number one because I

Love steak and what I mean by that I Love them they're great people I've Enjoyed working with them so much and uh Look you may hate them because they're Gambling but Where do you think adoption comes from In a lot of different senses uh it comes From some of the nefarious Instagram and What made Bitcoin popular Silk Road Right uh so What I would say is for my opinion I Think steak is very honest Um and I really enjoyed working with Them and I think they're really cool and I was glad to be able to live the meme In real life where I wore my my steak Ties you guys can go check out today got Some links on Twitter where I do give Another giveaway with them uh here Pretty soon Uh but I didn't say it I didn't say sponsor by Stake I didn't reference my time My opponent did it for me so you gotta Check out all the transcripts we'll make Sure to post that Um and I want everybody to know I want To be very clear here I will comply with the court whatever The court says from this point I'm gonna go with now if I'm in a Situation Like I have to choose to rug pull my Audience

Or show up to a court date Whoa Next time I've got representation we'll Be able to go through a proper channel To get delayed right or give me where I Don't have to appear on that day and Time but just remember I will always choose my audience I will Always choose my audience because the Bit Squad the best group of people not Just on the internet Not just in the world The entire Milky Way galaxy there's Another galaxy out there that's awesome People really love it they're great People they're better people than us Um they actually uh you know They destroy the environment and they Love it they don't they don't judge Anybody Uh so anyways that's what happened today I would love to say I'm coming back but I've got an interview on Thursday That someone's doing for me Or with me there's gonna be absolutely Huge let me tell you this absolutely Huge huge it's gonna be huge uh you Gotta find out more It's not Donald Trump Or is it Uh okay guys uh that's all I got Where's South Florida I'm gonna play some poker be blessed [ __ ]