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The crypto Market's seeing something Extremely interesting that they have not Seen since the all-time high now this is Despite the fear the doom and the Gloom That is set out there on the world stage With the possibility of a recession in 2023 so what is this data that we are Looking at today we're looking at the Search terms with how to buy Bitcoin how To buy Bitcoin is on the increase and of Course we need to follow this up with How to buy crypto as well so we're Seeing some extreme cases right now at These lower prices on bitcoin we want to See what this means moving forward and How we can best navigate this into 2023 Make sure you're subscribed to the Channel Bell notification icon and of Course like up the content if you want To wait to see what the value is you Know the deal I'll remind you again Throughout the video so for today's Video we're looking at the Search terms Here how to buy Bitcoin what this is Related to in the markets today and in The past and another interesting fact About how to buy Bitcoin are the lows That are coming into the market each Cycle we have seen higher lows for the Search term how to buy Bitcoin that's a Good thing because more and more people Are becoming more interested in Bitcoin At these lower prices now it's coming From many Western developed Nations
Which is what we want to see that is Essentially where a lot of the money is Australia United States United Kingdom Of course New Zealand Canada uh UAE and Singapore here but at the moment the top Search volume is of course Nigeria for How to buy Bitcoin now this can be Explained because the currency of Nigeria is getting absolutely destroyed It is on the decline plus the Nigerian Government is set to pass bills Recognizing Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies Of course this is an article from December as well so there is a lot of Talk about Bitcoin whether they're Accepting it or they take it away in the Future or they they do bring it in the Future either way there is a lot of talk Around this in Nigeria is a similar sort Of thing that happened with El Salvador Back in 2021 with the bull market so is It going to last of course no one knows No one knows if that's going to last but What it has done is spur on this Particular search term which then means More and more people start to search for It wondering why is this going on and Potentially videos like this are also Going to help that search term but of Course I'm talking about this now in January this has been on the rise since September and we're looking at the lows Here of eight seven and eight on the Reading here this is on Google this is
Comparing this particular search period This search period is from 2016 to 2023 Seven years the peak was December 2017 How to buy Bitcoin every single time it Happens at tops how to buy crypto or Bitcoin is generally one of those major Tops so don't be one of those fools if You've stuck around through the bear Market and now at the beginning of 2023 This is possibly that time where we go Through that boring grind sideways Period in leave now you'll miss these Moves until it's too late and everyone Is searching for it at those Peaks so That's what we saw in previous Cycles so The really important thing here is that We are on the move up we look at how to Buy Bitcoin worldwide past five years You can see this trend is increasing uh The end of last week at number 39 so the Reading here is at 39. the previous Peaks in the market were at around these Prices here October of 2021 and November The first couple of weeks of November That was the peak of the Bitcoin Market Well and truly way back up here so those Readings were at about 30 down to about 26. we're currently passing those levels Right now and if we take the Nigeria Thing out of the equation you know going Back to around October where there's Still some interests from Nigeria of Course you're still at those same levels Here at about 26 which is where it was
Back at those all-time highs now this is Increasing which is a good sign doesn't Mean that it's going to keep increasing Of course not you know here's your up Down sideways answer but what you do Want to see In a macro sense is lows getting higher So this is potentially that low period We've talked about this many times on The channel so of course if you aren't Subscribed why not and the the thing That we look at a lot is the cycle buy Zones here and the cycle buy zones Between that 11 and a half and around 19 And a half thousand dollars just looking Historically back at previous cycle Bottoms so there's a lot of information Here that we can use to better prepare For the potential bull market ahead I Happen to think there is one of course I'm just some guy on the internet as Well but these areas have been very very Good zones to accumulate Bitcoin Regardless of if Bitcoin drops to 12 000 Or 14 000 all God forbid it goes under Ten thousand dollars which I've claimed Many many times you can almost kiss your Ten thousand dollar good buyer Underneath ten thousand dollars I don't Think is going to happen I don't think It's going to consolidate under there And if it was to consolidate under ten Thousand dollars that is extremely weak For Bitcoin you don't want to see that
For a long-term investment because that Means it'll just go back into this Accumulation space enough on that I've Talked about that in previous videos as To why that is a bad zone for Bitcoin to Go in a wick or a spike on a weekly is Fine and we'd close back above some of These previous resistance levels that is A good thing so should we even go to Twelve or fourteen thousand dollars the Percentage move from here is barely Noticeable to those previous tops about 16 that is not much in cryptocurrency if You guys have been around you know that Is not much at all so the risk to reward Factor at the moment is well and truly In favor of those that are taking risks And buying some big Bitcoin at these Lower prices in this particular Zone of Course if you are trading and you're Trading the longest swings you're Calling yourself an investor but Essentially looking to sell out at some Point you're a Trader You want to have some stops in play I Think underneath these particular levels Is not a good area for Bitcoin to go in The long term in order for it to get Back to some much much higher prices so Have some stops in play if you are Worried about your Holdings so in terms Of this particular search term this is Looking really really good going back to The lows that have happened in the
Market these good areas of support and Accumulation this area was January February March of 2019. so January February and March of 2019 these levels Are around five and and four on this Reading for how to buy Bitcoin we've Seen the current lows at about seven and Eight so we're getting higher lows and Those particular levels we're at the Highs of that mini ball run within the Major Bull Run talking about this Particular bull run here so in April May And June of 2019 when the market pumped The Search terms For uh for how to buy Bitcoin we go back Over here we've got March April May and June that was at about 11. and you can See these lows here at about 13 and 14. This is on their the shorter term time Frame of five years and we go back to The seven year chart here you can see That these loads were around or the Peaks were around seven and we saw the Lows at around seven so those lows are Getting higher and starting to form on Previous high levels that is a good Thing overall go back one more cycle you Can see in 2016 the market was at one or Two on this search term and of course These lows came in at around four and Five anywhere up to four and five Throughout that entire period so there's More search volume coming into Bitcoin For how to buy Bitcoin not just bitcoin
News or people interested to see what Happens but people are actually Interested in searching the term how to Buy Bitcoin what they're not searching However is how to buy crypto this is a Very important differentiation here Because if you're looking to buy all Coins the interest is just not that There at this point in time and that is Also evident in the Bitcoin dominance Chart here so this is our Tia Bitcoin Dominance if you want to understand more About our tools go down to the top of The video description we have our free Economic report coming out today go and Subscribe to that that'll be uh sent out To your email in the next 24 hours and Then our TI again swing indicator as Well this one here is being developed We're almost there so make sure you are Subscribed so you know when this Indicator comes out this one is just Looking at the dominance of Bitcoin Minus the stable coins so that we can Get an idea of whether people are Favoring Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies Essentially Our philosophy is to be in with the Trend when we're investing or trading in Cryptocurrencies and right now the trend Is with Bitcoin you can see this is Increasing this is the dominance which Means more money is coming into Bitcoin Than it is into cryptocurrencies and
We're also seeing that with Search terms Here so the volume is dropping off on People searching how to buy cryptos it Peaked strong strong Peak the biggest Peak in its history back in May of 2021 Uh that was just at the peak of the old Coin boom so for trading in altcoins Which is essentially what 99.99 of People are doing because they're looking To sell out at some point they're not Long-term investors you want to be Waiting to see the peaks in the Bitcoin Dominance and then a nice big dump in The dominance which just means people Are selling BTC or piling more money Into all coins to get those all clean Gains right so the areas that I'm Looking out for in this dominance chart Are the halfway point of the current Highs and the halfway uh between the Highs and the lows so the lows are Sitting at around 42 the highs at around 72 percent which means halfway Approximately 57 so just looking here on This scale 57 comes in very close to Their previous Peak so we're going to be Watching the dominance if it continues To rise to about this level to then get A rejection which then could mean we get A bit of an altcoin pump bit of an Altcoin season like we've seen in the Past you know Bitcoin is still in its Macro uptrend and dominance but we could Still see some good uh drop-offs in the
Dominance which could lead into some Great gains for altcoins like we saw Throughout 2020 you can see where the Dominance dropped off here that was Basically a D5 run another extremely Interesting metric to follow is the fear And greed basically the market sentiment Where do we think people are at in terms Of their feelings about the market what We've currently seen is a reading in the Mid-20s we know that the extreme of this Reading is around 15 and under so that's Somewhere Throughout this period here anytime we See around 15 or under we see some Extreme fear of course this can happen Slightly higher like in the case of FTX Collapse which is this small little drop In Market sentiment compared to the Other drops But overall underneath this 15 level is Generally where the market gets Extremely bearish and from this point The interesting thing that we're seeing Here is higher lows so the market Sentiment is getting less fearful about Cryptocurrencies even though the prices Are down lower than what they were at These particular levels right now so We're seeing a Divergence in price of Bitcoin and cryptos and what people are Feeling about the market basically the Market sentiment what they're what They're seeing out there so we're seeing
The high lows which is a good thing for A bullish move for Market sentiment Which could then lead into a bit of a Run on potentially Bitcoin at this point In time cryptos to follow what we're Waiting for is a breakthrough somewhere Around this 40 level here you can see It's been pretty good support over the Over the past and then resistance with Only a few times where it only where It's able to break out in this case it Was resistance just before the FTX Collapse another thing to to note is These levels when it drops this was Extreme fear from the peak in April on Bitcoin so we're just looking at this Bitcoin top That formed here and then we had that Big dump this was the start of the UST And the the lunar debacle before we got The tiny little dump on FTX which is Really quite strange because it almost Was like this was more fearful for the Market than this You know maybe more people were affected In this FTX collapse however more money Was lost in the market through this Particular period uh through April top Into that June bottom and we see that on The market sentiment as well you can see This period of Market sentiment going From around 60 down to 10 and then for The FTX was only around 40 down to 20. So the market sentiment is starting to
Potentially flip and I would say that The flip would happen should we break Through this 40 reading we need to get Back into the neutral zone and remain at That zone so we can then start to climb Like we've done in the past leading into A potential bear Market rally which Could then flip into the first bull Market run and we have a few other Metrics that we're using to determine That bull market run in particular these Particular swing tops here so our Two-week swing top and our monthly swing Top they're pretty good confirmers or Indicators of the market flipping like We've seen in the past just these were All lower tops until the market flipped In April and gave us a nice big bull run A couple of minor False breaks but of course those lows Were taken out again and the trend Continued down so keep a lookout for That the ti again swing indicator as I Mentioned if you want to learn more About that go and check out the tool Here it's in the second link TI again Swing indicator this is really helpful To get an idea of the market Trend and If we're going to flip into the macro Ball or remain in that bearish state Which then takes us to the Wall Street Cheat sheet with a lot of people Believing we're still somewhere in this Denial stage for a further capitulation
Potentially under ten thousand dollars Time is starting to run out for that in Regards to how the market is actually Feeling this is the data from the fear And greed index by all means we could Still drop to 10 but at the moment this Little bit of a reading from June so Seven months now is showing higher lows Not my opinion we're just reading what The chart is showing right here so if That's the case maybe we're more likely In this anger into depression Zone which Can take many many months at these lower Prices you have heard me talk to talk About this being a good area for a low And I've talked about that since June When you look at the price 17 and a half To where we currently are at about 16 6 Or 16 7. it's only a matter of several Hundred dollars per Bitcoin so although The feeling is potentially so much worse The price is very very similar don't Ever let that fool you always come back To a price chart before getting too Hyped up with XYZ has to happen because There's a recession this year or the Money printers are off or any other sort Of big news idea come back to the charts And look at what people are actually Doing and actually in this case what They're actually feeling and then how They act on that in the markets So with that in mind we could be around This area which which may take several
Months like we've seen in the past for BTC going back to previous Cycles at These lows for around four to five Months nice little pump up again several Months before the first move and the Capitulation of covert and then the Re-accumulation before the bull market Starts it can take quite some time to Get out of these depressing feelings but We'll see that as the market begins to Break above some of these Higher Grounds So that's a look at where we could be on The Wall Street cheat sheet here looking At where investors may be and of course If this is all the case with all of These lows uh indicators lining up then Of course the risk to reward is looking Much more favorable at these particular Areas now the last thing I want to leave You with and we'll get into this one in A little more detail in future videos is What happens if we break out of these Lows and it goes back to the investor Mindset or the trader psychology here it Never seems like a good time to buy of Course we can do this all the way down It could be lower it could go past 10K I'm going to wait I'm going to wait oh I Bought at 16 it went to 14. I was an Idiot or you're an idiot because you Told me those sort of things right you Don't ever want to blame someone else it Is your decision to buy or to sell or to Do nothing
But in terms of the market moving up if In fact we've got to prepare for both Sides we start to get some fomo if this Market does move up maybe get a bit of a Base first and we start to find our way Higher throughout this month These sort of feelings could come into Play markets too high now maybe we drop To 14 and then bounce back up to 18 People say well it was at 14 I'm going To wait for it to go back to 14. then You get a higher low form and that might Only be at 17 000 here so maybe it comes into around This level here 17 or 16k people are Still waiting and then what happens from That point it pushes up higher Market is Too high so they're waiting for the Pullback and then the Market's too high Again the pullback doesn't come to what They're expecting They're going to drop waiting until Things settle down and then so on and so Forth as I said we'll get into this in Future videos as well because it's Really important to understand how Investors are thinking this has gone on Forever this is the way it is every time We come out of these lows I definitely Remember it through the lows of 28 2019 I had that bottom into November and December of 2018 and then the market ran Up to five thousand so it happened Exactly as that chart had predicted
The market is going lower so we're Saying it's too high at five thousand Dollars because it was recently at three Thousand six hundred and three thousand Nine hundred we never got that pullback In 2019 and then the market just Continued to run on to that next move Without putting in anywhere of a Pullback ran all the way to eight Thousand seven hundred tiny pullback to 74 but because you're so used to it just A few weeks ago being at five people Were waiting and then all of a sudden it Runs into thirteen or fourteen thousand Dollars that's when everyone starts to Jump in and before you know it basically Collapses over the next six months into Lows of around six to seven thousand Dollars and you lose fifty percent very Very easily we'll focus on this because I think this is the sort of thing not Exactly but the sort of thing that's Coming up in 2023 the market is due for It after being suppressed for so long so Stay tuned to the channel like And Subscribe check out the videos that are Popping up on your left hand side here To learn more about my 2023 future Predictions for for the economy stock Markets real estate and of course Bitcoin and don't forget our free Newsletter is coming out today links in The top of the video description I'll See you guys at the next video Until
Then take care peace out