Bitcoin Pumps as More Banks Fail (How to Get Lucky In Crypto)

Bitcoin Pumps as More Banks Fail (How to Get Lucky In Crypto)

In tonight’s livestream recap Deezy discusses the FRB crash, Binance and Voyager, the UK says you should accept that you are poor, and much more.

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Uh the bit Squad we we stay litigated I Guess uh I don't know are we the Kardashians of crypto who knows [Music] All right [Music] [Music] All right uh bitcoin price jumps in the Wake of First Republic Bank price crash That is right I don't know if it's Related but right when Bitcoin was Pumping we saw frb just just tanking and Losing all of it wait T I think this is Going to show some candles too the price Of Bitcoin spiked more than three Percent in the last 24 hours actually Went all the way up to almost 10 percent Into 24 hours as fears were sparked of Another imminent bank failure as First Republic Bank shares closed down more Than 50 percent on the 25th just Yesterday the price of Bitcoin rallied Immediately following Fox Business uh Reporter Charles gasparino breaking the News that Bankers working with First Republic Bank expect the institution to Go into government receivership Data from uh santimit suggests the Correlation between Bitcoin and the SCP S P 500 may be dwindling as a narrative That Bitcoin is a safe haven amid the Banking Crisis began to once again Gather steam uh let's see First Republic Began experience issues in early March

Led to 11 of the largest institutions in The U.S including JP Morgan and Bank of America depositing 30 billion dollars at The troubled bank so they try to Resurrect it injected some Capital Injected 30 billion might not have been Enough to save it according to Anonymous Sources despite them staring down the Barrel of liquidity concerns U.S Officials declared the deposits were Stabilizing it was not at risk of Experience the kind of sudden severe run That led Regulators to close down Silicon Valley Bank unfortunately these Reassurances have proven in-core wrecked Uh they're going to lie to you about Banks they lied to me about Banks I kind Of shared my story on I think I did it Real quickly but went to a bank and they Said uh oh you're going to open an Account and said yeah yeah they said What kind of said yeah probably cry Crypto they said oh that's a scam we Won't do it at truest so why not they Said it is not secure that's what Happened to Silicon Valley Bank so just Lying out of their teeth and here we're Seeing a little bit more it's like no no No everything's stabilized it's good to Go trust me this bank is A-Okay next Thing you know stock takes 50 in 24 Hours for stock market huge huge all Right cites hostile regulator Yanks 1.3 billion dollar deal to buy

Voyager digital uh the setup exchange uh The exchange center by CZ to serve U.S Clients has pulled out of the 1.3 Billion dollar deal to buy Voyager Digital company said Tuesday citing a Lack of clear regulation in the country For the crypto industry Voyager filed For chapter 11 in July tweeted in Response while this is disappointing our Plan allows for direct distribution of Cash and crypto to customers via the Voyager platform in March they receive Court approval to sell its assets and Transfer its customers to Over rolling a January limited objection From the SEC which said the agreement Lacked details on their ability to close The deal Um lacked details of their ability to Close the deal have they ever looked at Their Bitcoin wallets have they ever Looked at their stable coin wallets I Don't think they lacked any ability to Close the deal what they lacked was Clarity from that SEC allowing them to Close the deal so then what do we see Yet again double speak lies they're Lying straight through their teeth there Uh DZ looks like the driver for Bitcoin Well okay I'll take a Jason State the Mini day of the week they'll always take Adjacent State them uh top D you know is A common one I didn't wear the shades I Thought about wearing the shades but my

Boomerize makes it a little bit Difficult to see Foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] People must accept the fact that they Are becoming poorer oh gosh Bank of England Chiefs Economist here hey guys Just take it just look suck it up and Eat ramen next year okay that's all I Got to say just need to accept it you're Poor you're you're poor and you're gonna Eat a mayonnaise sandwich and you're Gonna like it that's all you're gonna Get all right in a new interview on Columbia Law school's Beyond Unprecedented podcasts Hugh pill a heck Of a name there says people of all Stripes should stop seeking higher pay To maintain their Lifestyles they are Used to wow if the cost of what you're Buying has gone up compared to what You're selling you're gonna you're gonna Be worse off well okay so somewhat in The you somehow in the UK someone needs To accept that they're worse off and Stop trying to maintain their real Spending Power by bidding up prices Whether higher wages or passing the Energy costs through onto customers and What we're facing now

Is that reluctance to accept that yes We're all worse off and we all have to Take our share instead people try and Pass that cost onto one of our com uh Compatriots saying well I'll be all Right but they will have to take our Share too I just I can't help a lot he's Basically saying like stop trying you Just need to like stop trying to live a Good life and just let it slowly get Worse and worse and worse I mean is that Basically what is yeah look everything You know the real inflation is like 12 But you only got a six percent raise Suck it up loser you're more poor now That's just how it's going to be and That's how it's always going to be That's a loser mentality and I refuse to Accept that mentality personally and I Think if you're watching this channel YouTube would refuse it a glitch on bit True exchange liquidates all xrp long Positions that is right and exchange Liquidated every single long position on Xrp wow wow yeah glitch uh brought that Price down like a fraction all right of A penny here uh it's like almost all Active long positions held by customers One customer's tweet indicated the price Plummeted to 0.001 Cent and immediately rebounded a Sharp price dropped wiped out virtually All active xrp long positions how did it Not I mean is there like someone

Technically in a 1x I I have no idea Probably yeah probably the exchange I Was gonna say where's Sam and Caroline How they're they're trying to recover Their funds so reopen FTX That's what it feels like oh yeah it's God mode initiated here all right uh Several customers on the platform have Called for the team to investigate the Situation and provide a proper Explanation the event reignited some Negative sentiments raising issues Around the trust that Capital users have In the exchange uh bit true has yet to Respond or make any statements regarding The glitch at least on Twitter guys There are four types of luck and we're In crypto we want to all get lucky we Want to get that lean coin you know we All want to be lucky in life we want to Be lucky with wealth our health we want To be lucky in love we just want to be Lucky right we just want to be lucky in General well there's four kinds of luck I'ma break it down real quick for you First kind of luck is blind luck that is Just hey walking around just something Random happens you didn't do anything About it it just happened as blind luck Some would call it fate that that's the Weakest kind of luck the next level is a Stronger type of luck that is hustle Luck that is you just by your sheer Energy your sheer movement you're

Stirring things around you stir these Things around you can create more Additional luck now we got the third Time we're leveling up and that is Concentrated luck that is uh purposely Targeting luck that would be uh the Example that came to mind when I was Like stirring around is like I'm at McDonald's and I found a scratch off Ticket it was worth 100 bucks blind luck Hustle luck you know what you're doing You're going to every gas station and You're checking the parking lot every Single Saturday night you know all right Now now you got a little hustle luck Then there's targeted luck what would That be that would be you go online you Go to the lottery site and you say what Store sells the most amount of lotto Tickets and which one is next to a Liquor store now you're concentrating Your luck and you're targeting and then You're going to be even more likely than The third person then there's the fourth And final luck and that is where luck Comes to you and that's where you're so Good at whatever you do people will seek You out that means hey I'm a lotto Company and this guy all he does is talk About scratch-offs he has his own YouTube you know what I'm gonna do I'm Gonna give him a hundred tickets so He'll scratch it off on his channel for Me I am seeking this person out uh the

Example I gave on the basement was a Ship records you're so good at it you're The only person who goes deep sea guess What James Cameron comes to you to look At the Titanic and that is The Fourth Kind of luck is where people come to you Because you're so good at what you do That's all I got let's choose to be Lucky let's make our own luck let's all Get rich together let's all get happy Together let's all get wealthy together We can do it all you got to do is hit The like button that's all I got dizzy Out [Music] [Music]