Bitcoin SUPER CYCLE!!! (Live from UNDISCLOSED SECRET Location)

Bitcoin SUPER CYCLE!!! (Live from UNDISCLOSED SECRET Location)

I can’t tell you where I am

Hey welcome to billboard crypto my name Is Ben I want to talk about the price of Bitcoin today coming to you from a very Special location if anybody can guess Where I'm at then uh Nah I'm not gonna send you a hundred Dollars but listen I will tell you Um that the price of Bitcoin has been Shooting through the roof uh the price Coming in today at 23 uh 400 I think was The peak Um of course crypto face taking blame For dumping the price on his Twitter I Don't know if he did or not but uh yeah I mean you guys know we're doing our Book tour so Um I'm here in the uh San Francisco Bay Area I don't know if you guys know Anything else is in the San Francisco Bay Area I had to stop by guys come on Come on I had to stop by but uh look We're just gonna talk about Bitcoin that That's that's uh That's what we're gonna do we're gonna Talk about Bitcoin today so uh I jumped In along yesterday at uh 21 800 and People said that was crazy why would you Jump into long age 21 800 and the reason Is because Frankie candles and I have Been talking and uh we had basically Decided that if the price flipped 21.8 Into support that it was going to be a Great place to Take Along on bitcoin Because it was probably going to go

Straight to 23k So that's what happened it went up I I Thought man I don't want to fomo in so Wait till it got to 21.8 and the price Um the the price Hovered at 21-8 and it started flipping It Started looking at his support It puts into support so 21-8 turned into Support and um so I took along and it Seemed a little bit risky but that thing Went straight up it went It went straight up to uh to twenty Three thousand dollars sure enough I Took I had my set profit at uh 22 700 And it hit it so it was 141 gain on my Trade Um absolutely crushed it I think I had Like a Bitcoin in a trade so I made like A Bitcoin and a half it was pretty good But the question is where is Bitcoin Going to go from here Um the most important thing of course is That uh Bitcoin is not going to go And uh it's not gonna go in uh The wrong hands we'll just say it like That it's not gonna go in the wrong hand So anyways uh the point being that uh Bitcoin has been very resilient and it's Been showing that uh you know it Definitely does not want to go down at This point and people are saying is There bull market is it a bear market And I think it's a very important

Um I think it's a very very important uh Lesson to learn here which is you know Traditionally what you see Is you see that Bitcoin tends to uh when We when we judge a Bitcoin cycle and we Look back at the the Bitcoin Market okay What you'll see is we always divide the Four-year Cycles into Bull and Bear you Don't really take a moment and say You don't take a moment and say uh that It's in sideways action when you're in The sideways action you say it sideways Action when you are watching the uh when You're in it it feels sideways when you Look back and you remember it it's Sideways but if you look at anybody that Maps out the four-year chart you'll see It's broken very clearly into bearish And bullish I believe that right now technically we Are in a bull market why do I believe That well I believe that because the Price of Bitcoin has bottomed in in my Opinion that fifteen thousand two Hundred fifteen thousand four hundred That was the bottom uh you had people Like crypto Savvy saying was going to go Down to much much much lower Um and he said it wasn't we have a Screenshot of this I posted on Twitter No hate the crypto's happy we love Crippers have he's a great guy but uh he Said that uh he you know we wouldn't see

20K again until 2025. so I guess we're Two years ahead of schedule so that's Good news but more importantly Um like I said when people look back and They judge what's going on here with the Price of Bitcoin they are going to say We've already started the bull market And eight years from now when they look Back and judge this cycle technically They're going to say that but A lot of people are asking me they're Saying man I was waiting for 12K I was Waiting for 10K it didn't happen what do I do now did I miss it well I certainly Don't think that you missed it I think That these are still decent points to Accumulate but you're seeing a lot of These alts start to run up now if if I Were you The best way that I would handle this Would be dollar cost average from here That way if you get a dip you're still Buying at the lower prices again you Know you're still buying at the lower Prices again you definitely don't want To Um you know Put all your money in right now because We're gonna have dips again I believe That we will at some point fill the Steamy Gap that's at 19 and 990 dollars That's where the CME Gap is Beware of dog apparently there's a dog Over there be careful

What kind of dog is it it might be It might be the kind of dog you get when You combine a shih tzu in a pit bull But anyways uh I think that it's really Important to dollar cost average in and And I think you're going to get a lower Price from here Um now are we going to pump all the way To 30 potentially now I want to lay out A scenario for you guys that is Basically a super cycle okay we always Talk about a super cycle in Bitcoin and What that might look like And the fact is is that when it comes to Bitcoin in a super cycle You need one of two things to happen Okay either you need a ton of money to Start flowing into the market out of Nowhere Or You need Bitcoin to be at a higher price Than we've ever seen it at By the time it starts pumping okay by The time that it really starts moving After the having because of the supply Shock that occurs so the the point is I Think there's a scenario now I don't Want to get you guys too I don't think This is going to happen Okay but I know A lot of you guys are looking for the Most bullish scenario and I think there Isn't there is a possibility that Because the attention Did not leave crypto okay because you

Had Sam Bateman freed You had all this stuff with FTX causing Such a Ruckus In the market that such a Rookies in the market that the attention Never left so the people have not left And they have not uh look let me say it Like this you are lucky in 2018 or 2019 To get 200 people watching a live stream At one time we had almost 10 000 the Other day Okay the attention in this Bear Market has been unreal it's been Unlike anything we've ever seen before And so because of that because people Are paying more attention there's more People with capital waiting to jump in This market right now and and I really Believe that because of that there's a Chance I would say about a 10 chance That maybe we could be at all-time highs By the time the Bitcoin having occurs I Don't think we're going to all-time Highs this year I don't think it's even A possibility I think the next year Though if we get the pre having pump and A lot of people know the having is Coming more than ever I don't think it's Baked in but more than ever know that It's coming so I think there is a Possibility that exists That the pre-halving pump could send Bitcoin to all-time highs it could dip Down below the all-time highs again at The having and then where we would

Normally be down like 60 70 percent at The time that the Bitcoin price starts Moving after the having We could be at a very very high number Where it's only down 10 or 20 percent From the all-time highs and that would Be absolutely massive and that could Result in potentially a super cycle so Look guys we've been talking about a Super cycle since the beginning of People tracking the Bitcoin cycles and We haven't seen it yet but there's a Little bit of opium for you guys that it Could happen and we do have a lot of Bad Actors Bad actors cleared out of the space Um that could have been shorting the Market towards the top which could have Been a reason that Bitcoin did not go to 100K so uh there you go uh that is my Analysis of what's going on with the Bitcoin market right now uh I believe That uh you guys should uh you know Dollar cost average if you missed out on The lows I think we will go back down to Around 20K again at some point Um we could go back down to 18.5 even Somewhere around there I don't think We're gonna get new lows though and I Think the bottom is in and I think People are getting more confident with That every day we told you in November We thought the bottom was in we told you After the midterm elections we would

Bottom we have done that it held through The contagion it held through Sam Bateman Freed's Fiasco of FTX and if That can't send Bitcoin to new lows Below 15K I'm just not sure really what Can so there you go reporting straight From Stanford California from Palo Alto Uh from uh Santa Ynez and uh Cooksey Lane oh God be blessed

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