Bitcoiners Afraid of PEPE (Memecoin Summer Approaches)

Bitcoiners Afraid of PEPE (Memecoin Summer Approaches)

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0:00 Intro
00:39 Ben’s NFTs
01:38 Where Ben got in PEPE
02:29 New Hoodie Plug
02:38 Elizabeth Warren Fraud Broad
04:08 PEPE entry
07:16 Toxic maximalism
08:45 Right mindset for memecoins
09:54 This day in crypto
10:50 Stake shout out
12:01 Coins that Ben talked to Trump Jr about

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There we go did we just become best Friends I am by the way the Frog King [Music] [Music] [Music] Here's all my nfts I've got right now We got my board ape here's my new board Ape um his name is Ronald for obvious Reasons right his name is Ronald we love Ronald uh Journey crypto told me he was Just about to buy that one when I got it We got my pudgy penguin or as my son Calls it the biggest of all birds Uh we got our crypto schools you guys Know we have our crypto schools we have Sappy steel lovers happy seal We have our kid called Beast I like this One too pretty good I like the kid Called Beast ones I think they're cool I Like them uh so we have this when they Tell me nfts are dead well now if you're Rich so there you go Um and then let's see we got our Campaign Panda we love this one too this One's cool you like that one yeah uh We're gonna go that uh we're gonna try To go that game by uh Bitcoin party and Those are all my best ones we have our Mutant ape Um but we're actually selling our Mutinate we're gonna get out of the Bunny club and we're gonna get the Mutant and the two uh variations of the One that matches our board a Pepe number

40 up 217 in a week I got in Pepe Um On I'll show you where I got in Pepe app Let's go to all time And guys I want you to understand this Was not me having some kind of secret Information All this was Me watching Twitter I watch Twitter I felt the sentiment the Same Cinema I felt with other coins and Other ft projects I didn't get in I said Screw it this time I'm gonna get in I Got in on the 17th right there show that All the way on the left side that's Where I got in that so Um it went up then it crashed down a Little bit and then you can see what It's done and it just had it man it just Had a big crash ever since uh I I sold My I sold mine in probably about 10 O'clock this morning maybe nine nine O'clock Maybe Um but it's only to reaccumulate that This hoodie is I'm I'm mad that we Didn't think of this hoodie first I Thought everything you see on the Channel is my idea including Frank thank You Elizabeth Warren is pushing de facto Ban on crypto in the US says blockchain Associates with Jake chavinsky well Listen here ho we're coming for you Today I made a video about her today

It's going to be out on Wednesday you Guys are going to see what a lying fraud Brought this banking broad is she's Horrible she she's lied about so much Did you know her name's not even Elizabeth Warren no that's good did you Know she's not uh it's not her birth Name either wow uh she she ran away from College married a guy popped out two Kids and then got divorced and his last Name is Warren it's like one or two Years and that's what she goes by Um which she made she made a bunch of uh Books under that name in that period That's why she didn't change it uh but Did you know that her book is Plagiarized completely but she stole it From a newspaper it's a cooking book she Stole a bunch of her recipes from a Newspaper wow this is the most corrupt Person in Washington DC outside of Gary Ginsler who is saying a lot it's her Boyfriend [Applause] Foreign [Applause] Thank you to steak our sponsor we love Steak so the thing I would look for here On Pepe Is it the 530 market cap And look at Sheba it's like 11x from Here So that's absolutely massive Um Dogecoin obviously twice that so like

Wait for a pullback I believe we're Going to get a pullback back to the Previous all-time high so if you come Back here and you look what here's my Plan do you think strongly Pepe is the The meme I do through 24 25. because I Told people I said I was not lucky People say you got your luckiest coin I Wasn't lucky I read the tea leaves yeah I read the sentiment it's different than These other coins well and you took a Couple shots too on a couple and you got Burned on ginsler yeah go to Ben ginsler And you know you took a couple shots and You hit exactly so I I would look for it Probably to come back here maybe Um about a That's an 80 drop and I don't doubt It'll happen yeah I think I think it Might so you got to be ready to hold on To your uh hold on to your butts as the Guy said in Jurassic Park hold on to Your butts uh we're probably gonna get a Massive drop I'm not gonna short it Because I feel like it would probably be Wrong for me to Short it after I've been So Pro Pepe Um so and plus it's a little bit harder To do on Bitcoin now so that there's a Combination I'm just gonna lay off Shorten it Um uh made four thousand dollars on Eight Is Short about so about too long So I thought I'd stop by and support the

Channel love y'all thank you Sebastian If you're supporting me why'd you tell Me to go get a therapist there's nothing Terrible about I mean maybe he just Thinks that's a good thing maybe he's Going through some really good things Sometimes yeah sure I'm Pro therapy I'm Pro therapy like I just what did I say Today that triggered that that's all I Want to understand I'm sorry when I Attack somebody if they apologize or They they clarify I like to say I'm Sorry Um so I'm sorry for getting on you hard Get on your heart oh well now we're back Talking about the nevermind yeah okay Maybe that's what so it when you look at The all-time chart it's hard to look at This and try to find another well I Guess you're getting here maybe or even The bottom of that Definitely come back here here or here Yeah yeah I would say here this would be Like a 40 pullback that would be Pretty good I think Um Yeah you know what's weird is why when You click one year And you click Max it's different when It's the same amount of time it's only Been around for two weeks that's bizarre Is that bizarre it made sense in January And may it doesn't make as much sense Yeah

Okay so anyways so now this gives us a Few more price points to look at like Here a 20 pullback here a a 30 to 40 Pullback somewhere around there so Um okay all right moving on uh Yo Kids Yo was asking where you get the Information for this kind of stuff it's All on Twitter yeah just follow Twitter Twitter the listen the education in Crypto happens on YouTube and that's why A lot of people on Twitter don't like me Because I'm the I'm the most popular Education person at least in America Here for educating people on crypto we Have a book we have an academy we do the Whole nine yards right that's all we Care about is getting educated people on Crypto that's what I want to do Donald Trump I want to educate Donald Trump on Bitcoin and I think it's gonna happen I Think that's gonna happen I really do Believe that you guys can see I'm pretty Close I'm one person removed from Getting in front Trump and that's what I Want see this pisses me off he reacted Negatively Story of a Trader who allegedly turned At three thousand dollar Pepe investment Into millions of dollars a story making The rounds online This is why people can't stand you sir This is why people can't stand pop this Is why people can't stand you this is Why people can't stand Corey clipston

Corey clipston made all of his money on Icos in 2017. did you know that I did he Made all his money on icos in 2017. and Then you know what he did he became a Millionaire and he said now I want to Just go Bitcoin that's what these idiots Do and they don't want to afford you the Same slack of a rope that they had Themselves right so Corey Clemson's Allowed to go on this altcoin journey And make money and then switch to Bitcoin it's okay but you're not it's The continuation of the elitist mindset You will find guys like him and Max Kaiser constantly Bashing people who made money with all Coins and praising people who lost money With all coins they love that when you Lose money with an altcoin they want you To be poor they don't want you to get Where they're at because that way their Their Bitcoin Citadel gets filled up With too many people just like the guy Who was uh the guy George I didn't know His last name I did the the interview With last year for Bitcoin magazine or Maybe it was two years ago where he said He would literally rather accept Nazis Who like Bitcoin than people that don't And it's like what is wrong with your Brain and these guys are all the same Every single one of them you you Shouldn't be in these coins for a long Time right you should do exactly what I

Do when you made a lot of money get out Of it either way to reaccumulate or Figure out where you're gonna put that Stuff Um you you these are not long-term holds Guys Pepe's not going to change the World cheap is not going to change the World dogecoin's not going to change the World none of those are long-term holds You hold them as long as you can make Money and you get out it's a whole Different mindset and I'm learning it This is me learning this mean coin Mindset because it's different than Regular investors they're it's a casino To them it's just like a casino it's Like when I got up to 380k on stake I had the chance to cash out and I Didn't and I went down to like 260k 280k And I cashed out almost all of it if I Would have kept going I would have lost It all that's how it happened you got to Have a point where you say I'm out if You have that mindset with mean coins I'm not gonna say you're going to win Because you might pick the wrong coins Would you at least have a chance we try To hold these coins and you buy into This whole Diamond hand narrative I'm Going to hold it no matter what you're Gonna lose you're always going to lose With these coins doing that because they Don't serve a purpose with ethereum you Look with cardano with xrp you look at

What they're doing and you say oh They're doing big things down the road It's going to be worth more that's not The case with mean coins render token Casper injected protocol I heard this One was ripping ICP running again so There we go looks good and here's your L Ron you're at e-gold Multiverse 6.75 Percent okay so a couple things moving Up this week not really I think we could See some big moves this week later on in The week after the fomc meeting we'll See what happens uh let's see what they Have here as the tops Pepe number 40 217 in a week I got in Pepe Um on I'll show you where I got in Pepe App let's go to all time And guys I want you to understand this Was not me having some kind of secret Information All this was Me watching Twitter I watched Twitter I felt the sentiment The same Cinema I felt with other coins And other ft projects I didn't get in I Said screw it this time I'm gonna get in I got in on the 17th right there show That All the way on the left side thank you To steak for sponsoring the xrp moment We have every single day uh sponsoring The xrp segment uh they are uh our Partner and uh a great winner we love

Steak for sure I did wear a steak tie to My hearing so your core hearing yeah Yeah so in the transcripts which Hopefully my lawyer says I can't release Them somebody else ah you drive me crazy Because I won't do so bad he's like Really being a stickler on it Um because I said stuff under oath and I'm like what nothing I said untrue and He's like well it can incriminate you I'm like you can't incriminate the truth But whatever I digress I think they're Still trying to figure out if I'm Telling the truth or not I think I guess I don't know is they don't know me but Whatever Um but the lawyer on the other side he Says sponsored by steak for me so I Didn't have to so it was amazing Um but anyways I decided the attorney on The for them yeah yeah because he said He said this morning your honor he even Said he was excited like a Critic a kid On Christmas or this hearing he's Excited for this hearing and and he he Wore he said it was sponsored by stake And he said and today your honor he's Even wearing a tie that says steak let's Throw the X up we don't only throw the Steak up we throw the eggs up as well we Support the xrp Army I did by the way am I Donald Trump during your interview you Guys will see you tonight I really talked about Ripple uh like I

Didn't talk about any one topic a ton But I definitely did mention all the Coins that we love I mentioned ICP I Mentioned Ada mentioned ethereum Mentioned algo hbar uh I can't remember If I mentioned polygon or not but all The ones we love and I certainly Represent the xrp Army Um for sure So uh actually how much xrp do you think Is enough for the cycle we're doing a Video on that right now oh okay we're Gonna do a video on that so we won't Answer that question but it'll be very Soon you'll see [Music] Foreign [Music]