Very interesting development from Celsius, Core scientific, & Blackrock in terms of Bitcoin mining
Welcome to Big Boy crypto my name is Ben And crypto is over as we know it is that True Well I tell you guys all the time what Is the way That the traditional Finance the great Reset the wef the IMF how do they defeat Crypto they cannot do it from the Outside in they must do it from the Inside out Taking control of something like the Bitcoin hash rate uh could be a way to Centralize Bitcoin now a lot of people Tell you that's not possible I would tell you that there's hardly Anybody in the world who has enough Money out there in order to control the Hash rate of Bitcoin now Are there is there anyone out there Potentially there might be a few Families out there There's one company in particular that Everyone needs to pay attention to and This is none other than BlackRock now I Do want to say from the outset here that I do think there is an internal coup uh Trying to happen in the world of crypto From BlackRock and Goldman Sachs however I don't think it will be successful and I don't the logistics of how much money It would take to actually control 51 of Bitcoin network is astronomical However however BlackRock there Certainly are some entities that could
Join together uh but then again they Would also have to have control of the Majority of nodes on the network and It's it's very complicated it's very Unlikely to happen but that doesn't mean That they're not going to try to get a Bigger stake in Bitcoin if for whatever Reason just to own more Bitcoin but this All has to do with Bitcoin mining and It's something that I think a lot of People are not reading in between the Lines here okay what story am I talking About I'm talking about the agreement Today that has occurred between Celsius And core scientific core scientific is a Mining company it's a it was a public Company or it is a public company they Run minors But still you have to buy your own Machines to be able to run for them to Run your miners for you they basically Run a mining Farm but you front the the Uh equipment costs okay so Celsius back In the Bull Run it's been about four or Five hundred million I believe based on What I understand on bitcoin miners now This is in addition to Um uh the the reorganization plan not Addition to but something that you also Need to understand is is that the reorg Plan for Celsius to try to move forward As a company involves trying to become Profitable off their Bitcoin mining Operation now obviously we know that
Vagina insolvency hole we know the whole Story we've gone over it a lot of times But this is a big part of their business And I've talked to people who actually Believe that Celsius through their Mining operations can eventually make People whole potentially and become a Viable company again now the question is Will they ever have trust again that's a Totally different situation Um and will a judge let them go forward With the reorganization plan but I think Anyone even finance that would pick up Celsius for 500 million dollars worth of Bitcoin mining equipment that is Certainly something that seems appealing To a lot of people now so you've got These players you have Celsius that has All this money equipment you have score Scientific that is the money farm that Runs the miners They've both filed for chapter 11 Meaning they're both bankrupt and There's massive changes coming to both Celsius claims that core scientific Basically jacked up their electricity Costs that was not in their contract Okay so they jacked up the electricity Cost and now something's having to pay More for scientific is saying the Celsius is behind on payments and have Not been paying them so basically There's a a conflict between the two What does this mean they've now agreed
To a transition period of up to 75 days The miners have been turned off Celsius Must go pick up their mining equipment On their own dime From core scientific of course Scientific says they will be able to Free up two million dollars worth of Revenue By renting the space out or by helping Another company that can make their Payments with mining okay This is where it gets very interesting We're scientific also said or we could Do our own mining operation in our Facility huh Who recently gave since since we've Known they've been in trouble who Recently gave Core scientific a 17 million dollar loan Okay I'm not sure if it was a loan or Just an investment whatever it was who Gave them 70 million dollars recently BlackRock You guys see what's coming you see What's happening here the United States Has gone from having about 10 of the Hash rate in the world to 35 according To the numbers I've looked at Um now now a lot of that is from the I Based that number off of the uh I think It's the bit USA or Foundry USA whatever It is it's a large mining pool so I'm Not sure how many of those are actually In America
But that's since I've looked at say 35 Of course big shout out to my home state Of Georgia we have 33 of all the Bitcoin Mining in America uh which is uh you Know clean spark is leading the way There we did a video on them a while Back with their submerged miners but the Point is Is now BlackRock has already shown a Relationship of course scientific the Word on the street is Blackrock has been Planning on possibly buying or bailing Out corn scientific why why why why They want to get in the Bitcoin mining Game that's what this is all about BlackRock coming into Bitcoin mining uh Tonight you know on tonight's video oh That's not good that's Sun fixed there On tonight's video we're going to be Talking about The continued Saga between Gemini and Between Barry sober and the role that Circle and Goldman Sachs plays in that Well guess guess where there's also a Lot of overlap that's right between BlackRock and Goldman Sachs guys wake up To what's happening there's an internal Coup in crypto we're watching BlackRock Now positioning themselves to become a Massive player in the Bitcoin mining Game Your Bitcoin people have said in the Past like oh you know like you know
Everything that's going on like Bitcoin Is infallible they're you know let's go After the altcoins that's regulation Blah blah blah blah well now you've got BlackRock coming into the game does this Change your opinion on bitcoin and Bitcoin mining and here's why here's the Thing I really want you to take away From this video and to think about What is something that BlackRock Has actually turned down Investments for His act has made a gigantic priority in Their company one of the same things That the world economic Forum has made a Massive priority Climate change Energy sustainability solar The green uh electric car the whole Thing okay What is bitcoin known as to the average Person not the person in the space that Knows the facts Being extremely bad for the environment Do you see where this is going BlackRock Comes into the world of Bitcoin becomes A massive player on the Bitcoin mining Stage and now is able to make decisions And not control they're not able to Control it they will not have a majority Of the hash rate okay but they're gonna Have a bigger say in the direction of Bitcoin mining in the future and how Bitcoin is relative to uh the Environment and I can kind of see this
In a way where they start picking off Other mining companies as well and and BlackRock is now trying to control The Narrative of climate change around Bitcoin trying to create new green and Sustainable Ways to Mine it that will Benefit their own pockets and now They'll have their investors behind it Because their investors care about that Stuff too and and really just to become A behemoth in the crypto space this is Not what we want this is why we want People like chamoth Paula hapatia while We want people like Kevin O'Leary while We want people like Jim cream why we Want people like Gary ginsler why we Want others that fit this same mold why We want them out of crypto just say no So Watch What Happens here with this It's gonna be very interesting to follow Uh Celsius course scientific BlackRock It's it's an evolving situation but I Want to know your opinions on it drop Your comments down below I want to be Clear not saying BlackRock is going to Control Bitcoin I know the Maximus and They're gonna clip this video and They're gonna say stupid crap they're Not gonna control Bitcoin I don't think They can do a 51 attack if they Controlled a large percentage it's still Not 51 they're the largest decentralized No network I understand all that but BlackRock trying to get a bigger say in
Bitcoin mining and trying to have a Bigger holding in Bitcoin it is Dangerous for the crypto space Especially with the overlap with the Banking world and Goldman Sachs and the World economic Forum this is how they do It they weasel in we don't know the full Plan yet but we know this is probably The start of it that's all I got be Blessed be well