BREAKING! SBF Plea Deal – Celebrity Lawyers Hide FTX Colluders

BREAKING! SBF Plea Deal - Celebrity Lawyers Hide FTX Colluders

Today we’re talking about conflict of interest in SBF’s legal team and some other secrets he doesn’t want you to know

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0:00 Intro
0:15 SBF’s release
3:25 Who’s his new lawyer?
4:50 Conflict of interests
5:29 Not guilty?

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People are wondering with FTX and Sam Bateman free if the fix is in well today We're going to show you a crazy conflict Of interest and we're also going to talk About a secret that SPF doesn't want you To know let's get it Welcome to Big Boy crypto my name has Been obviously the FTX SBF debacle has Been a disaster from day one but let's Catch up let's remind you guys of what Happened when it came to Sam Bateman Free getting released some breaking news In the case against disgraced crypto Founder Sam Bateman freed he was just Released on 250 million dollar Bond new Video showing Bank been freed right There leaving Court just moments ago he Made his initial court appearance in the U.S today to face those fraud charges For the collapse of his company FTX he Was accused of stealing billions of Dollars from his customers and investors All right so as we know Sam bingman Freed was released on a 250 million Dollar Bond but the question is who paid For this Bond well here we have uh some Of the answers but not all the answers We're looking for and what well may be The highest ever bond amount before a Trial FTX founder Stan Bateman freed is Said to be released after posing 250 Million dollar bond dwarming that of Fame for an angel froster Bernie Madoff His Grand 10 million dollar bail

Agreement 2008 but of course we know his Parents all they did was put out their Palo Alto house worth four million Dollars it makes no sense he's at house Arrest there uh he faces wire fraud Money laundering violated campaign Finance laws Federal prosecutors did not Attempt to withhold bail but they did Grant what is believed to be the highest Ever pre-op pre-trial Bond Bayman breeds Acquiescence the U.S extradition from The Bahamas where he lived and was Arrested helped his case for being offer Bailed to begin with so basically what They're saying here is this is something We had not heard is that the fact he had To waive his rights in the Bahamas to Get extradited that was what they used Is that was what sambauman free used and His lawyers is bait to get bail here in America this was a fraud of Epic Proportions if that was the only test Detention would likely be appropriate But he voluntarily consented to Extradition that should be given weight The bond guys He wanted out of the Bahamas you hear The conditions they weren't great even In the infirmary where he was the bond Will be signed by bingman freed his Parents and one non-family member According to court proceedings well but How about this SBS lawyer today has Asked the court to conceal the

Identities of 250 million dollar bill Cosigners there were two four people Total his parents and two more we don't Know who they are he just asked them to Redact uh he asked them to redact uh Those names they want to conceal the Names of the identity identifying Information of the two cosigners in Addition to his parents for the bail the Lawyer said SBS parents had received Lots of threatening correspondence Consequently there's a serious customer Concern that two additional sureties Would face similar intrusions on their Privacy To me what this says is these are Prominent people that's the only reason They would want them concealed they're Who knows maybe they're connected Politically maybe they're connected Through the court system or maybe They're connected to FTX like maybe it's Kevin O'Leary we don't really know for Sure But this is a big big big problem when We don't know who's helping him get out On this bail now who is spf's lawyers Let's talk about lawyers for a second Because this is uh kind of interesting Here Um in anticipation here it says of Possible lawsuits and federal Investigations SPF is surrounded by a Star study a never-changing team of

White-collar crime experts Um including a Stanford law professor Parents Joe bangman and Barbara freed Now added to sbm's Legal roster is David W Mills a high profile lawyer with Celebrity connections who once Spearheaded uh reforms California's Three strike rule I think Kamala Harris May have had something to do with that Potentially I think my memory serves me Correct Mills also happens to be a Colleague of the crypto Founders parents At Stanford law school Mills careers Establishment is a force in the world of Law and politics and business with a Career that's banned for advising Elizabeth Holmes co-chairing the indeed Uh naacp's defense fund he's the Definition of an old eccentric rich man Is what they say so that's his lawyer But here's what's even more interesting Here's the giant conflict of interest Here this is from the Nassau Guardian in The Bahamas check this out Peter D Maynard and company representing FTX U.S now why is this strange why is This strange well what you have to Understand is ftxus has now retained Peter Maynard as Bahamian Council for What's going on down there now here's Where the conflict of interest comes in Peter D Maynard Is representing FTX U.S in the Bahamas Well who is representing SBF in the

Bahamas A family member of Peter Maynard Allison Maynard very very interesting when you Look at these conflict of interests you Have family members representing two Different entities with overlapping Interests in the Bahamas the Bahamian People are yelling about corruption from The top of the hills no one seems to be Listening to them and now we've got Family members representing two Different entities involved in this it Is definitely a conflict of interest the People in the Bahamas are very concerned About this now let's go back to what's Going on today with SPF because this is The really big news of the day SBF is Going to be pleading not guilty and Could be facing up to 115 years in Prison lawyers argue that plans of SBF Deplete not guilty may not be in his Best interest Indeed it may seem surprising a Surprising move to the general public That SBF has been advised to plead not Guilty by his lawyers considering the Fact that his co-executives have both Made plea deals according to formal Federal prosecutor Dana Perry the doj Has a lot of witnesses that are ready to Testify for the case during on a trial But she believed that not guilty of made Will be an attempt for us we have his Lawyers to negotiate a better deal with

The amount of time that will be freed up They have a mountain of paper evidence And in fact a mission by the defendant Himself there are not going to be in a Particular rush and they're not going to Be welcoming of any sweetheart plea deal There's a belief that the non-guilty Plea deal can give prosecutors ample Time to dig out more anomalies attached To the exchange and its operators and What I will say is this is that when it Comes to FTX Everybody has seen to look at all these Things different you looked at Terra Luna you looked at three arrows Capital You looked at Celsius you looked at Voyager When FTX collapsed everyone realized oh My gosh there was some interconnection Between these entities what I will tell You right now Is watch for the connections that could Be rising up soon between Barry Silver Digital currency group circle And FTX the rabbit hole is only going to Get deeper that's all I got be blessed May Sam serve 115 years in prison the Boy out Foreign Foreign [Music]

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