CAUTION: Bitcoin Is Following EVERY Previous Cycle. | They’re All Wrong About The Markets!

CAUTION: Bitcoin Is Following EVERY Previous Cycle. | They're All Wrong About The Markets!

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Bitcoin is following every previous Cycle throughout history and from this Point on it's not an easy right this is Where things get very difficult so let's Stick with the chart look at the timing Look at where we go from this point and Use some of the history that we have From other markets to help us identify What is happening through these markets Through these uncertain times and Unprecedented times in the traditional Markets there are some amazing Similarities between the Bitcoin cycle The S P 500 and the NASDAQ even through These times where things seem different I can assure you they are not the charts Are telling us a very different story to What the media is so make sure you hit That like And subscribe does go a long Way to helping out the channel and Allowing YouTube to know you want to see More of the truth the truth from the Charts all right let's start with the Cycle on BTC we currently find ourselves 79 weeks from the all-time high the Cycle is basically performed as it has Has done throughout the history of Bitcoin but we also have the s p to get Through we have the NASDAQ to get Through because these markets have Decades more history than Bitcoin and The same sort of patterns repeat time And time again so through June into November this was the period that we

Were looking for a potential bottom to Form in the market we saw this pricing Here of June basically around 17 and a Half thousand we're really looking at This to be somewhere near the low like We said on the channel you can find that In all of the videos we're looking at This to be around that low but if the Market went down a little further we Didn't think it would go that much Further and lo and behold in comes November when we get a price point of 15 And a half K so we know throughout this Period this was the best time to be Buying Bitcoin compared to where we are Right now and at these times many Thought the market was going to go lower You may call the old ten thousand dollar Call there were calls of six thousand Dollars there were calls of three Thousand dollars but from that point We've done a hundred percent all the way Up to Thirty one thousand dollars so we Know what it's like when the market Disagrees with the facts here when the News media when the retail investors When the Talking Heads Are disagree with What is being said in the charts it's no Different now to what it was back at the Lows back when we had the previous low In June as well there is always going to Be people that disagree but I just want To stick to the facts on the charts the Same thing happened when we hit that

March low we found this big bounce off The back of major major news where we Had the banking crisis and Bitcoin Skyrocketed from that point nineteen and A half thousand all the way up to Thirty One thousand dollars it was the same Thing then when we were looking at this As a great buying opportunity anything Underneath that 20K level was absolutely Amazing and I even put the tweet out About anything under 22 000 was a Fantastic opportunity so we're no Stranger to having the masses disagree With what our analysis is telling us at The time that it's occurring the time That we need to take action not after The fact not waiting for further Confirmation up on the chart which Basically loses you all of those rewards To the upside but at the time and of Course we're just trying to sway the Probabilities on our side it's not to Say that it's 100 percent nothing in Investing is 100 but we're just trying To put those probabilities on our side And get in as early as the charts are Telling us to so where we currently find Ourselves is 79 bars so 79 weeks from The all-time high all-time high Currently in our 79th week so about 20 Weeks short of our next Milestone that Hundred weeks getting closer to that Two-year period from the all-time high But what I found really interesting with

This period is that the my Market Doesn't change the market has not Changed throughout history so what we Can see from this point of the 79 weeks From the high is last time in the last Cycle it was basically a week out From the next pump up so we had that First really strong push from BTC going From that 3000 we had the breakout at 4 000 and it reached 14 000. so basically What many were calling the bear Market Rally which basically wasn't a bear Market rally but the start of the bull Market the bull market for the peak in 2021 started all the way back in December 2018. bull markets start from The low they don't start from the Breakout when retail gets involved That's the worst time that we want to be Basically loading up because there's Basically nothing left at that point Obviously we're trying to get as low as Possible and use the signals in the Chart to tell us that and that's why we Look at Bull markets starting from the Lows and then just using the analysis to Get in as close as possible so in the Previous cycle from that top we saw 79 Weeks took us almost dead on to that Previous top that move out of the low The market of course went sideways did Its c19 down hands all the way back up And then broke out of that point but 79 Weeks already had shown the low the

Capitulation into that low and then the Pump out of the market let's go back to The previous cycle doing a back testing To see how these rules work out see how The timing in these markets work out so The previous all-time high we had it in 2013. 79 weeks took us right to the Middle of the accumulation Zone we Didn't get any further new lows we Didn't get any further collapses we Didn't get any ridiculous numbers going All the way back to under a hundred Dollars it was basically right in the Middle of the accumulation before the Market broke out and started to Consolidate above previous resistance Levels so you can see that we had the First accumulation then we had the next Accumulation and the market continued to Stair step its way out of all of the Accumulation zone so basically the Reaccumulation zones now on most Exchanges this was wasn't a new low this Of course is the index but basically on Mostly other exchanges this was not a New low the low was put in in January of 2015 and this is the accumulation Zone Going back to the next cycle doing our Back testing to make sure that these Signals are working and what the markets Do in rough time frames all right so 79 Weeks we had a peak in June 2011 dumped Into November 2011 in 79 weeks put it All the way back out at nearly the

Breakout Point into that final uh into The second run up in that bull market so You had the first accumulation the next Accumulation and then finally on that Low volatility the Mark was just about To break out so 79 weeks from that top Similar sort of thing the low was put in Before we got to the point of that next Breakout the low was put in here within That 79 week period as it had done Through 2013 2014 as it had done for Through 2018 2019 and probably as it has Done in 2021 and 2022 low is most likely In here 79 weeks in from the top is a Long way to try and hope for a new lower Price but this is just BTC does it Happen in other markets of course I'm Going to show you the data on that as Well and humans make up the markets There are more humans in the traditional Markets than there is in the crypto Markets but nonetheless they all react The same they all behave the same and That's the thesis that we use with our Technical analysis that's why we trust The charts more than we trust people Talking about what they say they're Going to do we want to know what they're Actually doing which is what is in these Charts if you like the truth and you Like the facts and you just want to Focus on the charts I gotcha hit that like button subscribe To the channel you can see from the

Channel we focus on studying the past This is all part of being able to Forecast the future or at least swing The probabilities in your favor we don't Know for sure what's going to happen in The future but we can essentially swing The probabilities in our favor because We're just studying what people have Done in the past and they tend to be on Repeat you've probably seen this with People in your own lives they don't Typically change and they do the same Thing time and time again so if we can Understand what they've done in the past Typically they're going to repeat or at Least rhyme those patterns from the past Into the future so looking at the S P 500 we're going to go into a more macro Time frame here to do a similar sort of Thing because The only way Bitcoin is going to hold up Is if the rest of the markets hold up We're not going to see a collapse in the Stock markets yet Bitcoin pumped to the Upside so if the stock markets collapse BTC is going to collapse as well there's Still not enough strength in that market To take it on its own bull market Without the rest of the markets also Going up as well so monthly chart here For the s p 500. we have the top back in January of 2022 let's look at where we Currently sit just 16 months from that Top remember the narratives right now

There's still a lot of narratives that The bear Market is still here that we're Going to crash to new lows that this Market is just holding up for the time Being and we're still going to see Further downside let's have a look and Put that narrative to the test so what We're looking for is an all-time high And 16 months after that all-time high What has occurred well the previous time We have to that because all of these all Hit new all-time highs within that 16 Months so this is pretty much the Longest time that we've been underneath An all-time high since the GFC so the GFC 16 months was just one month out From the low basically within that Period within this 16 months the market Was just about done with the move that Was the lowest close that the GFC the Global financial crisis had from that Peak of October 2007 all the way down Into Feb 2009 that was the lowest close After that Point Market rallied really Strong yes we had a lower price at this Point but that month of March hit the Low and then rallied closed higher so so Far from that GFC which is actually a Much bigger event than what's going on Now in the Market within 17 months it Had the low and rallied out of it with a Higher close so so far it's basically Saying that well the ma the the market Has probably found its low but let's go

Back one further we have the 2000 to 2002 collapse That first 16 months was the top all the Way down to the midpoint in this move Here take it off longer you can just see The the move itself we had a significant Low here and now this is the one that Everyone points to saying well it can Collapse further but you can see that There is a pretty Stark difference in The pattern that we're seeing now Compared to what we saw then let's have A look at this we've got the 16 bars or The 16 months themselves then the Collapse happen again and the next 16 Months saw the low saw the significant Low here so it happened 15 months after That 16 month point so essentially the Whole thing was done in 31 months so Going from that Peak all the way down to The low in October there's your 31 bars So another 15 months then saw that low From this point so that's why you've got A lot of people still looking forward in The next 12 months to see another low in These markets saying that this is the Same time as that but of course on the Channel we've covered many reasons why This is not the same as that particular Collapse in the market plenty of timing Points showing difference and the major One here is the structure of the market As you can see there were many swing Tops but they all continued much lower

And finally putting in that higher low On the swings that produced the bottom So the higher lows are producing bottoms The breakout of the monthly tops here Are producing the first signals to say That's the low the lows in and get ready For this next move to the upside so have A look at what we have today You can see we've got the low and the The monthlies are starting to climb Their way up here you can see these Bases forming and the market trying to Get its head back above that so if we're Looking for the next macro signal it's Those monthly closes Above This level Above that 4100 Point level that's what We're waiting for right now but there Are many other signals showing why this Is the case when we drop it back down to The weekly you can see that we've had Many higher lows plus we've had extreme News events at these lows to put into The market the fear that they've been Waiting for and then obviously the Prices Bounce from that fear but Nonetheless let's stick with what we've Got here looking back at the monthly so Heading backwards in time going back to Previous old all-time highs so far we Have that one example where the market Had collapsed and stayed down after the 16 months so that's the one time that it Didn't work let's go back to the Black Friday event 1987 huge year of collapses

Around the world within 16 months the Market had rallied and broken past Previous monthly tops now within several More months the market had broken to new All-time highs So within that 16 month Period the low had formed Market was Bouncing out of that area we go back to 1980s into that 1982 collapse so it's 16 Months the low was almost in you had the Low in August the low price but the Closes from that point was a strong Bounce out of that area so this one Shows one two three four five more Months to that low but essentially the Pricing was there so that's a pretty Strong sign that the low was getting Formed and then once it hit and just Took out those stops Market bounced Away Really strong from that point We go forward again to the 70s all the Inflation time here is another example That we can see That there was another few months to go With significant downside for the S P 500 but again you can see the pattern Was still lower highs and the market was Still looking to roll over from that Point very different to what we see now With the market holding up higher lows Forming and tops getting tested with Higher closes like we saw in April one Of the highest monthly closes since the Market started to fall previously so That's the difference that you can see

Between these these periods of bear Markets where the market started to Collapse further there was still a lot Of weakness in the chart by that 16-month stage before it was basically Almost all over going back again to the 60s you see the top you can see the low To 16 months one month later similar to The GFC finally had that price low and Then the market pretty much skyrocketed Out of that point going all the way back To those all-time high prices 16 months right here marketer ready for The low bounce back nearly hitting the Same price again so within 16 months all The move was over done and dusted Going back to the 50s We've got this 16 month the low was Already formed Market was forming a base And starting to work its way out of Those levels you can see the higher lows Beginning to form and the market testing Some of those higher prices again on the Monthly chart remember as it started to Work its way higher and push past that Point so that's the 50s the next couple Of points are underneath the Great Depression here is your 16 months the Market had a lot further to fall from That point but of course we went on a Mega rally before that stage there maybe Similar to what we're happening what We're seeing now which is why many are Still pointing to this particular era

I'm not against that I think that is Going to happen in the future but what We're seeing in the charts now is again Quite different to what was happening Back then this was at the end of a mega Mega Bull Run unlike what the world had Ever seen before that and these periods You can still see lower lows lower highs Forming on the monthly with the Breakdown continuing very different to What we're seeing today now these other Two regions which are underneath the the Old all-time high are different because We're measuring times at all-time highs And what happens 16 months after the old All-time high nonetheless within that 16 Months if you want to take these as some Data as well basically you've got the Low in there here's the 16 month period There is the low the market barely went Underneath that low again here's your 16 Months there is the lows within the 16 Months and then the lows that happened After the 16 months barely going Underneath that low there all the while On the more macro you've got higher lows Forming it's getting congested here and It's just waiting to break out to the Upside and this was all happening within The second world war you're getting Prices starting to bounce out of that Zone putting in basically higher and Higher lows before it breaks out into New all-time highs if you think I'm done

With that with the data guess again Let's have a look at the NASDAQ there Are a couple of examples here so it's Not going to take as long 77 weeks this Time from the top we were looking at 16 Months on the s p 77 weeks from the All-time high of November 2021 very Similar to what happened in Bitcoin sees Us heading new fresh highs for 2023 Hitting new Fresh weekly closes for 2023 And almost all the way back to this Period of August where we had that final Peak before the final collapse into October then the higher lows begin to Form so some pretty different signs here With the market climbing up so there's Our 77 weeks from the all-time high to Where we currently are what have we seen In the past from all-time highs within The 77-week period well this one isn't The all-time high because we know we had collapse further back but Nonetheless within that 77 uh week Period take it back to here to 77 the Low had occurred the higher low had Occurred and the Breakout Had also occurred so we've already seen The load this was the GFC bigger worse All that sort of stuff than what we see Today yet many are still waiting for a Further collapse in the market and so This is the one that they're all Pointing to remember we looked at the s P many of the times the lows already

Happened all were basically at the lows So at 77 weeks you can see the market Have collapsed to roughly 73 take it out Another week just so that we can make it As Extreme as possible 77 this is what Was happening back at collapse At the 7778 week Mark from the all-time High so there was still the low to go But it was essentially at the bottom of That range you can see the market broke Under it tested it tested it again Tested it again higher low and broke out So this was a very significant low in That period at that 77 week Mark so do I Think this is going to happen again of Course not it's not time for that to Happen remember the type of Market that Was around back then this was like an Old coin marker with a whole lot of crap In this in the the tech sector you can Argue there's still a lot of crap in the Tech sector but we have a lot of big Projects which are carrying the market And the reason for that is their Network Effect we've covered this in previous Videos so hit that like And subscribe to The channel you have players that are Bigger and that are more established 20 Years later and of course they're still Making profits those companies are still Going up your apples your Amazons even Facebook that's had a mega collapse Those things are still all going up and People are using them unlike what

Happened to Amazon during this period Amazon went down 95 during this period This time we don't see Amazon going down 95 it's being used it has a network and It's basically the biggest thing on the Planet unlike what it was back then so This collapse here is very much like a An altcoin collapse because most of that Stuff is just gonna Be gone no one's going to remember it in A few years time whereas the collapse Now we have many major projects that are Footholds in all of our lives so within That 77 week period the market is Basically bottomed and started to find Its way out of the low kinda similar to What we're seeing now bottom finding its Way out of the low this is the outlier Remember timing was slightly different However even at that low the market was Using that as a resistance before it Broke out of it so some pretty key Levels to watch at that 77 78 wheat Mark Now I've got a ton of other data to get Through but this video is long enough so Make sure you stick around on the Channel hit that like And subscribe Stuff to get through with the velocity Of money stuff to get through with the Real M2 and plenty of other data points Showing what is happening in 2023 so Don't go anywhere subscribe like the Content up and of course in the top of The video description if you want to

Join us for our free trading workshops Subscribe to our free newsletter we'll Let you know when that is ready it's Coming out very very soon thanks again For your time and your support on the Channel guys remember until next time Have more fun to get more done peace out