Caution: Bitcoin Rally On The Brink of Capitulating | This is Not What Crypto Investors Want To See.

Caution: Bitcoin Rally On The Brink of Capitulating | This is Not What Crypto Investors Want To See.

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As the so-called most hated rally in History for the stock market and Cryptocurrencies continues this leaves a Lot of bears left on the sideline Waiting for the next catastrophic Collapse is it going to come and how Deep could it cut let's take a look at That in the charts today and also time Frames of how we get to these points in The markets you know what to do hit that Like And subscribe to the channel if you Haven't already the free crypto and Economic report is going out in less Than 12 hours that link is in the top of The video description plus it also gives You a discount for Tia premium which is Going through a price increase at the End of this month so if you want to jump On board with our members then check out That link in the top of the video Description alright guys we have a lot To get through we're going to look at The macro just recap The View here quite Quickly the news that is coming up look At where the money is distributed around The world and why that's important Especially if we are paying attention Into these news headlines which come out Basically every single day that change The Narrative of the market however it Doesn't necessarily change the price Behavior in the markets so the first Thing that we're looking at is the news For the week tonight we get the CPI

Announcements month over month year over Year the CPI is trending down as you Know as a viewer of the channel we don't Pay particular attention to this to tell Us what is going to happen long term in The markets what these what this data Does do is give us volatility in the Short term so this can lead to some Great short-term trading in terms of the Long term we've proven that this doesn't Make any difference to the cycle the Cycle is the cycle if it's down it's Down if it's up it's up that has been Proven as a fact already but it does Give you some great short-term trading Opportunities that you cannot deny there Is always some great volatility to Happen when these high impact news Announcements come out but you can find Forex Factory under these little red Factory icons here so the US is the Major Market that we will pay attention To and that of course is coming out Tonight so let's let's pay attention to That over the next 24 hours now one data Point that we've been looking at and Covering on the channel is the Smart Money versus dumb money confidence this Can be read in a couple of different Ways I've shown you how I use it in the Market so make sure you are subscribed So you can stay up to date with this but I want to just point out the most recent Data that we've looked at through this

Bear Market into this transitional bull Market so we're going from a bear Market Throughout 2022 with the low coming in In October and now the stock market Which is this black line here is Trending up the Marone line is the dumb Money and the blue line is the Smart Money and typically you can see the lows The dumb money is fearful so it's at This lower part of the reading and the Smart money is more optimistic at the Lows in the market however recently We've seen a bit of a shift just in the Last few days here the last week or so You can see that the Blue Line being the Smart money was pessimistic at the tops Of the s p what we could see recently Over the last week or so is the Blue Line the smart money was pessimistic at Around these tops however the dumb money Was optimistic that optimism has dropped For the dumb money but increased started To increase for the smart money yet the Price basically remains around the same Level so you can start to get this Flip Or this convergence of confidence in the Market Basically resetting the market sentiment While the price remains relatively Stable we have had some moves ups and Downs and bank failures and different Narratives shipped around the market Throughout April and now into may but You can see the prices basically

Remained the same for the last month Month and a half yet the Market Sentiment from the smart money and the Dumb money has switched places and Begins to switch places again and then Basically end up right in the dead Middle so that is just a way for the Market sentiment to catch up and we're Also going to look at this for Cryptocurrencies as well and how this Plays into the entire Market space when We look at where the moves start from Really key Point here because basically We know that the majority of moves Happen in a short period of time so if You miss the moves then you've basically Lost a lot of the profits they happen in A few days and a lot of the time the Market is just trying to figure out what It wants to do next now before we get to That in the charts this one is also Really important because we need to Understand where the money is and I'm Sure most of us know by now that the Majority of the money is controlled by The few and the majority of the people Control very little of the money so this I find very very important to remind Ourselves time and time again because All we hear from the new use is the Economy is broken interest rates are Going up people can't afford their homes They can't afford food they can't afford Energy eventually all this thing is

Going to collapse and although I do Agree with that that the system will Collapse at some point probably in a few More years that's typically where the Bears and the Bulls differ I think That'll happen years from now in a macro Sense in the short term sure we can get Some capitulations but the Bears are Believing that we should have had that Collapse in 2022 they believe it was in The first half of 2023 and now they're Extending it to the second half of 2023 Why this is important is because 12 of The population Controls about 85 of the wealth 85 of the wealth Controlled by about 12 of people if you Have over a hundred thousand dollars to A million dollars you're in that top 12 Percent one percent up here and the 11 Percent here makes 12 if you have over a Million dollars you're in that top one Percent in the world now unfortunately This is just the data just the Statistics here if you're under a Hundred thousand dollars of net wealth Then you're basically in the bottom Eighty eight eighty seven percent of the Population of course this takes into Account everyone in the world Africa India some of the poorest Nations okay We're not talking about that what we Want to know is how to how to invest and Um understand what is going on out in

The world and where that money could be Shifting as the data shows the majority Of people have very little money the Very few people have the majority of the Money that's important to understand Especially when we start to consider What the news narratives are now I'm Going to throw a bit of a a line out Here and say that the majority of people They typically go with the news if you Disagree let me know in the comments but I'm going to throw a line at here Because that's typically what we see Across the news channels a lot of the New channels are still bearish a lot of The media is still bearish social media Still bearish they're all waiting for Things to go down where the smallest Amount of money is held is with the Masses so I don't think this is going to Affect the markets longer term when you Can consider that the majority of the Money the vast vast majority of the Money is with the very few and why we Want to know that because we want to Understand what those few people or the Mass of the money is actually doing Which is why we refer to the charts Rather than what is going on in the Economy we can't trade the economy what We can trade is the chart and the chart Is the fact yes there is a lot of bad Going on out in the world but the chart Is the fact and if we wanted to make

Money then we got to trade with the Chart and so that leads me to the macro View before we get onto the shorter term Stuff for BTC the macro view here is Well we're seeing some resistance at Around 28 29 000 Bitcoin has tried a Couple of times to break past that level 30k 31k but continues to get slammed Back down week after week tried again a Couple of weeks ago getting to 30 000 And 36 dollars we broke back down so is This the time that we start to collapse And break past these lows of course my Opinion is that it doesn't happen yet or It doesn't happen at all we have a few Key invalidation levels and this is me This is not me flipping any sort of Bearish but I have to have some Invalidation levels because there's no 100 guarantees I am still very much in The long-term bullish Camp short term I Highly doubt as I said yesterday in the Weeks before that this low in March that Banking crisis low where everything went Crazy is going to get taken out either If that can't get taken out then Obviously the low here the cycle bottom Is not going to get taken now so none of Those views have changed but in the Short term we're seeing some resistance So we do have to have some sort of Pullback Now in terms of The Upside somewhere Around that mid 30s it's that's the

Levels that we've been looking for Around that 33 34 35 000 level you can See going back over history you can see There's been some reasonable support Here we throw it on the candles that's Where the body the bodies have closed Above those levels and then quickly back Above them then the Wicks through the January low into the February low also Touched around this level 33 into about 34 35 000. to the underside that's the bottom Of the weeks bottom of the Wicks the Bottom of the candles and also the top Of the Wicks through here as well so There's a fair bit of Resistance between that high 20s and low 30s that the market needs to overcome But it takes time now we get to the Juicy part of this video so let's have a Look at the juiciest part in terms of Time and if you miss these opportunities You've basically missed all of the big Market action so make sure you do Subscribe hit that like button I got That Segway in I hope you like that one Let me know with the little emoji of a Thumbs up down below I'll give you a Peace sign either raw and of course this Week this next 12 hours our free crypto And economic report is coming out to Sign up to that all right link top of The video description so the short-term Stuff this is what really matters most

Let's go back and have a look at the Previous accumulation zone for BTC uh November December January early part of January before the breakout then we had The distribution drop into another pump So it's basically a distribution into a Quick accumulation and then a pump that Looks like what we're going through now So let's break this down with our back Testing and have a look at it on a Little bit of a closer time frame Because this will let us know that if we Miss these opportunities we could be Left Crying because it only happens in a few Days here okay so basically going back To November you can see I've got here 60 Days from the low when FTX collapsed the Market went essentially or relatively Sideways when you look back on that Period but if you're living through this Period it definitely feels like there is A lot of volatility obviously that was Volatility to the downside Market climbs Back up gets rejected at 18 and a half Everyone's anticipating much further Downside and almost feel like it's Assured that ten thousand dollar Bitcoin Was coming yet it only made it back to 16 300 it started to reaccumulate and Then broke out to the upside so I'm just Using a couple of different areas here To measure from but the main point is The time of the move to the upside is

Explosive and it's fast so you want to Be switched on for these times The breakout point that I'm measuring From is the break of the 50 of this zone Right here so the low to the high of the Accumulation at the lowest so to give You a nice clear uh objective look at This area but there is some subjectivity Which I'll of course I'll let you know About as well the subjectivity uh the Objectivity is you could bring it back To the swing low or use that 50 level Okay subjectivity will happen in the Next couple of examples here but Essentially you've got about 60 days of Sideways move here then the breakout is About 13 days and only 13 days all right The subjectivity comes in here where you Can say well you could go to 17 days or 21 days to get to that next top or even To the next swing top at 25 days but Really the price action halted at the 20 On the 21st of January and didn't really Go anywhere for that period so if you Are missing out on those few days in This case it's just short of two weeks You've missed out on the bulk of the Move which is roughly 38 from the Breakout Point not from the low not from Anywhere else but basically from that Breakout point when the market really Started to get its legs on okay if you Bought here okay there's a couple more Weeks here where it slowly creeps up but

You're not getting out of bed for that Tiny little bit of profit here in the Market that's three percent when it's Just done the 37 okay so then we move Forward to this next period you had 60-day accumulation 13 day breakout so I'm going to measure it from this point Right here basically where the price Action Came to a pretty strong stop yes one Could argue that this part is also Included up to you if you want to do That but essentially the market came all The way back down from that point so That next area is about 48 days so about Seven weeks in total uh you could argue Another day here I'm not going to argue With that doesn't really matter but the Main focus is how long these periods of Indecision by the market participants Takes and then how quick The move actually is so this next move One could argue is about five days where It really started to get a kick on and Break that previous top You could argue It's six days nonetheless you get the Idea that the move was so short it was Six days where the market basically then Stopped at 27 800 and then We have now gone sideways for about 53 Days we had a little move to the upside Just like we had last time Market came Back down and then put in a slightly Lower low than the previous bottom here

But it never broke down into that next Uh a re-accumulation area So what does this look like moving Forward well if we've gone about 53 days This is possible that we start to see Either a move to the upside quite Quickly or here's your up down sideways Or you see a quick move to the downside To flush out some of the stops which are Potentially placed underneath these lows At 26.5 k And then a quick flush to the upside That's exactly what happened back in March on the banking crisis news so I'm Just going to clean up this chart take a Couple of these little lines away So you can see that we're probably Coming towards the end probably this Week or next week we will see a Resolution here we'll see a resolution Whether it's to the downside takes out Some of the stops and then starts to Move again or a smaller move and then it Moves up or this is the Bottom now and We move up it is an up down sideways Scenario but the main thing we know here Is that we need to be on Red Alert the Main thing that we are very confident on That the time frames are starting to run Out we're at 53 days here we're at Around 48 days and the previous bottom Was around 60 days and that was a lot Longer because we had the big flush out Of FTX this was a very catastrophic

Event for the Bitcoin market so the main Thing to note here is don't switch off It could be getting boring over the next Couple of days and then that quick bit Of excitement where everyone gets Extremely scared not saying that this Has to happen maybe like I said it only Moves into this area but there could be This sort of flush out that people are Waiting for that the Bears are waiting For and you'll see the differences in Terms of the grade you'll see the Differences where it comes to uh the the More macro bears are saying well this is The time now that we should be heading Lower and they'll be waiting for sub 20 000 levels and then you'll have the less Bearish folk who think man anything Under 26 and a half which is all these Previous levels is a blessing and should Be scooped up only time will tell which One is right what I'm saying is stay on Alert there has to be some sort of Resolution coming up quite soon you can See the previous one here it was a Higher low and this one here was a lower Low you just don't know and I'm not Saying that I have a crystal ball for This but what my crystal ball says is We're in a macro uptrend which will have Its short-term volatility and it's up to Us to decide at which level we're Comfortable with getting into BTC so This is also helpful for the guys who

Are saying I didn't get in what am I Supposed to do weigh those opportunities Up right now look to the percentages to The downside maybe we get an extra four Or five percent maybe we get to 25k and That's only nine points seven percent But I don't think we're going to go and You're going to get 30 off on BTC I Think there are a lot of bulls and Potential slight Bears who are waiting For any sort of downside opportunity to Scoop up BTC in these mid twenty Thousand dollar levels just when you Thought that was a jam-packed video by Hitting that like button and giving me Those emojis of the peace signs I wanted To show you this on the s p as well so It's a very similar sort of pattern here These markets do it all the time long Accumulations quick breakouts long Accumulations quick breakouts or long Redistributions quick breakdowns the Moves all happen very very quickly and They only last for a set few days same Sort of thing here for the S P 500 you Can see we had roughly 35 days the Market was stopping at this level Basically didn't close above that level Again you see right here and then dumped To the underside to test to see whether Supply is coming into the market how Many more people are selling their s p Stocks here and then we bounced up from That point and it was a much quicker

Ride to the upside same thing happened Again 35 days And then we get that moved to the upside Same thing again we're in this 35-ish Day period let's see whether it lasts That long which would take us out to May 23rdish which is what I'm looking for Either later this week in the shorter Side possibly next week which takes us Out to about that 17th 18th of May as well and then we Finally get some sort of resolution and See if we start to push to the upside or If the Bears are right we get that push That fast move to the downside so make Sure you have your charts labeled up you Have those time frames in mind things Are going to get very interesting Especially with these other news Announcements that come out and the Narratives that continue to shift the Market uh keep watch of BTC especially Over this week and next week this move Has to resolve soon and we'll hopefully See it give us a nice entry opportunity Before we start to get higher I don't Have that Crystal Ball but we can stick Around on the channel like And subscribe Bell notification icon and of course our Free crypto and economic report is Coming out to you peace down below check Out that comment in the top of the video Description I'm enjoying the Conversation over there and I'll see you

Guys at next video Until then take care And peace out