CBDC Crypto Doomsday Nightmare (How to Prevent Great Reset)

CBDC Crypto Doomsday Nightmare (How to Prevent Great Reset)

This is the conversation we need to be having

Welcome to bitboy crypto my name has Been merry freaking Christmas and we're Going to talk about the cold getting Dumped in your stocking here pretty soon Uh guys uh first and foremost like I Said merry Christmas you guys hope You're celebrating with your family what Am I doing all alone in my truck on Christmas day well we had uh you know Opening the gifts with the kids this Morning they said it was the best Christmas ever you know we don't go Overboard with Christmas so uh nothing Really I got my daughter like a little Apple watch from Gap Wireless and then Uh my son he got a he got a laptop and Then my other son he got a brand new Baseball back killing it for his middle School team he made this year so you Know it was pretty good Christmas and uh You know we're really excited about Um you know the holiday season but what Am I doing what I'm going to the gym We're going to my mom's house later Today it's about three o'clock uh or at Three o'clock we're gonna be going to The to uh my mom's house so I got a Couple hours guys don't neglect the gym On Christmas day what are you doing uh All right guys listen I want to talk about The lump of coal in your stocking which Is the cbdc I believe it's very obvious It's usdc uh from Goldman Sachs Circle

Coinbase the whole nine yards Um we know BlackRock has been stacking Up on usdc and we know that uh it won't Be too much longer before usdc you know Absolutely dwarfs tether there's also a Move in Europe in the European Union for Uh this to uh to have a basically a usdc Equivalent in the Euro uh the European Union with the Euro so guys this is all Coming and I think this is a very very Important Um the Bitcoin maximalist number one we Know for a good reason many of them are Out of touch uh one of them Neil Jacobs Who I don't hate I don't hate Neil I Kind of lashed out on him this morning But he's okay he's not too bad uh he Fits all the ideal characteristics of The Bitcoin maximalists uh but he Screenshotted my tweet about cbdc's and Um basically what I would said is this Is and you go look it up on my Twitter Guys we can't protest cbdc's it's not Gonna work they're coming I'm telling You usdc will be the digital dollar and If for whatever reason I'm wrong on that The digital dollar is coming anyways It's a hundred percent guys do you think You're gonna go hold a sign outside the Treasury and they're gonna stop doing it No absolutely not so I said you can't Protest it the smart thing we can do Is we can create smart regulations Around the cbdc we've got many people in

Congress who have already been you know Throwing warning signs and red flags out There Saying that uh you know oh CBDs these Are bad we don't want them well once Again I'm telling you guys we're not Going to be able to stop them what you Want to do is you want to be able to Create smart crypto regulate or smart Regulation around them and and look guys I want everybody to understand this okay The idea of Regulation I talk about it a Lot we have a Bill in Congress you guys Know that I had a dream that we could make it Public on Groundhog's Day gosh I hope It's not that long Hope it's like January 2nd is what I'm Hoping Um but the point here is is that you Know you hear me talk a lot about Regulation around social media a lot About regulation around crypto and look What if we do to crypto what we did in Social media okay social media was Allowed to run totally unchecked and now You see what's been going on with the uh The Twitter files right with every like Elon Musk has every conspiracy theory You had about Twitter working with the Government and suppressing uh voices Literally every single one of them Turned out to be correct he said I don't Even know one conspiracy it turned out

Not to be correct okay why because when Web2 came out when social media came out When stealing people's data and privacy Came out known creating regulation it Was free-for-all okay I I am not super pro regulation in Everything okay but you have to Understand that crypto is at its infant Infant stage here it still is in the Infant stage And if we get bad regulation out front That's going to set the course for the Next 20 or 30 years is going to ruin a Lot of people's lives Same thing with social media that's what We should have done but we didn't do and Now we're having to go back and we Thought that section 230 was if you Understand what that is social media we Thought that was going to be enough to Curb Bad actors it wasn't uh and there Was basically nothing put on top of it I Believe a bill I want to push at some Point is buying fake engagement for Politicians it should be illegal uh you Know your normal Joe Blow whatever you Can go buy fake likes I've never paid For a fake like fake engagement Um uh a fake uh retweet you know things Like that So Um the fact is is that there's a lot of People out there using that and they use It to their advantages bad well that

Should be established as we got social Media going not way back on the Retroactive because there's been people That have been able to grow powerful Accounts or look powerful look Legitimate and really they were just Buying followers and and tweets and Likes the whole time so here here's what I will tell you about cbdc's we're at The exact exact same point we're Actually ahead of these right now we're Ahead of cbdc yeah basically China and a Few other countries that have rolled Them out the China One's been a huge Disaster but the fact is is that we have A real opportunity here to set The course okay going to the treasury And holding out a sign and saying Oh Mr Government don't come in with digital Currency that you can control That's not happening why are people so Concerned about cbdcs It's because of the fact the Government's going to monitor every Transaction And you're going to be in a situation Where possibly You won't be able to uh where you won't Be able to spend your own money which is A huge disaster right like let's say That Um let's say that you have a social Credit score one day like in that Nosedive episode of Black Mirror oh well

You know you don't rank high enough to Spend your money here sir how does that Sound What if you say something on social Media and you get censored and now they Don't want you to spend money I mean you Can certainly Target people right now And say uh you know you're you're Alex Jones is Um not agreeing with what he did okay Your Alex Jones is you're Jordan Petersons uh you know your people across Social media that have been banned You're Stephen Crowders you have to know The government will be cracking down on Those people not allowing them to spend Money a long time ago now that is a Walking advertisement for Bitcoin I do Bitcoin eventually takes over I'm just Not a crazy maximalist and I think it's Going to happen tomorrow it's going to Happen 20 years down the road probably a Cbdc that's controlled information will Certainly be an advertisement for Bitcoin uh you know a a girl on Twitter Uh responded I think Shannon Michaela I Think that's her name maybe I'm getting It wrong she said oh we need to talk About this system It's a little bit harder uh than you Think it's going to be to just opt out Of the system you can unbank your Yourself or you can Bank yourself either Way you look at it by having Bitcoin but

That doesn't mean that you're going to Be able to opt into the financial system Everybody else is using unless you have A way to off ramp that into Fiat or Everywhere starts accepting Bitcoin I Mean you know even if you move to El Salvador What I Hear down there is they Don't actually take Bitcoin everywhere So Um even places where you think you can Spend it you can't necessarily spend it So that's the Doomsday scenario guys That's what we're trying to prevent now Why is this going to be ushered in so Quickly it's going to be super Convenient for people that's why people Use bank accounts super convenient That's why people don't try to live on Bitcoin only for the most part because It's super inconvenient even if it's Great so the point here is what we have To do like think about it's convenience Though I want to finish that point which Is imagine if everybody gets their tax Refund back who gives tax refunds About the end of the first week of January you don't think people will be Salivating at the mouth to sign up for This why because every single Transaction is recorded you don't have To give them your bank account info or Your salary info they see your deposits They see your out goes boom they can do It automated AI you guys see all the

Stuff AI can do they can do it in a week Okay so when people realize they're Gonna be able to get the convenience of Quick refunds which a lot of our country Thrives on every year it's sad but it's True no events if you are one of those People I'm just saying it's sad that People with paycheck to paycheck to the Point where you get an amount of money That's worth two or three paychecks You're like what do I do with this you Know Um I've been there though don't worry Trust me I've been there Um but you know it's really sad that That's the way that our financial system Operates and people are willing to trade That convenience for uh you know the Lack of privacy and lack of Rights But what we have to do here Is we have to get ahead of it with the Regulation we have to make sure a no Form of social credit score goes into The ability for you to use your own Money Censorship does not allow you But does not allow the government to Determine whether or not you use your Own money Financial standing uh debt Owed none of these things people have to Be able to spend their own money the Same way they're able to spend their own Money now and I think this here will Create

A way for us to bring in the cbdc In a way that is not doomsday scenario Do I want to see it easy no heck no I Don't want a cbdc is it coming Guys open Your eyes Look at our government okay look at who Runs it do the people run the government Or do your Dr fauci's and your Gary Ginsler's run the government okay let's Let's figure that out real quick You think they're just gonna change on a Dime you think over the next 48 years We're just gonna Usher in a whole new Government they're not gonna they're Just gonna look the other way no they Want the cbdc But I do believe if we put enough Pressure on our politicians to strive For that smart Regulation that avoids the ability for The government to cut off your ability To spend your money Then I think that's a good thing and I Think that's the way to go we need to Reshape The Narrative it's not about Stopping it because it's coming the Government didn't need anything special They didn't need FTX to collapse to Bring in the cbdc all they need is to Convince the average person out there It's more convenient but people not Being able to spend their money This will be something that we can use I Don't want to say as a scare tactic

Because it's reality But as a scare tactic to even get those People to pause and have a second Thought and say okay I do want the Convenience but we need to make sure That this doesn't happen so I want you Guys to drop your comments Down Below on That so many good videos for you guys Coming next week got so much information Over the weekend Um really can't wait to uh get going TJ And I will be live streaming uh tomorrow Most of our employees are off we'll meet DJ and Johnny will be in the office uh This Monday and next Monday we're not Skipping any live streams we're pushing Forward but we gave our employees off For the holiday no one know what you Guys think about cbdc's what is a smart Regulation that you think we can use in Order to Corral these things drop that Down below that's all I got be blessed Good boy out Merry Christmas

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