Crypto Money Moves To Look Out For (Bitcoin Slap Down)

Crypto Money Moves To Look Out For (Bitcoin Slap Down)

Today Deezy takes us through a “Bitcoin Slap Down”, MT Gox, and much more, so stay tuned!

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I want Apple to just be vicious with People listen you freaking tub alarm oh Man you haven't moved off the couch in Six hours well except for to walk Through the fridge I know where your Fridge is at I'll go do a push-up [Music] Oh [Music] My God [Music] Rest in peace Jerry Springer just heard The news very very uh sad to hear I I Grew up with the the Mania that was Jerry Springer when it happened uh late 90s mid mid to late 90s where basically Every episode erupted into a brawl uh at The time we hadn't seen anything like That at least on network television During the daytime and I would get home I would catch I guess the last 10 20 Minutes of an episode and yeah it was a It was it was entertaining it was a Snapshot it was a microcosm of the times Yep uh but yeah rest in peace Jerry Springer uh hit that like button if uh You ever you ever got any any uh Joy or Entertainment from watching that show uh Did you have any Jerry Springer memories Drew ah just coming home from school and Uh you know I'd get in trouble from my Mom for watching it you know what I mean It's a little bit edgy for younger kids To be watching but it really opened my

Eyes early on to the possibilities Within Society absolutely so uh big out Big shout out to Jerry Springer he was a An icon yeah this was before uh you know The judge shows took over everything and You know at the time Oprah was like the Biggest thing in daytime so on one end You had Oprah she's making Dennis Rodman Cry yeah but then on the other end you Got you know the cheating uh husband is Crying after getting hit in the head With a chair by his uh rotund baby mama So yeah it was it was a pretty Entertaining uh show to watch back in The day Bitcoin leveraged Longs Liquidated after brief midweek recovery Above 30k yeah a lot of people feeling Long and you know if that doesn't uh Wreck some lungs I don't know what will Put things in perspective the market cap Fell by roughly 49 billion from the Highest point on that day that makes the 26th of April the most volatile day in Dun dun dun the last seven days okay so Really not that crazy despite that uh The sharp crash on the market recovered Slightly many Traders saw the recovery As a sign of demand and a possible push Past the resistance range as such many Traders in the derivative segment were Convinced Bitcoin would offer a good Rally hence they said let's go long baby This explains why bitcoin's recent Slapdown resulted in heavy liquidations

I like that uh Bitcoins slap down uh Report concluded that the recent Failures of crypto friendly banks have Fueled debate of whether they're Managing the liquidity risks of the Market well When I hear liquidity risks of the Market from crypto Industries it just Means yeah sometimes they make billion Dollar moves real quickly yeah and They're probably not used to that and You know you could have a a pretty big Company what's in the the news today Puma Puma has a little nft you know Puma Historically they're probably not moving That much money right you know maybe uh Oh we got to buy some shoelaces from Thailand you know oh uh you know they They gave it to us they had a good price Here's Two million dollars you know maybe Something like that but then imagine you Do a metaverse play and then you raise 120 million in 24 hours and you're like Withdrawing it to pay a thing and all of A sudden whoa no there's just a lot of Money and money moves quickly in crypto And so the banks with their legacy System with the takes multiple days to Clear things it's got to go there and Clear this house and come here then you Know seven days later it's finally like Concluded on some banks balance sheet it Moves too quickly for them and they

Can't handle it and it scares them it Freaks them out why because it's a Better system it's clearly a better System and this old Antiquated system Can't handle it reminds me of imagine Trying to drive your Model T on a horse Road right it's going to be full of Potholes you're going to be flinging Feces into your face literally and so It's not meant for these rails and I Think we're seeing a similar situation Where crypto is just move Beyond banking It's it's bigger than Banking and Banking it just can't handle it uh They're losers first buy ice bags Pentagon we misplaced 5 trillion Department of Homeland Security we Misplaced 85 000 children IRS we saw you Just pay the lawn guy through vinbo make Sure he gets a 1099. Foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Big announcements in the world of AI From Tick Tock Boston Dynamics replay And apple I'm just going to scan through This real quickly Tick Tock has new AI Avatars you can see them like kind of Upgrading the faces there can be used Once a day so you're gonna have some AI Avatars the next one Boston Dynamics put

Jet GPT into one of their dog robots no Now I can effortlessly communicate Complex information to humans yeah That's not scary that is not scary at All uh replay it that's just a coding Thing and then Apple reveals plans for Quartz AI powered Health coaching Service so hey you know hey get off the Couch I don't know uh No I'm I'm going to be waiting into some Treacherous Waters here but dang it I'm Daisy I'm gonna do it anyways uh we're We're kind of in this fat acceptance Um movement right now and so I wonder How genuine Apple's gonna be with no Like you are out of shape and you do Need to get off the couch I wanna I want Them to get mean that mean and like you Know someone's gonna slit their wrist Type of way but like really motivate Somebody with some pain uh you know what Got me I was several classes I was the Shortest and fattest boy or fattest kid In my entire class I'm talking about Eighth ninth grade I think around 10 I Started slimming up you know what really Uh made me want to lose a little weight Uh it was one of those group things Where the teacher is like all right You're paired with this person this Person I think he maybe wrote the names On the board Sonos about five seats uh behind me me And my buddy Chad we're the two fattest

Kids in the class and some girl she's Probably like some cheerleader or Something you know I'm in like ninth Grade and uh she turned to the boy next To her he's a Chad of course he had like Chiseled Jaw she said who's Chad and Nick He said that's the two fat kids and I Remember that and you know what that Pain led me to want to make a change and Was it bullying sure but did it work Sure and so uh I want Apple to just be Vicious with people listen you freaking Tub alarm oh man you haven't moved off The couch in six hours well except for To walk through the fridge I know where Your fridge is at I'll go do a push-up The UK can you can you crank the setting To that do you remember the UK came out Uh with what you're talking about Because their insurance claims and their Health care uh costs started to get out Of control so the doctors actually had To stop you know allowing it to just Precipitate and actually push back and And actually realign what healthy eating Habits are and things like that so I'm Here for it man you know uh you stay Active stay healthy health is wealth man Health is wealth all right all right You're ready for the uh for this video Here yes said uh we're gonna watch it This one's pretty funny guys all right It's uh 11 seconds look at this cool

Cool haircut so cool oh wait wait he's Like he's you know it's like you know Making sure it doesn't look silly when She uh Oh that was fail one more time one more Time That's so bad that's so bad so Arkham It's uh similar to a lot of the you see That they're analyzers of the blockchain Space so you know they'll give you Alerts wallet alerts well Arkham denies The alerts uh the buggy Mount gox alerts To blame for the Bitcoin crash uh so They they came out with a pretty good Statement saying what happened we Conducted an investigation into this Alert situation it came from an Influencer DB and he had a screenshot Where they determined were sent Accurately but he set alerts on all Bitcoin transactions above 10K with no Counter priority sets and named the Alerts Mount gox and u.sgov and so that Seems to be the Crux of the situation There now they did say hey he tweeted This at 11 after the hour and we started Falling at seven after the hour I think The Tweet spreading uh you know was a Was a positive feedback loop or a Negative feedback loop so yeah while Maybe it isn't Arkham's fault the Propagation nation of that information Yeah was uh you know a big Catalyst uh But if you want to check it out Arkham

This is uh what it looks like here it's Kind of cool similar to nanson I guess I Just liked it for the layout you know I Mean obviously we have tons of tools and And stuff like that to use but Um it's pretty user friendly and you can Go specific to the address or the yeah If you go to their actual Mount gox uh Wallet tracker you can see here that Nothing has moved in years and so um Yeah it wasn't uh it wasn't them saying Uh Mount Cox is moving things it was so In labeling a wallet as Mount Cox and U.S governments military drill Instructor he's yelling at you he said There's three types of people what three Types of people drew lead follow or Those who get out of the way so there's Three types of people Those that lead those that follow those That get out of the way well there's a Fourth group of people and there's more Every day and I I feel like this wasn't So much the case 20 years ago don't I Don't know if it was the case 50 years Ago I definitely don't feel like it was The case 10 years ago and this is fourth Group of people there's more and more of Them and I blame everybody having the Internet at their fingertips and Anonymity and that fourth type of person Is this owner leads it isn't someone That follows and it isn't someone that Gets out of the way it's the guy that

Complains and gets in the way okay so You can either lead and help me You could get out of my way or you could Follow what I'm doing but no it's that Fourth person they're gumming up the Works they're throwing the wrench and The in the gears there they're saying oh That's not gonna work oh bitcoin's a Scam oh I wouldn't trust that oh I Wouldn't get that nft oh I wouldn't Watch that channel oh I'd avoid that It's risky that's that fourth type of Person and this is the worst type of Person because they don't even have the Sense to get out of the way they're not Even smart enough to follow and they Don't have it within themselves to lead So what do they do they see other people And they try to tear them down they have That crab bucket mentality you don't Want the crab bucket mentality that's All that fourth person is there's just a Stupid crab in a bucket dragging down The next person because they don't want To see you succeed because they feel They can't succeed but we all can Succeed and if you're watching this Channel damn it you probably will Succeed especially if you keep watching It especially if you hit that like Button especially if you are subscribed Got those notifications on that's all we Got easy out don't be that fourth person Oh

[Music] Foreign [Music] [Music]