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Anonymity and crypto has always gone hand in hand. One of the anonymous creators Ryoshi, who created Shiba Inu coin – is anonymous. But what if I tell you that he, as well as multiple other anonymous players on crypto scene, is one and only – Sam Bankman-Fried?

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Anonymity and crypto have always gone Hand in hand hence the pseudonymous Creator of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto well Another coin with the face of a dog is Its logo Shiba in you also had an Anonymous Creator known as ryoshi now Despite a plethora of hunches and rumors I'm not quite sure we'll ever know for 100 who's Satoshi Nakamoto is however We've got some Clues today that's going To reveal who ryoshi is and it seems That that culprit is none other than the Bad-haired man himself same thing free Let's get it Welcome to Big Boy crypto my name is Ben This is Sheba in you it's on my shirt And we're going to be talking about Shiva I haven't talked about Shiba in a Long time but I'm super excited to get Into what we're going to be talking About today which is is Sam Pigman freed Ryoshi the creator of Sheba in you I Believe after this video You're Gonna Agree to answer that question is 100 yes Now this shirt right here is a brand new One it's got some meme coins in it chain Link you just want you want to get this Shirt you got to check out This one's actually not available yet There's our new collection it's gonna be Going on here soon but we got plenty of Other great uh coin jerseys hoodies all Kinds of things so make sure to check That out all right so let's get into the

Video is SP Creator ryoshi coinbase director finds a Link now this is not some Anonymous guy On Twitter who discovered this this is The head of product at coinbase or head Of product business operations his name Is Connor Grogan Um and he has made a sensational Discovery you can feel pretty confident When someone of this status put Something like this out they've got Evidence it's true Um here it says it links the anonymous Inventor of Sheba Inu ryoshi former FTX CEO Sam Bateman free better known as SPF And Twitter thread Grogan today posted The evidence he found in his on-chain Analysis so here is the tweet A wallet directly connected to the Founder of Shiba Inu via exchange Deposit has an interesting open C Account name Alameda joined September 2020. now let's check out this account Here you guys will see Um that it is on openc you can find it It's got 13 nfts on it I believe uh and You scroll down here and you see it's Got all kinds of weird Um nfts including SBF rare Andre cronier Common vitalik buter in common now this Is from I guess this nft Pros called Meme LTD here's what's interesting Obviously

Sam connection SPF rare Andre cronier Common so Andre Courier connection let's See what the connection is there with SPF well uh very very very interesting Uh SPF and Andre cronier work together On cover or cover protocol this is Actually there's a lawsuit filed over This coin Um and there was bribes and payoffs to Get people to stop pursuing uh Litigation against SBF over this device Cover another rug pull coin or another Rug pull pump and dump Um here you can see this riding the hype Wave by listing Andre cronier and ftx's SPF is advisors now this token was also Hacked and I was told Sam was the one Who hacked it there's no telling what This guy is capable of and of course Vitalik buterin how do we show you today That Sam is ryoshi now it makes sense uh You know the connection between him and Vitalik because Sheba gave like half of Their supply to vitalik buterin so are These some Easter eggs some breadcrumbs Here's a look at that SPF rare here it Is with the bad hair here it is with the Pineapple you got CZ in the background Of this uh and this was created Um quite a while ago this one and Created back in uh it looks like 2020 as You guys can see right here September of 2020 is when this debuted man a lot of Foretelling things we got the polycule

Swingers club here Um we've got I don't know what the panda Is we got CZ looking in the background Pepe I don't know you might find bit boy Uh knocking on his door so here's a Quick look at the Alameda open C account Um activity and you guys can see that Nothing has really been done in two Years on this but look he got the SBF Legendary this was a 56 000 nft at that Time and here it was sold for 139 000 Um dollars worth of eth so really really Really insane uh when you think about That now when we dig in a little deeper To this SPF uh rare card here you'll see Some interesting stuff Um number one You'll find that it's listed right now You can actually buy it right now for 0.59 each 918 Sam's really hard up for money but Look at this Um look at the price history very Interesting look when this price of this Nft spikes right there November 15th at 7 pm that is a week After the collapse of FTX and you can Make the argument maybe that's because Like people thought it might be valuable Because he was in trouble but I mean This is right here in Sam's wallet so Very interesting now here we go more From Conor Grogan the anonymous ship Founder ryoshi deposited into a bit cup

Deposit address on two occasions in 2021 Perhaps unbeknownst to them Bitcoin does Not generate new positive ad or new Deposit addresses which is how I link Them to the Alameda account so basically Along in the short of it is usually the Way an exchange works is every time you Ask for a new address it gives you a new One however with this one it did not do That it actually gave the same address To the same wallet so he was able to use That to link Sheba here Two bit cub and back up here to Alameda So this is the bit Cub uh Main Exchange I believe and this is kind of the bit Cup uh Payment Processing you can see Some addresses that send some money out You guys can see right here Alameda on Open C it's sent money in and also you Have ryoshi sending into the exact same Account what are the chances of that Pretty much absolutely zero now you have This here I have no idea why the ship Founder would take alameda's open C Handle in 2020 might just be them Squatting for the memes so the shiv Founder bought the Alameda a open C Account in 2020 when nfts weren't even Popular yet not really that's probably Not happening um Sheba wasn't even Really probably thought of at that point Yet but what did happen was Sam created An Alameda open seat account On the platform because his company was

Called Alameda it made sense Um this is a stretch it's such a stretch To believe that the shiv founder would Squat on Alameda and continue squatting On it and continue buying Sam Bateman Freed nfts or selling Sam bingman free To nfts Um with that account doesn't really make Sense on October 27th 2021 the largest Shiba Inu farmer unstaked 107 million Dollars of shiv sent it all to FTX UOB Binance and okx October 27 2021 that is exactly uh six Days before coindesk released a balance Sheet of FTX and it is also Um just about two weeks before the Complete fall of FTX uh this marked the Absolute top ship immediately began to Plummet never to recover coincidentally One exchange had just expanded ship Perps so here's the chart you can see Um we actually take a look at the chart Here and you can see uh this would have Been back around that time in October And look at the price drop I mean that's To be expected but now look it's down 31 Percent in the last 31 days Um which is kind of weird because a lot Of the market has been rallying during This time and ship has just been falling Consistently now the interesting thing About this chart when you really look at Ship is that it follows the same exact Pattern every time it pumps straight up

Straight down straight up straight down Straight up straight down I mean look at The these movements this is the daily Chart here Um and you can see in the last 31 days It's down 31 percent not a lot of Excitement around Sheba these days Um but then there's more to this here if You take a look at these images Um you will find right here October 26 2021 SPF because sometimes 999 ship just Isn't enough Trade Futures perps Perpetual Futures Contracts on ship that's what this is The creator of Jim listed Perpetual Futures On their exchange at pretty much the Very top of the market in 2021 and then Promoted it for people to go get excited About trading ship Oh the tangled web we weave now take a Look at this this is the ryoshi Twitter Account on the way back machine and you Guys can see here Um that obviously this has been deleted Uh so that's why we have to use the way Back machine but interesting check out The way that ryoshi tweets Decentralization it works come down here A little bit All hail the Sheba Long further Um talking about

Um this is explaining uh Sheba and why It's the beginning of mass adoption you Have to be kidding me thank you to the Wolfmeister for enabling true Decentralization now we truly begin woof Guys this sounds eerily familiar see the Type of tweets and language you get from Autism Capital now autism Capital has Been highly speculated that at least at One point was ran by sandbankment freed And FTX employees so if you go back to When Sam was most likely in control of This account you find tweets like this Uh real snarky sounds very much like Sam We thought this account needed a mascot Meet asked me the eight he's a low IQ Pleb monkey who just wants to make Shekels Um now shekels obviously is uh you know A Jewish term for money uh of course Sam Is Jewish and so you know maybe that's a Connection not saying anything about him Being Jewish I'm just saying maybe That's a connection has no idea what the Hell he's doing something Sam tried to Use as a defense I didn't know what I Was doing crypto is cool he guesses Sam Didn't really like crypto figured out Metamask in early September up to next Encore loser on emn Pumping and dumping altcoins potentially We know that something Sam did quite Frequently but the point is a lot of the Language sounds very familiar between

This ryoshi account it just there's a Certain snarky sarcastic Silliness that these accounts share and To me it reminds me a lot of what I Believe to be the true personality of Sam Bateman freed uh here's a coin ft They minted there's a legendary we've Already talked about that now check this Out now is there precedent forced him to Have created a meme coin the answer most Likely yes Uh Samoyed coin Samo the choice is yours Choose Wisely here we got Dogecoin Versus Shiva in you versus Samoyed coin Samo inspired by crypto Mogul Sam Beekman freed and Solana co-founder Anatoly jacovenko most efficient and Eco-friendly dog coin the Doge of Solana Now here's what's really interesting This tactic this talking about yourself In the third person It's a psychological tactic that Sam has Used a lot of times when he's been Disguising himself to make it look like It's not him clearly I could have Created it if I created this coin then There's no way I possibly would have Said it was inspired by Sam begman freed You understand the logic Um the psychology that he's trying to Play on here but he's exposed we know That he's done this frequently we know He's got a lot of alt accounts Um we know that he is snarky and we know

His entire life is about trying to hide Things so there we go here is the actual Coin itself now look here at the All-time chart for this one look at that Boom Pete in October of 2021 right the Same time that uh you know he was Tweeting about Shiva and it peaked as Well you can see crash crash crash been Done it's done nothing since now here's The Sam uh Sam ocoin website or the Samo Website I don't even know how to say yes Samoyed coin uh but here's the Samoyed Coin project you guys can see here it Talks about mid Horizon meme coin Solana Blah blah blah blah especially Anatoly Yakovenka what was interesting because It didn't say it was inspired by Sam Bakeman free well let's go take a Look-see at the way back machine and What you will discover Is actually that if you go here to November the 14th and click on this You will find that this snapshot here This is of 2022 this snapshot is going To be the same description of the coin As it is today now this is November 14th Now let's go back to November 10th four Days before now remember FTX collapses On the 9th And here we go Amid the rise of mean coins in Salon in 2021 Samoyed coin was born in respect to Crypto Mogul Sam bingman freed and Solana's co-founder Anatoly Yak ivanko

Um seeing the potential influence yada Yada yada they decided to make a Sheba In you they could pump on Solana so what Did Sam do with Samo well it was Basically used as a slush fund for them And when you go back and you look at the Chart you can see around this time this Was actually money that they were Putting in here to pay off lawyers and To pay off lawsuits and settlements Before they actually got to court Including a big 2019 lawsuit against FTX Um so and against Sam and Alameda as Well so this was a slush fund basically Money off the books hidden money that They could use to make sure they kept All their ducks in a row now here's What's really interesting we know There's connections between Sheba Rayoshi Sam Alameda the openc account we Know there's definitely connections Between Sam and Samo coin I think he Even tweeted about it at some point I Can't find it right now but the point is Is that now we have a mean coin that He's connected with and it looks like he Had a role in creating now were there Other coins well check this out I effed Up and I'm sorry Chef Nomi returns 14 million dollars of Eth to Sushi swap now it's interesting Does this does this line Sound familiar here to you November 10th 2022.

His I'm sorry thread Here it is I'm sorry that's the biggest Thing I effed up and should have done Better what did Chef Nomi say I effed up and I am sorry now there's Speculation That Sam is also Chef Nomi who created Sushi and not only that but basically Had to return 14 million dollars worth Of funds because he attempted to rug Pull it so who came and made everything Right who became the hero in this story About sushi Chef Nomi heft up and he's sorry but who Comes swooping in to be the Savior That's right the man who saved Sushi Swap Sam Bateman freed won plotted for Spearheading a bloodless migration of Almost a billion dollar investor funds The beleaguered exchange here's his Story SBI became divine's newest hero when he Took on the role of temporary Chef for Sushi swap on Wednesday he supervised a Successful migration Sushi swaps Long-term future is still uncertain and The Saga could Mark a shift in direction For the future of D5 the hero Sam Bankman freed takes over great job Sam You save sushi This is like Jerome Powell trying to Save us from inflation that he caused Except I'm sorry Jerome Powell I would never

Compare you to Sam Bateman free that's How much I dislike salmon So what if SPF was Chef Nomi since all This time there are plenty of people That have Um you know said this before here they Make the connection between his uh his Tweet about he messed up and then of Course uh tying it to uh what Chef Nomi Said Chef numi was Anonymous nobody ever Knew who he was Um so there's already speculation that This was going on there's just too much Smoke here there's way too much smoke For there not to be fire Alameda open C account connections Toshiba in you connections to creating Another meme coin about a dog at some Point uses a slush fund by FTX Connections to Sushi where he played the Role of the pseudonymous or Anonymous Creator and then he disappeared in Sam Conveniently shown up to save the Project There's too much haircuts it's very Obvious that Sam has been involved with Way more in the crypto space than we Knew It's my opinion that the end of the bull Run The the short abrupt end at the 70k when We should have been going to a hundred That that was actually the result Of Sam

Creating funnels to push money from not Just himself but VC and Retail investors Into projects like Sheba projects like Samo projects like cover protocol many Other D5 projects projects like sushi Projects that may not have gotten those Funds or even close the amount of market Cap if Sam didn't intervene and work From the Shadows we saw what he's done To other projects uh you know whether it Be new coin or ICP listening Sheba Perpetual Futures contracts and then Pumping it on his own Twitter it's Unbelievable what this guy did I believe That the last Bull Run will forever be Known as The Bull Run That SPF effed up he's already said it Is he sorry I don't know he's gonna have a lot of Time to think about it but there's going To be a lot more for Sam that's going to Be exposed there's no doubt about that There's still some surprises coming I'm Sure of it you just have to just tune in To see what they are so I gotta be Blessed Foreign

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