There’s a ton of TradFi voices in the crypto space that are spewing toxic hyperbole that could cause lasting damage to crypto as we know it. In this video I go over some of the worst offenders who are continuing to trick and mislead people when it comes to crypto.
0:00 Intro
0:56 VCs are Villains
2:11 Chamath Palihapitiya
4:36 Kevin O’ Leary
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Warning what you're about to see is Shocking sax I gotta say I think I think Your AUM is positively correlated with The bags under your eyes It's getting bigger They're heavy they're heavy dragging you Down that's where you're hiding all that Solana in your under your eyes You better clear that Solana position What's your lock up 24 months no he's Trying to sell it to me on text message Yeah of course we're negotiating Discounts I just had the fact that You're eating the whole thing up bro you Don't you don't think Everything is a discount everything's Discounted you want to clear that Position in an LLC are you saying I got A billion dollars of Solana no bro I'm Saying I have one but you know I brought It at a discount but you're holding Correct Ish yes okay yeah me too see this is Exactly what we need to keep out of Crypto this club is from October 8th Just a few weeks before the all-time High of the crypto markets VCS are the Villains they're virtually all bad and Virtually all Trad file elitists and This clip here shows why they're Villains jamaat Paul hapatia laughing in Our faces about dumping their bags of Solana on retail and Retail investors Listen to this podcast and they support
It it's time when you say no and reject These Bad actors shamas even gets his Team to dump on you so he doesn't have To they tend to have the ability to do Whatever they want and then what I tend To do is just think about when it gets Above like it to me I need to see the Chance to make at least you know in the Rough Justice around you know 500 to a Billion dollars and then I'll get Involved but otherwise they just kind of Run the whole thing it kills me to see These VC guys have such a strong opinion On crypto that's affecting retail Decisions but listen to how unrelatable He is to the regular retail investor he Basically said unless they're going to Make 500 million to a billion dollars They just let their team run it for him Keep in mind when you trade crypto you Don't lose money they take your money Shimath was known for being a bully During his time at Facebook and now you The retail investor has become the Bully's new Target and do you seriously Want to be bullied by this guy These are the same guys who think that They should have a say on how Bitcoin Should and shouldn't be regulated also Once again they want to control Regulation because it benefits them That's Trad five for you I can't even Believe he said that of course Jamal Wants Bitcoin to be regulated like a
Security because it's in a self-interest For it to be like that these VCS do not Care about you they would Rob an old Lady on the street if they thought it Could make them an extra Buck of course If jamoth could beat up an old lady I Have my doubts these types of traffic Guys or guys that don't even really pay Attention you see they have a team that Trades for them who dumps their bags on You they're poisoned to crypto and if They're going to stay around anyways They sure as heck don't need to be Anywhere near regulating first of all There's some talk that you know uh I I What is it called zelly uh is that how You pronounce it zelly the the the the The inner Bank payment system it's not Zelly it's Zell who says zelly does it Sound like a guy you want to listen to Remember he's not paying attention he Has a team that does everything for him That's why he doesn't know how to Pronounce zeld and none of these guys Correct him on it in this clip Jamal Talks about how visa and MasterCard are Basically failing by raising fees he Also mentions it in the beginning that You could short these payment platforms And then he shamelessly shows Solana Because he's on the inside he gets his Tokens at a discount and he gets to look Under the hood as he called it this Man's never looked under a hood of a car
In his life now keep in mind on April 16 2022 he talks about how Solana pay is Going to dismantle MasterCard and Visa Look at the Timeline there keep in mind These Tran 5 VCS who want to regulate Crypto Who laugh about dumping their bags on You these VCS owned a massive amount of Solana he showed salon on the 16th no Surprise pumps 10 within a handful of Days And after that boom down 65 percent Later do you really think Jamal had the Diamond hands in May or June or did he Take retail's money as exit liquidity That's your money he just took to the Bank of course another guy in crypto That is a tradify guy that we need to Get rid of is your pal Kevin O'Leary my Dear friend now some people may not know How I feel about Kevin but check out how Kevin Feels about Bitcoin try and do a Transaction over a hundred thousand Dollars of Bitcoin I tried to do some Real estate in Switzerland with it once It is a useless currency it is a useless Currency that's what I believe I mean Look I'm not you know I realize people Have different opinions but to me it's Garbage garbage huh nice but then he Started getting involved in crypto once He realized how much money it was worth Then he took a 15 million dollar payment
To be a spokesperson For FTX he didn't know it at the time But in that deal he was debate when he Came to the Shark Tank how hard he Backed FTX has ruined his reputation Permanently understand he makes his Money off his image of his reputation And he put that in a blender way before He ever picked a bone with me all the People who looked up to him for advice And looked to him didn't know what to do Well he chewed them up and he spit them Out and still defended SPF after Everything ain't crashing down anyways Have you ever wondered how Kevin O'Leary Feels about money in the first place I Couldn't give a damn about somebody's Feelings when I'm talking about money Because money has no feelings This is all crap this money and tears Don't mix get over it Life's hard Money doesn't care Your tears don't add any value We're not going to talk about Kevin O'Leary in detail today But what I'll tell you is this there's a Lot of dirt on him out there and you Know what I know some of it but Sometimes you just let an idiot talk and Do it to himself so let me let me ask You Crypto are so promising That we should accept weaker anti-money
Laundering rules and weaker compliance From crypto firms than we require from Banks from Brokers and from Western Union No I think we should apply the same Regulatory structure that we apply to Existing trading of stocks and bonds And exchanges tied to broker dealers That is not complicated it's already Been implemented in other countries and So and I I take issue Senator with your Concept that it makes it easier to do Money laundering currencies have been Used for drug trafficking students since The 60s Thank you