I share details about the SBF hearing from being on the inside. I was there and SBF saw me. What actually happened during that hearing?
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As soon as I walk in the courtroom he Literally sees me over his lawyer's Shoulder and whiskers to his lawyer So we went down to the Bahamas and I Know a lot of people were upset last Week we had a video Vlog and it was Talking about it seeing him in court and Then it didn't have any of that footage Well we just had a little bit of a Miscommunication we had actually a lot Of footage from around the court but Obviously we were not allowed to go Inside the court I wasn't even allowed In with a phone some people were allowed To take their phone it was turned off They literally made me hand my phone to My security who stayed outside the court I had to turn it off and hand it to them That's how concerned they were about me Trying to get footage I actually tried To make like a Twitter space and like I Was gonna walk in the courthouse with my Twitter space on so like people could Hear it but then they like grabbed my Phone as I was walking in the room at First they weren't even going to let me In the room because our priority was to All make sure that Ben like definitely Got in the room I will say there was a Person in the court who I know was able To get 20 minutes of footage that you Will see down the road on a documentary Basically what happens is we go to the Bahamas with all these police charges
Against SPF and then we find out right Where we follow the police charges he Had a trial on Monday morning for Extradition so we go there Monday Morning as soon as I walk in the Courtroom if you saw in the video I mean A couple weeks ago he literally sees me Over his lawyer's shoulder and whiskers To his lawyer I was dying I had a smile I got a like a Like a kid on Christmas smile grin the Entire time because I'm so excited to be There I mean it was it was historical we Were seeing it very surreal being there The lawyers were going back and forth The more people that get involved the More people who are investing the more Money we're all going to make it's not a Pyramid scheme it is a it's not even a Scheme per se it's I have to go make a call there was this Mysterious event that happened over the Weekend that was us filing charges we Would come to find out Ben do you want To explain what just happened in there Yeah so what happened is something Happened over the weekend I didn't know what it was well that's Our girl Rebecca over here filing a Police report against Sam uh because she Was FTX investor and we got criminal Charges against him here in the Bahamas And so basically the prosecutor the the Uh attorney that was defending Sam
Didn't know that that happened over the Weekend and they kept talking about some Document well it's our report that we Filed over the weekend and so uh Sam's Gonna talk to his counselors uh over in The United States but he's not leaving Today back in the Bahamas baby let's go Let's go team Rebecca and let's go And uh there was just so many things Going on in there so many moving Parts He looked so pathetic he looks so Pitiful uh there was a time where he was All slumped over and the the domain the Court had to ask him to sit up obviously On withdrawals probably from his lack of Adderall or whatever medication he's on Um and there was a time where he sat to The left kind of on a bench and I got to Look right over at him and I waved at Him and it was it was a great moment it Felt very felt very surreal like I said The Bohemian excuse me the the very Proud people and uh you know Sam they Didn't want Sam to get extradited like They felt that Sam did wrong in their Country and that they want to make him Pay for what he did in their country the Judge it really came down to if he felt Moved by Sam's plea to get out of the Bahamas the judge was like I am not Moved by your attempt to get out of here Like you can come back another day his Case was actually supposed to be on February 8th and somehow he got it
Pushed up and he was supposed to stay There for at least a year that's what I Kept hearing other people say I asked Lincoln band like so Sam didn't get X-rayed today like how long is he going To be here told me Sam was supposed to Be in the Bahamas for a year there was a Moment where he stood up to like kind of Whisper to his uh Council and um you Know a lot of people in the back didn't Hear but I heard it and he said to his Counsel you don't understand I have to Today whatever you know three game of 3D Chess he was playing like he needed to Get out as soon as possible and his Lawyer as American lawyer must have Really changed the game because like he Was not supposed to get extradited then Two days after that hearing like I don't Even know how he got that hearing set up Because he was supposed to be in jail in The Bahamas for a long time so this is The biggest Financial crime probably in The world ever so I could see how he uh Kind of danced around some stuff with All the people he paid off and the Bohemian government definitely got their Pockets lined by this he said it again You say Bohemian not Bohemian huh he's Like Bahamian not Bohemian but Damian Bahamian Bahamian Bohemia is like hippie It's totally different It's Bahamian oh yeah you sound like You're talking about like hippies
Bohemian hey if this doesn't go in the Vlog it's a fan damn it Ben Bahamian uh but he ended up staying Another day so we got to wave to him When he went back into the SUV to go Back to the Bahamian uh prison they do Call it a prison area even though they Were serving as a jail uh BJ got a great Shot and then walking out so I figured If I wasn't going to be able to film Inside I did want to at least got the Shot of him coming out of the building I Ended up trying to get one of the shots From the front to actually see SPF come Out of the building and I saw people up In the woods so I ended up actually Swinging around the building and then Climbing over some bushes and some walls And then standing on a big old pile of Trash to get the final shot I don't know I've seen a lot of other incidences Where you would have borderline thought There were going to be riots outside of This building but it seemed like a lot Quieter than I expected they were all Rejoicing so everyone was outside they Were like singing and dancing and like That was a win for the Bahamian people That day that Sam didn't get extradited Because it's personal to them and then You know we're literally in the airport A couple hours later and I'm reading a Story from Forbes and they said that Sam Chose to stay in the Bahamas that him
Not getting extradited was his choice And I'm just thinking to myself like you Guys are so full of it how many Journalists has Sam paid off unless You're literally there in person getting The real scoop the scoop that you're Getting from the news isn't it than to Learn you know we thought that Sam was Gonna be in Uh that prison for God knows how long And then to find out that he actually Did get extradited two days later it's Just like dang like this whole thing is Really about how deep corruption can go Um this thing goes a lot deeper than Most people think and this story is Going to continue to unravel and I'm Here for you so one thing that was very Interesting was his parents were not There his parents were not in any of the Hearings and I thought that was Fascinating if your kid is facing what He's facing when you want to be there Unless you were involved in it that's Why we filed a civil lawsuit against San Bam and freed FTX Alameda and also Against Barbara Barbara freed and Joe Bangman they'd never switched names or She never took his name so they have Separate last names and what we're Trying to do is keep the Bohemian Government from seizing all of the Property that FTX owned under a Different LLC that way they were able to
Hide it in the bankruptcy for people Around the country to be able to Rally Together and say you know what we're Done with corruption uh we're staying With Lincoln Bain in the Bahamas and uh You know I think overall we're going to Win this lawsuit and people are going to See big things are going to come from it But all the chest pieces are not into Place yet we're about ready to hit Checkmate and when we do he's gonna be Finished [Music]