Don’t Miss ZK Crypto Altcoins (What Whales are Buying for Bull Run Gains)

Don’t Miss ZK Crypto Altcoins (What Whales are Buying for Bull Run Gains)

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Who is leading the fight against CBDCs, and what is the most efficient way to offramp your crypto? In this video, Deezy covers those topics along with the most prominent ZK coins and an unannounced $8 million airdrop.

0:00 Intro
0:08 ZK Coins
1:56 $8 Million Airdrop
3:31 Offramping
4:34 Total Value Lock
6:17 CBDC Ban

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We could have had something special you Ruined it Top zero knowledge ZK coins by market Cap you go to categories you'll see Zero Knowledge ZK polygon uh immutable X and How immutable X just had a fantastic Week look at that 33 minor uh or Mina This is one that I have shared that uh You know I was actually two weeks ago Was uh saying you know maybe check out Mina we heard from a big uh Bitcoin Whale that this is a favored coin of Some of the the big money so this is a One I've been looking at uh we look at 180 days so go to the max though yeah You know starting to look like uh most Of those other charts I think I said Jump in I said two weeks ago so hey hey I did pretty good the bottom yeah I mean That was more like just price action of The entire Market but hey we got lucky With that one uh optimism here all right So uh coin gecko looking at optimism so Dizzy what would you rate this niche of ZK Roll-Ups just by the the projects I rate it higher than normal so it's Above a five it's not a ten Um it has a lot of the good branding Um where it's like cheaper faster more Secure so that's going to get people Excited yeah but then it goes into it's Just kind of a complicated thing to say It's a ZK roll up and it sounds like What are we talking about Fruit Roll-Ups

I I really don't know what you're Talking about Um whereas like a mutable Ledger kind of You know maybe it's easier to picture That than it is a ZK roll-up like yeah Picture a ZK roll-up yeah what do I got You know picture an immutable Ledger I Kind of picture this thing that like Goes into Infinity into the sky and just Gonna keep having Bitcoin transactions Like I can create a powerful image in my Brain Um it's going to be harder to create Powerful images and and weirdly enough I Know it's a technology people need the Visualization here uh to kind of wrap Their head around it so I'm bullish the Nerds will like it crypto users Bridge Millions to Z casing blockchain in hopes Of a token airdrop over over 8 million Dollars has been bridged to the network In the past week alone and the Anticipation of free money even though It hasn't been confirmed uh free real Estate say what valet free real estate Yeah pretty much pretty much it's like Oh you talk about where they like put Sand into a body of water like uh Dubai Yeah something like that you know it's Free real estate didn't exist before now It does strategies from crypto Twitter Participants for a chance to claim the Tokens if and when they're issued Included bridging to Z casing providing

Liquidity on dexes and conducting a few Trades every week I'm sorry I saw a Zigzag and I was thinking of the 0.5 Rolling Papers data from nanson shows That nearly eight million dollars worth Of tokens have flowed to the network in The past week shout out let me know what Was your zigzag size I like the 1.5s Elsewhere D5 llama data shows tvl metric On ZK sync base uh decentralized Zane Zigzag has ballooned to over 13 million On Tuesday from last week's 1.5 million So we're seeing a nice little little Pump there about an 8X and a total value Locked all of these flows are zigzagging To zigzag we're in tether uh usdt stable Coins uh nanson analyst Martin Lee Explained in a note to coindesks the Confirmation of the arbitrary drop also Means that farming activity will shift Away from arbitrum and toward other Chains yeah I think we're going to see That you're gonna have people all right I did the ARB stuff what's the next hot Thing what's the next hot L1 hell two Give me something here and so people are Going to jump over and they're going to Try to essentially get that free money Any thoughts on the op token unlock what Normally would push the price down it's All Ben's video and people in the Comments are already crapping or that he No no we op is just a huge gigantic Undertaking in the crypto uh ecosystem

So yeah it is going to push the price Down but this is a long-term hold I Think any op purchases today you're Gonna be pretty happy in 2025. at the Next Bull Run top I want to sell all Should I convert all crypto to bitcoin And then convert through off-ramp figure That's easier than token off ramp what I Do I use a coinbase and then I I sell on Coinbase and then I move that into PayPal I never go from coinbase to my Bank I just never do it I know people Have lost their bank accounts uh from Doing that so I go coinbase to PayPal Which is free and then PayPal to your Bank account which is free one to three Business days or you could do it Instantly and it's a 25 maximum fee for PayPal so that that is what I do um but You know each to each their own Um you know we all have different Fiat On-ramps off ramps here this is a this Is gonna be a section where we kind of Say hey look do you use these things use These tools and you're gonna uh Definitely level up your crypto Knowledge right now we're looking at D5 Llamas total value locked total value Locked is won't show cardano because It's a on it's custodial staking uh I Don't they don't really count it total Value locked because you can move around With it but here is a good uh you know Tool to use to see what things are on

The come up which things are you know Maybe declining and I like this like 10 To 20 range 10 to 30 range you start Going down here it could be gamed a Little bit uh pretty easily you just Have one whale just make it look like It's really good but you start going up Here you can see you can track it and Just know where is the money going Where's smart money going so really good Tool there also we have coin perspective This is for the moon math idiots I'm Kind of kidding but when you want to lie To yourself and you want to say What if my favorite coin had bitcoin's Market cap just what if just what if and Then you kind of do the moon math and You're like oh my God I have 27 million Dollars that's weird I only had two Thousand dollars worth of crypto you lie To yourself and you do some Moon math This is a great tool but it doesn't just Have to be Bitcoin it can be you know You could do more realistic targets so I I kind of joke when I say it's like the Idiots Moon meth it is though it's like If you want to feel like uh a rich idiot Uh do please use it but if you're more Realistic like okay I'm really into this L2 and I think it can hit polygons Market cap today maybe during the bull Run that would be a good tool you could Punch punch in the numbers and be like Oh if immutable X hits this level this

Is what it's going to be per coin so It's a really good tool but if you have Some exit targets you can maybe use it CDC ban proposed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the new bill are you saying This would protect residents from National or Global Central Bank digital Currencies it's called upon like-minded Governors to to combat surveillance and Control from the feds and adopt similar Legislation under its commercial codes If passed the law would also protect the Residents from a global digital currency Issued by a former foreign Central Bank He emphasized that Florida will not Support the erosion of Financial Freedom And the U.S federal reserve recently Announced that it's fed now payment System would launch in July 23 so it Seems to be in direct response to the U.S fed saying a broader rollout's Happening in July fed Vice chair lail Brainerd said in May last year that fed Now performs almost the same function as The cbdc however a cbdc would be legal Tender rather than a real life real-time Payment system I think this is going to Be a narrative you're not going to see This narrative probably for a few months Maybe closer to July they're going to Say guys guys I know it walks like a Duck I know it quacks like a duck I know It's sitting on the water and it's Eating breadcrumbs but guys it's not a

Cbdc and I think that's going to see That we're going to see that narrative Being pushed and so as these states come Out with these laws Banning cbdc so One's Gonna Do a little little legal Mumbo jumbo and said oh 99 out of 100 Things as a cbdc but you see that one Thing that means technically it's not Now Force this down your throat and up You like this Tweet now you're banned You know so I think it's going to be a Slippery Road it's going to be similar To what you see with cyber security a Little battle you know as they they Change the language here then they'll Move it dead and then they'll they'll do A new Amendment to the legislation then They'll change something it's going to Be a battle that uh goes on and on [Music] Oh [Music]

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