![Everything You Need to Trade and Swap Crypto [Bitget Tutorial]](https://www.cryptocurrents.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/everything-you-need-to-trade-and-swap-crypto-bitget-tutorial-_Pn_Peqpn_8-796x445.jpg)
In this lesson, we’ll be taking a deep dive into the fastest growing crypto trading platform in the world, Bitget. This easy to use, comprehensive platform is a one stop shop for all your crypto trading needs. With 384 different crypto coins to choose from, no wonder over 2 million traders worldwide choose Bitget.
💱 Use this link to trade with us on BitGet, an exchange that puts users and security first. ➡️
💱 Use this link to trade with us on BitGet, an exchange that puts users and security first. ➡️
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0:00 Intro
2:08 Getting Started
4:12 Buying Crypto
4:59 Spot Trading
6:24 Star Trader Program
9:28 Demo Trading
11:02 Leverage Trading
12:17 Bitget Earn
12:45 BGB Token
13:09 Launchpad
13:46 Conclusion
All of our videos are strictly personal opinions. Please make sure to do your own research. Never take one person’s opinion for financial guidance. There are multiple strategies and not all strategies fit all people. Our videos ARE NOT financial advice. Digital Assets are highly volatile and carry a considerable amount of risk. Only use exchanges for trading digital assets. Never keep your entire portfolio on an exchange.
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Hey what's up everyone my name is AJ Writes crypto and welcome to bitlab Academy in this lesson we will be taking A deep dive into the fastest growing Crypto trading platform in the world Bitget this easy to use comprehensive Platform is a One-Stop shop for all your Crypto trading needs with 384 different Crypto coins to choose from no wonder Over 2 million Traders worldwide choose Bitget the thing that makes me the most Bullish on bitget besides the fact that It's my favorite place to leverage trade Is that they are 100 transparent about Their proof of reserves what does this Mean the bit get website defines proof Of reserves as an auditing procedure That is verifiable through cryptographic Proofs checks of public wallet ownership And recurring audits to certify the Holdings of an exchange in layman terms It means that they have the money that They say they have and they publish Their Merkle Tree on a monthly basis to Prove it if you don't know a Merkle tree Is a cryptographic structure that is Used to verified the Integrity of data It's like an unbeatable lie detector That proves you have what you say you Have so not only is bitget easy to use They actually prove that they're solvent On a monthly basis I want you to see This for yourself here on their website Under bitgetreserve details look at the
Reserve ratios this is what you want to See when you're picking out a crypto Exchange so hypothetically speaking for Some crazy reason everyone sold Everything off this Exchange in one day Bit would still be above water I can't Stress how important this is because Here at bitlab Academy yes we want to Teach you the ins and out of crypto but We want to put an emphasis on how to do This safely if you're going to trade on An exchange make sure that you do it on One that has verifiable funding listen If you just want to buy crypto and wait For years and years which is totally Okay my suggestion would be to store Your crypto on a cold wallet but if you Want to create an optimal strategy to Maximize profits trading crypto and at Least do that on bickett where you know Your funds are safe okay so now let's Jump into bit get so here we are at Bica.com you're going to go to sign up You're going to enter an email address You're going to make up a password and Then you're going to click sign up right There as you can see on my computer it Says that my location is in Germany well We all know that I'm in Georgia the Reason it says that is because I'm Running a VPN anytime you're doing any Financial exchanges or trading crypto Online I highly suggest that you use the VPN in the world of crypto there's no
Such thing as being too safe and you Should take every precaution you can to Protect yourself okay so here we are at The bit get home page anytime you make a New account in crypto you want to spend A couple minutes going over the site to Familiarize yourself with everything so You know where you're at so here we are At the home page here's the proof of Reserve thing that I was talking about That shows that they have all the money That they say they have which is pretty Rare on a crypto exchange to be honest It should be standard here's the bit get Security protection fund so basically There's two million dollars in this Wallet they will eventually have three Million dollars in this wallet so if Anyone ever gets hacked or anything like That happens they will pay back all of Their users in full they have affiliate Programs and referral programs so you Can make some extra crypto for telling Your friends to join bit get they have Reward centers like you get three Dollars to enter kyc if you put a Certain amount of money in Futures Trading your first deposit bonus copy Trading spot trading there's over forty One hundred dollars that you can make First off let's talk about kyc I Personally choose to not do kyc when I Don't have to yes I have to pay a little Bit more trading fees and it lowers my
Withdrawal limit but in crypto security Is very important and anytime you don't Have to tell them everything about Yourself just don't keep in mind if you Wanted to buy crypto directly off bitget You will have to kyc to do so but I Prefer to just send myself crypto from Another exchange to fund the account Also to check the markets on bitget you Just go up here click markets and kind Of scroll through check the price prices You can find what coin you're looking For if there's a certain coin like do They have ICP yep they have ICP and you Click on it and then you'll go straight To the Chart it's very easy to find the Coin you want to trade if you want to Buy crypto from Big get you could do That right here from a third party or You could set up your bank account how I Do it is go to deposit and say I wanted To send myself some Bitcoin you click The chain click Bitcoin and then you Copy this address and then if you go to Your Ledger or coinbase wherever you Keep it you would paste this address Into the withdrawal and in a matter of Minutes you'll have your crypto so here We are in the assets at the top right Hand this is the spot account where if You just want to buy normal crypto Without any leveraging I personally like To leverage trade so I have my money in A usdc and Futures account but say I
Wanted to transfer this to my spot Account I would go to from usdcm to spot Account I'd say transfer 50 bucks Confirm transfer succeeded so now we can Do our first spot trade I like that that The charts are powered by trading you Very familiar so now here we are this Right here is the order book all these People right here are all trying to sell Their Bitcoin at this price and all These people are trying to buy Bitcoin At this price and this right here would Be the market price so say I wanted to Buy fifty dollars from my usdc I would Go to bitcoin slash usdc I could either Put in a trigger order which is when I Could say if I wanted to buy it at 17 500 instead of where it is now I could Put that price in there and then when The price comes down if it comes down to That level it would trigger the order When it hits that price since we want to Do this really fast I'm going to put in A limit order so this right here is a Person selling their Bitcoin as for the Cheapest price available right here you Can choose how much of your usdc you Want to buy so I'll just do fifty Dollars click buy Bitcoin click confirm And just like that we bought fifty Dollars in Bitcoin so I bought the Bitcoin so now let's say if I wanted to Sell the Bitcoin I would click on this Because these are people buying the
Bitcoin so I'm going to sell it to them So when I'm buying Bitcoin I'm going to Get it from the sellers when I'm selling Bitcoin I'm going to get it from the Buyer so click the person who has the Cheapest price and then scroll over to All the tether and right here you choose How much tether you want to sell and I'm Going to sell the Bitcoin the more you Play around with bitget you will learn How easy it is to do exactly what you Want to do another thing that I like About bitkit is that it's just not Another trading platform it's also a Sort of social network where influencers Can post their trading setups and you Can follow them on bit get or you can Even become an influencer and have other People follow your setups so if you go To here and go to Star Trader program You can become a Trader and if people Follow your trades you can earn up to Ten percent of the profits that they Make you're also eligible to win give Packages you can copy other people's Trades there are certification badges to Show like what level you're on which is Super cool and if you get good enough One day you can make the leaderboard This right here is an absolutely Ridiculous Roi so then you could say if I wanted to follow this person I would Just click follow and just like that This is all their stats and data and
Stuff but say I wanted to follow one of Their trades I would go to strategy Trading and go to strategy Plaza click Here and so you can copy this setup it Would only cost you one usdt so one Dollar but this one here I think was Free so let's click on that one so I Could go to operation copy copy now and This would be a Futures grid so then if You wanted to go long here or go short Here it's very important that you pick An exchange that allows you to trade Both directions I love that about bitget Coinbase and binance and all that you Can only just buy and hold you need to Be able to go both ways if you can't go Down you're missing more than half of The opportunity especially in a bear Market so here we go you enter the Estimated price range and then this is The highest price range and then choose How many grids you want to set up you Can choose to leverage 20x Leverage is Very high when normal leverage trading On bitka you can even use is up to a Hundred X leverage personally myself I Like to stay between 3 and 5x or 10 if I'm feeling frisky if I wanted to copy That other person's trade and then go Off the Futures grid I would just fill This out and click go but I'm not really Into trading Bots but if people like to Use trading Bots they are very Accessible for some people but
Definitely look into the ins and out of Whatever trading bot you want to get Into so strategy trading is for one Click copying or you can go to copy Trading where you can kind of scroll Through everyone who's doing really good At the time how they have different rois But the rois you have to pay attention To them because some people can have a Really high Roi but they've only been in Three trades so you kind of got to see Who's been in a lot of Trades that has Like a more down to earth Roi so I Followed this person right here they've Done over a hundred trades they have a Thousand followers there is a limit to How many followers you can have which is Why it says full for some of these People here you want to make sure you Can find a Trader who doesn't have a Full follower account this person here You know has a 1000 an Roi but to see Right here that you have to pay Attention to this to copy yours p l is That they've lost forty three thousand Dollars so I don't know if I want to Follow that guy at least find someone Who has a positive copier's p l because Just because they have a high Roi Doesn't mean that the people that copied Them do so I would click on this guy Here he's done over 300 transactions I Can follow him I'm the last person That's able to follow him and these are
All the setups they have and then I can Choose how much of my money I'd like to Put into this let's just go ten dollars Click next and then this would put ten Dollars into all of these setups I think It is cool that they offer this feature But personally if you're looking to copy Someone else's trades that's a sign to Me that you should probably study more And learn how to make your own strategy So we've decided that it's probably not The best to copy other people's trades And you want to make your own strategy But what if you want to make your own Strategy but you don't want to risk any Of your own money you can also do that Here on bitget if you go up here and go To Futures you can can click on demo Trading this is a very useful tool that I use all the time when I just want to Try out a trade to see how it would go So here we are in the bit get test net You can tell that you're in the test net Because there's an S here before Bitcoin So it's just fake money this is all fake Money but say you want to practice on Bitget but you really don't want to risk Your own money this is the perfect place To do that because you can use any Amount of Leverage you want so say we Wanted to go long with 125x leverage of All of our fake tether we click in the Price we go to 100 percent we go to buy Long click confirm all right so here we
Are we're in our massive 125x position And when you trade with really really High leverage like this you could get Completely wrecked if the chart costs or You could make a thousand dollars in Five minutes you never know but like I Said before you don't want to use really Really risky High leverage you want to Find a sweet spot between three and five And if your win rate isn't consistent With spot trades don't even think about Getting into leverage until you're ready So make sure you play around with the Test net before you really get into Leverage trading to do a real leverage Trade we're going to want to go right Here to Futures right here I have my Money in usdc not usdt there are more Trading pairs available with usdt but Since I'm only going to leverage trade Bitcoin and ethereum I send it over with Circle okay so I have 900 available well Let's look at like the five minute chart Here looks like Bitcoin had a really big Come up and now it's kind of coming down To retest and let's say you know if we Think it's going to keep going down that Hill would kind of come down here to Complete that line or it would retest This line and pop back up but I think It's worth a short just for a little bit So I'm not going to risk all 900 of my Money but what the cool thing with Leverage is you can have a bigger
Position with less money so say I wanted The risk 100 and we could leverage tax Leverage at a hundred dollars we're Gonna go short here we're 10x leverage At 100 it's still a thousand dollar Position let's click confirm order Successful and then once the order Clears which sometimes it takes a second And it will be over here in position Where you monitor the trade and this Works exactly like the test net when You're trading on the test net it's Basically an exact simulation of what You're going to do when you're trading For real so make sure you get the test Net down before you start leverage Trading with your hard-earned money Let's look into a couple more cool Things about bitco so if up here you go To earn you can click on earn here so Big at earn is cool especially if you Plan on holding something for a long Time as you can see here you can earn up To eight percent on your usdc or four Percent on your ethereum and then Basically you would come down here and Click on which one you want to do and Then you would click subscribe you do Have to kyc to earn this way and that's Okay big Ed is totally acceptable in America but since I'm only here to Leverage trade I'm going to avoid that You know how kucoin has KCs or binance Has BNB well bickett has bgb and this is
Their token and if you have some bgb on Your account it's actually worth it to Hold some bgb on your account because With margins trading you'll get a 15 Discount on your trading fees you get Twenty percent discount on normal Trading fees that aren't margin and it Also gives you access to the launch pad Which is another really cool thing that I'll show you right now the launch pad Is a way for you to invest in coins Before they are officially launched onto The exchange they currently don't have Any that you can do right now but if you Check their Twitter page which is also Really useful for giveaways and rewards And things like that it will post up When something is getting put onto the Launch pad and you can get in on a coin Early before it's even launched onto the Exchange I always like to check the Bicad Twitter you know they're giving a Hundred thousand dollars away for Trading bonuses for Christmas time They're giving away an iPhone 14 if you Trade with your friends it's just a good Way to get some cool rewards that you Might have not been able to get anywhere Else so all in all today we went through Everything there is to know about Bickett we showed you how to spot trade How to get money on your account how to Use the test net first before you Leverage trade right there are also bot
Trades and copy trades that you could do But I think it's personal really best to Think of your own strategy first because If you want a copy off someone else it Sounds like you didn't do your homework Always do your homework here at bitlab Academy and I'll see you in the next Lesson [Music]