Hottest New Altcoin To Deliver INSANE Gains (BTC Is a threat)

Hottest New Altcoin To Deliver INSANE Gains (BTC Is a threat)

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0:00 Intro
01:06 Government trying to get BTC to be a security
03:06 SUI is down 99.9%
05:32 Are VCs good for crpto & NFTs?)
06:52 Calling Warren Davidson office

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If you love crypto and you hate cbdc's We love you that's what we need to go After all the other social issues should Not matter at this point this is the Most important issue of our time Individual a criminal or he is the most Incompetent regulator we've ever had we Would like to see Warren Davidson push This bill we will be in favor of it and We want to see the contents of it we Want to know as soon as this bill is out And it's published we want a timeline of When we can expect it and we also want To know when it is published how we can See it how we can read it and how we can Spread this out to more people make no Mistake Ohio's 8th District [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] What are they doing here with Bitcoin They're trying to squeeze out miners why They want profitable miners to be Controlled by the government so they can Eventually get enough consensus to Switch Bitcoin to prove stake so you can Call it a security I'm telling you That's the plan that's is it going to Work no it's not going to work do they Think it's gonna work maybe toward the Shot in the dark I don't think there's Any way Bitcoin ever changes over to

Prove at stake but remember this I want You guys to remember this and I got my Character assassinated by the Bitcoin Maxis for saying this which there's only Like seven Bitcoin Maxis left so who Cares but the point is the point is this Bitcoin can Change from proven work to prove mistake It is possible with the mechanics of the Way the consensus runs okay it would Have to have a majority of the nodes in The network and it's never going to get That that's not going to happen however That's not going to stop the government From trying to squeeze an angle that They think can work guys that's why They're saying they want to go after Ethereum as a security now because it's Proof of stake when it's proven work They couldn't do it guys there's only One threat to the financial system it's Not ethereum it's not outgrand it's not ICP it's not Pepe maybe it's against her Coin who knows but the point is this The only threat is Bitcoin why do you Think they're sitting you think they're Just like oh Bitcoin you go ahead you do Your thing the other all coins we're Coming after you but Bitcoin the one Threat to us we're gonna let you run Guys there is it's an angle they're Working an angle and Bitcoin matches are Too blind and too stupid to see it they Love being in Gary's pants that's what

They love like Great Clips and he loves Going in Gary ginsburg's pants as his Number one place he wants to be he wants To be like a little sugar glider a Little little pet flying squirrel Crawled down there and Gary ginsler's Little lizard okay and Pat the lizard And say good good boy good boy go after Ethereum go after it these guys are so Blind by their own uh egos that they Can't see that the government is Positioning itself right now to go after Bitcoin that's why we have to remove This Administration as fast as we can All right moving on here how many times Did I tell you not to get in sweet until After it dumps I've said it consistently On this channel this is going to be a Major coin But only after it dumps so let's check Out what's going on with uh with this Wow look at that what how big of a drop Is that my gosh It launched at ten thousand and one Dollars Wow what it's a 99.9 drop 99.9 drop yeah did you get it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank you

The marketing hype and the VCS behind Some projects make those things not Nearly as important and sui is one of Them Aptos is another one why do you Think Aptos did so well no of course it Got crushed when it first came out just Icewear but what did it do it hit pump Like crazy why it's got big money VCS And hype behind it all around the world And I know this because I hear things And I talk to people I knew sweet was Going to be big a year ago okay guys Sometimes you gotta go with what's hot Regardless of the little details that Separate it from something else does This mean you want to go all in on sweet No this is going to be a top 20 project For sure by the end of the next Bull Run If this thing does not get To the top 20 in market cap I will get What kind of tattoo should I get oh man What kind of tattoo should I get I don't Know I don't know I should get um Kind of I want to say a pig tattooed on Me I want to say a pig because sweet Like Pig Suey pigs I'll get a pig tattoo If it does at some point and then the Next Bull Run enter the top 20 I'll get A pig tattooed on me that's a big one That's a big one that's a big one well You guys know he took a picture with a Pig what's in the Bahamas and this is Something I wanted to bring up this is

Kind of what I was alluding to with the Sweet stuff uh can you put a pull up About that I want to pull up our VCS Good for crypto and nfts and I think the Vast majority is going to say no okay Now here's the thing with VCS A lot of these projects need money to Get off the ground however a lot of These are run into the founders dilemma Where they make so much money from the VCS they no longer are motivated to Continue on and push forward with you Know what's going on uh you know with Building their actual projects so Because of that Uh you know they get a bad rap because Guess what you guys ever seen these Polls about exit or these these tweets About exit liquidity and say influencers Are using you for exit liquidity The VCS are using you for exit liquidity And why do they get no blame guys why do You think your project likes to be Dumpster in the beginning because they Get it on a seed round for like 10 cents the project pumps up to ten Dollars and they sell and they made 100x On their money okay and you're getting The leftovers and the price is just Plummeting the entire time and you're Just trying to get a position this is Why do not buy coins when they come out I was telling you guys it's about Suite Forever for months and months I've been

Telling you don't buy sweet when it Comes out wait until it drops and we've Seen this this is what it's done so uh Right now we're wow look at this like 50 15. about 50 50. I'm shocked at this Guys what we're gonna be doing now is We're going to be calling Warren Davidson's office live you sure the show The Graphic here there is attention big Squad call your center today who is Warren Davidson well let's pull him up On Twitter real quick Um show you who he is he is a republican We like Warren Davidson we are on his Side uh he is against Um obviously He's against Gary ginsler now here's his Twitter account oh he follows me okay Where Davis follows me that's a big Flex Right there well I followed Warren Davidson two down look at that Um you guys he's a former uh Army Ranger Serving in the eighth District in Congress uh from Ohio uh maybe only go To an Ohio Meetup we could meet up with Him that would be really cool if he's There Um but he famously put out uh in the Hearing against Gary ginsler he put out Something about a bill that he was Putting together to remove Gary ginser Well through the trees I've heard like We haven't now I I wanted to say preface This by saying this is the best of my

Knowledge and I have right now something May have changed the last couple days That I'm unaware of but I have been told That we don't actually have a copy of That bill that bill is not actually out Yet and so what we want to do is we want To use our voice as the bit Squad and we Want to call Warren David's office and We want to tell them we want the bill we Want Gary ginsel removed and we want to See it the first draft he's got and of Course through doing all this I think Drew actually been in touch with Warren Davidson's people we were just planning To do this this morning and maybe we can Get on the channel for an interview that Would be really awesome because we want To know what's going on with this and we Want to show you guys that we do have Power now you can't contact I want to Talk about this this is Warren Davidson's page here um you can't the State logos covering it up in the top Left here Um but Warren Davidson this is contact Page all of your house and Senate Representatives are going to have these Forms and you can email them with this Information bottom scroll all the way to The bottom oh oh man pull the bottom of The browser up the call number right There bottom left corner Butler County District office oh not that far yeah Right there okay see that right yeah

This is the number right here oh that's It right there on the left side perfect Okay There we go uh 513 number oh this is why This was pulled up the other day I see It now now I understand I get it why I Mean there you go but I would always Suggest calling not emailing the calls Are going to be more impactful so what We're going to do here right on live on The show is we are going to call Warren Davidson's office and we're gonna see I've never called I've never called an Office before so I have no idea what to Expect we're going to show you how to do This so if I want three 779-5400 we're going to call Warren Davidson's office All right here we go It's better than calling lawyers in the Florida bar am I right Yeah there's positive stuff You probably get an answering machine Probably get a message but they have to Listen to every message remember that That's why the messages are more Powerful thank you for calling If you know your part is extension you May dial it at any time To leave a message Pull it over where I leave a message Right yep okay I wonder how long it gives you I know it's gonna be a recording

Address Phone number A brief message detailing how we may be Of assistance and we will return your Call Thank you Hi my name is Ben Armstrong I'm calling On behalf of uh about five to six Million people on social media uh and we Would really you can reach me on Twitter At Big Boy underscore crypto Warren Davidson follows me so it'd be easy for Him to send me a DM or for someone from Your office too uh we're representing The bit Squad and we want to see the Bill to remove Gary ginsler Gary ginsler Is the worst regulator we've had in the History of America he met with the Biggest fraud in the history of mankind At least two times over six months Before the fall of FTX uh which means Either Gary ganzor is a corrupt Individual a criminal or he is the most Incompetent regulator we've ever had we Would like to see Warren Davidson push This bill we will be in favor of it and We want to see the contents of it we Want to know as soon as this bill is out And it's published we want a timeline of When we can expect it and we also want To know when it is published how we can See it how we can read it and how we can Spread this out to more people make no Mistake Ohio's 8th District we all want

Gary ginsler removed and we stand in Solidarity with Warren Davidson to do This thank you on behalf of the bit Squad good boy out There we go sad easy guys that's how you Do it now here's the thing you may be Wondering now look somebody said an Intern I've come to understand a lot of This because here's what I used to say That's stupid they don't actually listen Or to the phone calls they don't Actually read the messages The Congress people and the Senators Themselves you're correct they do not Their staff does after getting to know Six staff offices at Congress like very Well when I went up to my visit Washington DC Now I understand how it works yes Interns and staffers are the people that Listen to these messages and they also Are the people who um uh who read all The emails well the problem with emails Is a lot of places they want templates They're going to be like the same email Over and over again so what that means Is they're going to be able to look and See it and skim through it there's Probably nothing different than anybody Else and they can run through it really Fast however the voicemails have to be Listened to by law I don't know if it's Technically by law this part but it is Law that they have to listen to

Voicemails from zero seconds to Completion so the more that you guys Actually do this I want everybody after The show's over I want you to all call Warren Davidson's office we want to let Them know that we are coming for Gary Ganzor we want him removed this is not Being done for no action we want this The people want Gary Ginza removed and Bit Squad we appreciate you guys uh There we go let's do it [Music] Thank you Foreign [Music] [Music]