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Bitcoin forecast for 2023. This is my roadmap ahead to navigate the bitcoin and crypto markets in 2023.
Part 2, which is my indexes, real estate and commodities 2023 forecast video, is also on my channel. It is vital to watch both to understand the roadmap ahead and how I plan to navigate all markets in 2023.
Find Part 2 on my channel here:
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Happy New Years and welcome back to the Channel for a fresh start to 2023. Today's video we're gonna do a massive Predictions forecast video for 2023. I'm Going to be covering Bitcoin the NASDAQ S P 500 Dow Jones we're going to look at Some Finance sectors as well to help us Into this second half of the real estate Cycle of course I'll be covering the Real estate cycle as well the US dollar Gas and other major Commodities based on Some of the macroeconomics that we've Been hearing throughout 2022 with how Bad things were in 2022 and how bad they Should be getting into 2023. of course If you've been following this channel For any particular time by hitting the Subscribe button and the like button Down below of course it helps out the Channel and you get to see more of this Content on your news feed I'll remind You again at the end of the video if you Want to see what sort of value there is In this video before clicking the Buttons If you have been following you Know the position of myself here on the Channel and our members in the investor Accelerator is that we are looking Towards 2023 as being part of that Bottoming process and then looking up Towards the end of 2023 and I want to Show you why that is the case in today's Video I know this is not going to be What many people are wanting but I hope
That it helps some people see Potentially a different side to what's Going on out there maybe it's going to Help some people out just like what Would have helped people out at the tops Seeing things that they didn't want to Hear or see at that particular point in Time and of course I'm going to cover This in a lot of charts the main thing I Do here is technical analysis looking at What the news is going to tell us later But it tells us first here on the chart So we've got a lot of charts to get Through looking at as I said Bitcoin First and then getting into some of Those stock markets as well to give us An idea of what to expect next a lot of These things are going to be similar but Also slightly different timings or Potential to the upside and I focused Heavily on the tech sector and the s p Being the two differences there and I'll Show you why in just a minute so first Thing I want to start with is the Bitcoin chart and the white line is Bitcoin the yellow line is the s p and Over the last two or three years 2020 2021 2022 there's been quite a lot of Similarities here with the charts I Don't expect that to change anytime soon And I don't expect it to change probably In our lifetimes we'll wait and see for That but the main big thing here is when The markets are depressed everything
Will go down with it and cash is going To be your friend we learned that lesson Again in 2022 when markets are happy People are joyful and they think Everything's going to go to the Moon Pretty much everything goes at the same Time but you're going to have slightly Different topping out periods and Slightly different bottoming periods but Essentially it happens around that same Time and the overarching cycle here that We focus on is of course the 18.6 year Cycle with credits to property share Market economics that have developed This this has worked for over 200 years You may have seen it begin to circulate Online it's starting to gain some Popularity people are seeing the cycle Here which is a great thing but this has Over 200 years of history and even Further back if you look at the UK Markets nearly 300 years of History Within this one particular cycle so Before we jump too far ahead to too many Different charts the first thing here is Bitcoin and I want to start with Bitcoin Looking at what we've covered previously In terms of our monthly forecasts or What some people like to call Predictions and we'll use that for January from now into February and then Of course quarter one quarter two and so On and then look forward 12 months from This particular time as well in the
Market so the first chart I've got here Is January to January and then I want to Focus a little bit on the major tests Because we're going to have to break Down the 12 months into major sectors This is not going to be an easy ride From the low to the high and it's going To confuse a lot of people myself Included everyone's going to get Confused at some point along the way so As long as we have a bit of a road map Ahead of us to help us keep track of What's going on guide us through our Analysis as the market begins to deliver More and more data throughout the year Hopefully that keeps us safe in the Market as well So the pink vertical lines here are January periods and we just want to have A look at what has happened in the past From January to January on bitcoin and If we see any sort of patterns here as Well we did this with the November Predictions video and we saw from November to November if you go November In the bear Market 12 months later every Single time of the last two times of the Bear markets it has been a positive Result so you could buy in November and Then look forward to the following 12 Months in November and you'd have a Positive result that's shown here on the Market this is similar what we want to Do this time round for January so let's
Start back and then have a look at how This works in with different times in The cycle of course this also includes Things like recessions and anything else That the media tries to throw our way The main thing here is that we're Focusing on charts and not getting Caught up with what is new out in the Macro economics like the money print has Been turned off because ever been Through a recession there's war at hand Those sort of things Continue to confuse a lot of people so Let's just focus on the charts for this Video and we'll worry about those things In a in a future video January 2011 to 2012 it's a positive 12 months so we'll Just go through this nice and quick 12 To 13 it's been a positive year as well That's 12 months up uh January to 2014 Also another 12 months essentially you Could just buy in that January and then Sell in 12 months time and it's been a Profit Now comes a time where you couldn't have Done that through the bear Market January 2014 to January 2015 it was down Long period there it was down then from January to January slight positive here So that's 2015 to 2016 16 to 17. that's A positive into 2017 to 18 positive Again this time couldn't happen was 2018 Into 2019 big negative there was Basically the entire bear Market going
Forward after that 12-month bear Market 19 into 20 so 2019 2020 positive 2020 2021 positive 2021 2022 still positive From the close to the close but of Course the bear Market started in 2022 Or you'd probably call that November 2021 but essentially the entire entirety Of 2022 has been down So that brings us to today we had a Negative 12 months from January to January every single time in bitcoin's History over the last 13 odd years we Know Bitcoin has been around since 2009 Data starting in 2010 the next 12 months After a bear market for Bitcoin has Shown a positive result for the price of Bitcoin meaning wherever Bitcoin is now 12 months from now we will probably or At least the history shows 100 of the Time uh the the price will be higher Than where it is now now I'm not going To say that it has to happen because Eventually these rules that happened 100 Of the time eventually they stop Happening 100 of the time But what I'm going to show you next is Why I think that we will probably see a Higher price in the next 12 months from January based on where we are in the Total cycle but moving forward I don't Know if that will be the case so I'm not Going to tell you that something is 100 When the data may not in fact be correct At 100 forever so that's January to
January I also want to look at the Quarters as well when this next big test Is so we can basically call the shots Here and say January to January 12 months will be higher based on the Data now the major test something that Is going to be pretty difficult I'd say For the first quarter quarters are of Course January February March quarter One quarter two April May June quarter Three July August September and of Course quarter for October November December just in case you were wondering Quarter one it's going to be a tough Time based on what we have seen in the Past so let's move this forward to March And April and essentially we'll leave it At April so we know that the previous Month of that is March there have been Significant turning points for Bitcoin And the s p in the first quarter and all We have to do is just go back to the Last few years April and March of 2022 Significant peak in the market this was That first lower swing top very tough Time it's going to be a significant turn In the market going back again April 2021 was the peak of the market it Basically the bull market ran out in February you can see the Peak at 58k and Then 20 uh April 2021 saw the absolute Peak Then we got the crash so significant Turns happened towards the end of
Quarter one of course we go back to March 2020 very significant turn in the Market that was the pandemic low and we Also had that February Peak before the Pandemic low which of course was an All-time high in the stock markets as Well going back again 2019 this was a Significant move out of an accumulation Period so this broke the market out of Accumulation so there was a lot of Energy in the market what we're looking For here is a time where the news in the Media is going to get extremely hyped up March and April of 2019 extreme time and Ran into June we also got a peak in February of 2018 or a major trough here After that Peak that held the market up For one two three into that fourth month So a very significant turn going back Into that previous bear Market March of 2017 very significant timing in The market this was just before it broke Out into new all-time high territory in April you can see it got a top and a Bottom basically breaking the previous Month's high and low so very significant Time 2016 not so significant just before A breakout we also got to turn in 2015 Significant April bottom in 2014 running Into a peak of June very significant April peak in 2013 obviously that was The previous all-time high before Several months underneath that uh 2012 Not as significant basically it's the
Accumulation period very significant Turn in 2011 and that's all the data we Have here for Bitcoin so quarter one I Suspect based on the data here and what We'll see in the s p is going to be a Very significant test so it's a very Significant Time in the market that's what we're Going to look out for in quarter one Speaking of quarters 2022 saw Bitcoin With four straight red quarters the First time that has ever happened in its Entire history and this leads a lot of People to believe there's going to be Further downside as well but if we go Back to the previous bear markets 2018 It saw three red quarters and then a Slight positive quarter three only three Percent so it was almost four there as Well 2014 was also the last uh the Beer Market before that and it had a very Significant Quarter Two so three in 2014 Three in 2018 and we finally got our First four red quarters but what Happened after each of those quarters Was a very significant bounce you had a Pretty big bounce in 2019 and in 2015 uh It called the bottom and basically went Sideways into that accumulation period Through 2015 before we saw that bounce Out into 2016. so could that happen Again obviously it is very possible it's Shown that in the past and that's what We're leading to into 2023 the other
Point here is the average true range so This is how much the volatility is in The Bitcoin price and every time this Gets quite low you often see a big move A spike in the true range so this is Leading to a big move coming up very Very soon for BTC it could be down could Be up I know that doesn't help very much But there is obviously going to be a Very big move one way or the other so Keep an eye out for the support and Resistance level so it's not a big point To help us with is it higher or lower But there is going to be a big move Because the range of the bars is Contracting meaning the volatility is Dropping and therefore we always get a Big move after the volatility contracts Which also works in with our quarter one Major test coming there's going to be a Significant move in quarter one that Could scare a lot of people out thinking We're going to see further downside but As show we could potentially see some Further upside that's a wrap on my Thoughts on bitcoin throughout 2023 and Potentially into 2024 and 2025 I did end Up splitting this video up into two Parts which you'll see a link to on the Side here popping up with the other Playlists and I've also left a link to It in the video description the video Got too long and I thought it'd be best If we leave one for Bitcoin and one for
The traditional markets so don't miss That one that is going to be the leader In what happens across the entire Globe When it comes to our finance financial Markets throughout 2023 and of course Leading into what I believe is going to Be a peak in land values sometime around Mid this decade I don't think things are Going to be as bad as what the media has Been making out for 2023 and a lot of That data is in that video so don't go Anywhere like And subscribe to the Channel to stay up to date with the Macro view here share it with a friend That believes the world is coming to an End in 2023 and see what their reactions Are let me know in the comments down Below whether you think Bitcoin is going To close higher or lower than what it Opened in in 2023 and we'll come back And revisit this at the end of 2023. Thanks again guys check that video out Popping up here or in the video Description see you at the next one Until then peace out