How Many XLM To Become A Millionaire!

How Many XLM To Become A Millionaire!

What would it take for Stellar’s XLM to make you a millionaire? Join us as we embark on a thought experiment charting the potential for XLM in the next crypto bull run!

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0:00 Intro
1:05 Tokenomics
1:53 Prediction #1
2:20 Partnerships
3:17 Prediction #2
3:27 Prediction #3
4:05 Prediction #4
4:18 Dollar Cost Averaging
5:03 Outro


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What would it take for Stellar's xlm to Make you a millionaire join us as we Embark on a thought experiment charting The potential for xmlm in the next for No bull run let's get it What would a bit more crypto my name is Ben in this video we're going to blast Off with some Stellar Moon math decimate How much xlm you would need to hold in Order to become a millionaire in the Next Bull Run but before I go into that Go ahead and smash that like button and Subscribe to the channel to get the Latest in crypto news and education you Always want to stay up to date so hit That bell all right let's get into Figuring out how much xlm you're going To need XOM hit its all-time high price of Around 94 cents on January 3rd 2018. in The last Bull Run unlike Bitcoin and Many other coins xlm did not double top In November of 2021 but it put its Yearly high of 79 cents in during the First run-up in May so the reason it Wasn't able to put in a new all-time High last Bull Run is because of its Supply which is slowly rising in a Linear fashion with 50 billion in the Total Supply back in 2018 there were Only 17.8 billion coins in circulation 2021 there were around 23 billion coins In circulation and now there's 26.8 Billion which is only 54 of its Max

Supply as you can see xlm struggles to Stay above water because the market cap Has to work overtime to catch up to its Growing Supply nowadays xlm has been Dancing around the 10 cent Mark in a Very tight range for the past year let's Imagine that Stellar is able to return To its previous all-time high of 94 Cents in the next Bull Run if you wanted To become a stellar millionaire you need To hold just over a million xlm which Would cost you a little over 100k for Prices If you're a stellar bull then these Estimates might be a bit too Conservative for your tastes so let's Turn on the thrusters a bit it's not a Great sign that xlm never Revisited its All-time high unless bull market but There has been developments that could Make it much stronger in the next cycle Stellar has partnered with the massive Fintech company MoneyGram to help them With their cross-border Payment Solutions that sounds like a familiar Partnership if you're in the xrp army in Addition to funding development on Stellar MoneyGram also uses dollar Blockchain to help users easily trade Their local currency for usdc last month Star announced a new integration with Franklin on chain U.S government money Fund a massive U.S registered fund with Over 270 million dollars in assets under

Management Fund will be using the seller blockchain To maintain official records of the Ownership of shares in the fund Stellar Says that is the first public blockchain To host this kind of service for U.S Registered fund if these bullish Catalyst Stack Up it could actually be Possible for Stellar to far exceed its Previous all-time high and reach as high As one or two dollars or even higher but We would need to see a mega rally in the Entire crypto market for something like This to happen and of course a special Thanks to our sponsor stake for Sponsoring this video and our entire Channel we love them okay back to it Let's say that Stellar manages to double Its all-time high reaching two dollars That happened you'll need 500 000 xlm to Become a millionaire to switch back About fifty thousand dollars at today's Prices maybe that's not enough for you Maybe you're a mega Stellar bowl and you Think that it could get as high as five Dollars per xlm in this case you'd only Need two hundred thousand xlm costing You twenty thousand dollars in today's Prices realistically though I'm not Confident in the whole Sea price is this High in the next few years I remember How high we thought things were going to Blast off to during the last cycle and Ended up being a bit tamer than we

Expected to say the least so I'm keeping That in mind for my predictions this Time around the average person doesn't Have tens of thousands of dollars Sitting around but even if you're on a Budget like most retail investors you Still put smaller amounts of money in And see big returns so let's say you can Only put in a thousand dollars at Current prices this will give you around Ten thousand xlm Stellar does raise your Two dollar mark That's potential twenty Thousand dollar return on your Investment not quite a million but still Not bad and potentially life-changing For some people To also take a minute to look at the Power of dollar cost averaging which is Buying a set amount on a regular basis Or regularly buying dips sellers danced Around the 10 cent line for almost a Year now which makes this map pretty Easy let's imagine that the price stays Relatively stable while your dollar cost Averaging over the next year through the End of the bear Market in the beginning Of the bull market If you buy a hundred dollars worth of XML every month for the next year at an Average price around 10 cents per Stellar you to accumulate approximately 12 000 xlm the xlm starts to take off During the next Bull cycle and reaches Two dollars in a few years your twelve

Hundred dollar investment will Potentially be worth twenty four Thousand dollars depending on how much The price fluctuated and whether or not It started to take off by the time you Were finished buying either way not a Bad return for just a few bucks a week Stellar is some headwinds to come but if You're overly bullish on this crypto Project that is a proven track record And continues to develop during the Bull And Bear markets and Stellar might make Your crypto dreams The stars or maybe even The moon that's all God Be Blessed Way Out Thank you