Is Decentralized Science EVOLVING? (DeSci Will SAVE Decentralization)

Is Decentralized Science EVOLVING? (DeSci Will SAVE Decentralization)

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Science as we know it is in trouble. On the one hand there has never been better access to information. But at the same time, large corporate interests have infiltrated the peer review process and skewed the research. If you can influence science, then you have the power to influence the minds of the masses.

So why am I talking about this on a crypto channel? Because the root of this corruption is a problem that we are very familiar with in the crypto industry… Centralization. Centralization of research and funding has led to this corruption, just as centralization of power has led to corruption in banking institutions and government agencies. Science itself is under fire. But thankfully there are a handful of crypto projects that are meeting this challenge head on.

0:00 Intro
0:57 DeSci
2:07 Transparency
3:16 Funding
5:59 Tools
7:05 Projects
7:36 Conclusion

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Science as we know it is in trouble on One hand we have more access to more Information than we've ever had before But on the other hand we've got huge Corporate interests that have Infiltrated the peer-reviewed process And skewed the research if you can Influence science you can influence the Minds of society and so you may be Wondering why am I talking about this on A crypto Channel because crypto is Science no because the enemy of science Is the same enemy we have in Cryptocurrency which is centralization The centralization of researching and Funding well that's led to this gigantic Problem just as centralization of power Has led to Banks and governments being Absolutely corrupt around the world Science itself it's under attack luckily There's critical projects out there They're ready to fight this battle head On let's get it Foreign Crypto my name is Ben and today we're Talking about science let's go and get Into decentralized science and why it's Important if you like when we cover These complicated topics make sure to Smash that like button and subscribe to The channel there is a growing movement In the world of science and crypto and It is called D side which stands for Decentralized Science and it's a

Movement to decentralize research and Funding when it comes to science Projects and later in this video we're Going to get into some of the actual Crypto projects that are in this Niche But first we got to lay the groundwork On why this is important Describes DSi as a movement that aims to Build public infrastructure for funding Creating reviewing crediting storing and Disseminating scientific knowledge Fairly and equitably using the web3 Stack and this is a vastly different World than the one we're living in today Where most research is funded by Corporations or government agencies and Can be found behind paywalls instead Being hidden behind a paywall Decentralized science dictates that all Scientific information should be Publicly accessible on a public record On a public blockchain with independent Funding that prevents one powerful donor From being able to get in and skew the Research now many ideas of the openness And transparency that we find in Decentralized science well they started In the 90s during what was known as the Open science movement and it's funny There's a lot of crossover between the Open science movement and the cyberpunks Who most people believe are respond over The creation of Bitcoin both groups Fought for freedom on the internet and

Also believed in online privacy one of The biggest champions of the open Science movement was early Pioneer Aaron Schwartz who had a part in founding Reddit my very favorite place go check Out the cryptocurrency subreddit see What they say about me love those guys He helped develop the Creative Commons Framework and also developed the RSS Protocol which we get RSS feeds from Which people even use those anymore While helping build the foundations of The internet Swartz was also a legally Downloading copy of of scientific Research see these were hidden behind Pay walls and he was acting like Robin Hood taking from the rich and giving to The public he allowed them to be viewed For free because he believed in open Science and open information but Unfortunately for Schwartz this tale has A somber ending As he was arrested and threatened with 50 years in prison instead of accepting A plea deal he rejected it and then took His own life but now we have decide to Take on his movement and he wants to Take the movement a few steps further Than even Sports had imagined by not Only advocating for openness and Transparency But also decentralization of funding you See with blockchain technology the app Academic research that Aaron Schwartz

Wanted to be public Well it now becomes free open to the Public And independently funded you see it's One thing to empower researchers and to Fund them but in order for science to Flourish the work has to be transparent People have to be able to see and Trust The sources they're getting their Information from the transparency of the Research is not just a matter of making Information free and accessible to the Public but it's about making the Research itself better and making it Easier for scientists to well be Scientists and do their jobs it's not Always easy for scientists to track down Results from previous research but There's so much happening around the World in research at one time that it's Almost impossible for them to give the Latest information with a quick glance The thing about this if scientists could Look at all research happening in the Same way that people in crypto can Research a block Explorer imagine the Possibilities that would open up we Could see science move faster than ever You see it's because scientists would be Connected and communication will become Much easier and much simpler this would Be at a level that which wasn't possible During the previous system this would be The ultimate peer review system you know

Charles hoskinson has to love that now Part of the path forward with DSI is Harnessing the power of nfts these nfts Can be used to gain intellectual Property rights for different research Studies and these nfts well they can Generate income for these companies Without having to have paywalls or Charging users anything other than what They would voluntarily pay for the Research paper nft and we have funding For science it's a massive challenge as We discussed earlier funding from Corporations and governments well it's Rife with corruption but the Centralization of funding problem also Exists which means the money is often Flowing to the wrong places this is how We end end up with insane situations That you might hear of on the news Where the government put two million Dollars into a research program where Dogs were injected with cocaine or how About this one the half a million bucks That was spent on a casino for pigeons And yet very serious problems across our Country and our world while they're Underfunded yes both those things Actually happened and the lesson here to Learn is that if funding was Crowdsourced the research would more Adequately affect and address the needs Of the people instead of the whims of Some detached bureaucrats with no

Concept of reality and no amount of Concern for the average person criter Now gives us a ton of tools for Decentralized funding we see in the last Few years that Dallas can be quite Effective in raising money and awareness For different projects and missions very Quickly a dow was almost able to buy the US Constitution last year and many Others have obtained serious fundraising Money there are also new funding Mechanisms like quadratic funding which Gives people with less money and less Influence a chance to have their voices Heard with quadratic funding a system Won't start out with a pool of money That's been contributed by wealthy Donors and then the money is distributed Based on how many people gave money even If the contribution of some of the People was only a dollar the system has Been powered by get coin it's a platform That funds open source development on The ethereum blockchain your coin is Technically regenerative Finance or refi Which means it uses Financial incentives To accelerate the funding of public Goods now we'll explore the refi sector In a different video more in depth but DSi refi and D5 well they're all Connected in a symbiotic relationship Regenerative finance will be used to Fund decentralized science projects and It will all be happening on D5 rails so

That's how they're all connected and so Now DSi is just getting going as you can See there's a big use case for it There's not a ton of projects working in This industry right now that people have Heard of but there are a few that are Worth mentioning as we're seeing these As first movers in the space of course Now this is financial advice one of These projects is called lab Dow it Operates a decentralized network of Open Source computer labs and of course There's molecule which is a research Funding platform then there's also DSi Labs this book is on publishing and the DSi Foundation which is a more General Organization that basically supports the Entire ecosystem most of DSI right now It's still really just conceptual a lot Of these teams are still in the process Of building out their protocols but this Is a massive idea and one that needs to Happen it's one of those blockchain use Cases that really could make our world a Better place this is a new paradigm for Crypto one that can finally Garner Support from places we haven't really Seen it before such as massive Universities pharmaceutical companies Energy companies and government grants And once some of these Partnerships Start coming to fruition that's when Adoption truly happens blockchain Science well they're happening they're

Happening together make sure you don't Miss out on this exciting new Niche drop Down below your comments what do you Guys think about decentralized science What do you think about problems within Scientific research and funding Community draw those comments down below Make sure to like And subscribe it's all Got to be blessed [Music] Thank you [Music]

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