Is the DOLLAR DEAD? (BRICS Using Bitcoin )

Is the DOLLAR DEAD? (BRICS Using Bitcoin )

Is the DOLLAR DEAD? (BRICS Using Bitcoin) As I sit here, pondering the future of global currencies, a question keeps echoing in my mind: Is the dollar dead? The rise of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) nations and their growing interest in cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, has sparked a wave of speculation about the fate of the almighty dollar. Join me as I delve into this fascinating topic and explore the potential implications for the world’s leading reserve currency. So, fasten your seatbelts and embark on this thought-provoking journey with me.

Is the DOLLAR DEAD? (BRICS Using Bitcoin )


As an avid follower of the cryptocurrency market, I recently stumbled upon a thought-provoking video created by Discover Crypto. In this video, they explore an intriguing idea: What if the BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – decided to create a new currency backed by Bitcoin and precious metals, thus potentially challenging the global dominance of the US dollar? In this article, I will delve into the fascinating arguments presented in the video and share my personal insights on this matter.

The Rise of BRICS Nations and the Potential for Change

The BRICS nations have been rapidly growing in terms of GDP and global dominance over the past few years. These countries are collectively seeking to establish themselves as major players in the new world order. Naturally, discussions surrounding their economic growth and potential strategies have become crucial.

One notable topic that has garnered attention is the development of a currency that is backed by diversified assets, including Bitcoin and precious metals. Crypto has become a major subject of discussion at BRICS summits, as these nations recognize the potential benefits it could offer in terms of stability, security, and decentralization.

The Power of BRICS and the Implications for Bitcoin

What makes the idea of a BRICS-backed currency so captivating is the sheer scale of the group. BRICS encompasses 84 countries and represents over 40% of the world population. If these nations were to allocate just 25% of their GDP into Bitcoin, it could lead to a massive increase in its price.

Such a surge in value would undoubtedly cause a frenzy among other investors, and Bitcoin’s momentum would be propelled even higher. In this scenario, it is not far-fetched to imagine Bitcoin becoming a major reserve currency, potentially displacing the US dollar from its position of global dominance.

The Technological Revolution and the Shift in Global Finance

The possibility of BRICS nations using Bitcoin as a foundational currency represents a significant technological revolution. It highlights the potential for a fundamental shift in the way global finance operates. Decentralized and borderless, Bitcoin offers advantages that traditional fiat currencies simply cannot match.

While the idea of a BRICS-backed cryptocurrency is still speculative, it opens up a world of possibilities. The implications of such a development could reach far beyond Bitcoin’s market value, with ramifications for geopolitical relationships and financial systems worldwide. It is an exciting concept that warrants careful consideration.


In conclusion, the video created by Discover Crypto raises thought-provoking questions regarding the potential of BRICS nations to create a new currency backed by Bitcoin and precious metals. With their significant economic growth and growing global power, these nations could indeed challenge the long-standing dominance of the US dollar. However, it is vital to recognize that this idea is still in the realm of speculation, and many factors would need to align for it to become a reality. Nonetheless, the discussion surrounding a BRICS-backed currency is a testament to the revolutionary power of cryptocurrency and the potential it holds for disrupting traditional financial systems.


  1. Can the BRICS nations create a new currency backed by Bitcoin and precious metals?
  2. Which countries are part of the BRICS group?
  3. Why are discussions surrounding cryptocurrency important at BRICS summits?
  4. How would allocating 25% of the BRICS GDP into Bitcoin affect its price?
  5. What are the potential implications of Bitcoin becoming a major reserve currency?