IT GOT WORSE… Binance Halts Withdrawals, Kevin O’Leary Crypto, Chainlink News, & MORE!

IT GOT WORSE... Binance Halts Withdrawals, Kevin O'Leary Crypto, Chainlink News, & MORE!

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00:00 Intro
00:18 Binance US Halts USD Deposits, Withdrawals, Trading
02:12 How Kevin O’Leary Would Solve Coinbase
03:51 Crypto(.)com Suspends U.S. Institutional Business
04:45 How Much Did I Earn w/ XCAD After 12 Days?
09:47 EXPOSED: Gary Gensler Applied for a Job at Binance Before SEC
10:39 Former SEC Chain, Jay Clayton, on Binance & Coinbase

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I need to ask you about crypto because You had some exposure to FTX just Yesterday and in the past 20 well that Would be 36 hours the SEC has filed two Major lawsuits one against binance and One against coinbase big new updates if You hold crypto in the US by the way the Contagion may be spreading but starting With binance binance us suspends the use Of Fiat as a legal troubles Mount so the Exchange said users should withdraw all Their USD as soon as possible as the Securities and Exchange Commission Engages in extremely aggressive and Intimidating tactics against the company Dear valued customer as you may be aware Binance us alongside other companies in Our industry has become the target of Aggressive tactics by the United States The SEC has brought unjustified civil Claims against our business from which We will continue to vigorously defend Ourselves our customers our partners and Industries and while as of today they Say all your crypto is fine with them All everything that aspect is staying Open binance us says it is transitioning To an all crypto exchange as of June 13th and the company said trading Staking deposits and withdrawals in Crypto remain fully operational yet the Reason that they have to pause USD Channels is because of operation choke Point 2.0 irrespective of baseless

Claims and in light of the commission's Increasingly aggressive tactics are Payment and banking Partners have Singled their intent to pause USD Fiat Channels as early as June 13th I've read All the charges I've read both Complaints they are two different Complaints what's going on against Finance is those are really really Serious and unless all mingling of Consumer funds and directly charging the Founder um who who's a you know an Entrepreneur that created a lawless Environment that's what the SEC is Claiming and as you remember on Tuesday The SEC filed for a temporary very Restraining order to freeze certain Assets tied to binance us the two are Due back in court on June 13th regarding The matter the same day binance U.S says It's transitioning to an all crypto Exchange Now Kevin has always had a Strong bias against CZ against binance But for Brian Armstrong for the CEO of Coinbase how would Kevin O'Leary solve This one of two things should happen if You're a shareholder or a board member Of coinbase I'd swap leadership I'd get A new person to run it and go back into The staff and say we got to work this Out because the whole industry has been Stymied for three years we'll never get Capital appreciation until an Institution can invest I've talked to

Sovereign wealth I've talked Institutions in the last 48 hours you Know what they've said this makes this Asset class radioactive waste yeah we Are not going to touch this until this Thing's resolved so here's a company That could resolve it they claim they're The leaders well if the leader of that Company and I'm not you know I'm not Playing any punches if he was working For me at firearm I I'd get somebody Else we're talking about the head of Coinbase yes it's over it's so over it's Almost getting boring Gensler has told Him countless times no no no no and no And everybody hears it except him so Maybe what you do and you thank him for His great work as a Pioneer If you want something done in Washington Well you take him out behind the barn And you make the swap you get a new CEO At coinbase to go back in there and say Let's make a deal because look at it This way if you could walk in right now And say okay again sir you win let's Regulate this let's call it a security You get a trillion dollars worth of Assets for an allocation of just three Percent in Sovereign wealth you could Open the spigots you could really make This industry take off and Own It Domestically but read the tillys read The room listen read genzler's lips the Answer is no and Justin as of this

Morning exchange suspends U.S Institutional business and while is not primarily a us-based Exchange the singapore-based digital Asset platform added that had made the Decision due to a limited demand from Institutions in the U.S in the current Market landscape now keep in mind this Is just for institutional investors in The U.S institutional investors are Large accredited customers but for Everybody else the average person like You like me nothing has changed this Decision regarding the Exchange business in the US does not Impact our retail app used by More than 80 million users worldwide in Any way now we have monster chain link News the CEO speaking on chain Link's Partnership with swift also a new clip From former SEC chair Jake Clayton but Many of you have been asking for an Earnings update from sponsor of the Channel xcad easiest way to earn money In cryptocurrency every day just by Watching YouTube and checking back in on My extension my results boom after Around 60 videos which is 12 days Because per nerd you can watch five Videos per day so after a total of 60 Videos viewed my earnings a little bit Over six hundred dollars in these last 12 days that's around seven point one Eight thousand play tokens and in total

Per month that would average to around Fifteen hundred dollars earned per month Just by watching YouTube pretty cool Also keep in mind that is gross earnings You do have to account for repair costs Which is about 20 percent and if you're Asking what did I have to do to earn That well just watch YouTube videos as a Reminder my nerd's specialty is fun so I Like to watch The fun videos and in total to watch Five videos per day that does take Around between 20 and 25 minutes Depending on which creators videos you Watch and you do have to watch at least 80 percent of each video which creators Like they like retention now we know That major YouTubers Mr Beast KSI backed Xcad as early as 2021 we also know that Watch to earn major Trend potentially This cycle and while I share with you a Full explanation in my video which is Now linked down below check it out Essentially how this works mint a nerd And get rewarded for supporting your Favorite YouTubers and for viewing Patterns most beneficial to creators buy A nerd and start earning play tokens and Keep in mind I did this with a rare nerd With a reputation sort of on the lowest End of rare nerds 6 out of 10. if you Obviously mint a nerd with better stats Rarer stats than obviously earnings Would increase decrease depending on

Your nerd and its stats also keep in Mind xcad's play area is only available On Android or desktop through an Extension it should be coming to iOS at The end of this month and even though Access codes can be hard to come by There is one down below in the video Description and once you download the Extension or the Android app you can Just sign up then use the access code Then of course you will have to pick Your box which will determine how good Your nft your nerd is you want one with High traits I did the rare box for a Rare nft you do what's best for you Again link down below also access code Down Below in the video description and Feel free to comment your experience if You're already watching and earning Comment your experience down below and a Huge reason to be bullish on crypto long Term as chain Link's co-founder explains Their Swift partnership to test Interbank blockchain tech all right Sergey thank you so much for joining us On crypto world today so chain link just Announced a new partnership with Interbank payment processor Swift walk Me through the announcement and tell me Why you're teaming up absolutely it's a Very exciting development that we've Been working on for many years we've Been working with many other Participants for over seven years and

This is the second uh Collaboration that we're having with Swift so it's actually progressing much Much further than before this time Basically we're working together with Swift dtcc euroclear and some of the World's largest banks like City BNB Paraba and large custodians like being y Melon to see how blockchains can be used Within their largest categories of Transactions and this means that Basically the idea that each of them Would have their own kind of chains and Then those Chains would need to be Connected to by them so their systems Need to get connected to those chains And the chains need to get connected Between each other and then the chains Also need to get connected to public Blockchains in order to have access to That market okay so this is Proof of concept that we're talking About what are you looking for to make This what would make this a successful Test So so this is actually the second proof Of concept so it's it's not uh it's not The first and this is a much more Advanced one with over 10 participants And some of the well the largest banks In the world and the largest market Infrastructures so it's it's it's a more Advanced proof of concept Um I think the thing that uh we think

It'll show is that you can efficiently Use existing infrastructure like Swift Messages to utilize multiple blockchains Through one integration Um by using something like chain link to Interact with those hundreds of Blockchains in an efficient way I think We'll be able to show that moving value Across chains can be done efficiently And securely and I think we'll show that Through that same interface you can move Value into public chains which means That bank chains can gain access to Public blockchains relatively easily Using that chain link ccip protocol and Interface and now we may have some Insight onto why Gary Gensler is going So hard word against binance binance Lawyers allege that the SEC chair Gensler offered himself to serve as Advisor to the crypto company binance Back in 2019 meaning before Gary Gensler Was in charge of the SEC when he was Still at MIT or maybe right when he left He asked to be an advisor work for Binance but was rejected documents filed By the SEC on Wednesday indicate that Attorneys from Gibson Dunn and lotham And Watkins two of binance's law firms Allege that Gensler offered to serve as An advisor to the crypto Exchange in Several March 2019 conversations with Binance Executives and CZ he eventually Met CZ in Japan for lunch later that

Month the pilot claims and now this is Interesting what is Jake Clayton's take On the U.S versus coinbase versus Binance versus crypto I think that when I was there people would say I was a Crypto Hawk Free effective they shut down the Ico Craze said that most of what I'm seeing Is Securities activity but I do think we Are having a very blunt conversations About something that requires Nuance Crypto is really a technology The use of blockchain technology in all Sorts of aspects of our financial system Should be not controversial the Allegations in the cases again in FTX And in binance it's it's reprehensible Behavior nobody wants it in in our Financial system but it's not on the Blockchain It's co-mingling it's fraudulent Representations to the extent true I Thought it's not as if the the Technology failed or the or the Technology had some sort of fundamental Problem like always see you tomorrow