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Welcome to Big Boy crypto my name is Ben We're gonna do a different kind of Portfolio video today Um because Number one our portfolios haven't really Done anything recently uh and we're not Gonna be making any moves today so I Thought we could do something a little Bit different uh so what I want to do Today is talk about another way to Allocate your portfolio and I want to Know Down Below in the comments the way You think that I should do this to maybe Add another portfolio to our portfolio Challenge so obviously when it comes to Diversifying you want to have a wide Array not too wide but a diversified set Of assets in your portfolio Unless you're a Bitcoin maximalist you Don't want to just take one shot pick One coin and write it all the way that's Usually a good way to get wrecked Because if it goes up you don't take Profits it goes back down you end up Married to the bag and then you just Don't have any other option Um you can't jump around at some points You're getting hot so in my opinion I Definitely think it's it's good to have Anywhere from four to ten coins in a Given portfolio Now of course if you got a million Dollars you can have more than that but In general for what most people are
Working with I think probably somewhere You know eight to ten is probably where You want to be now How do we do these different allocations With these different coins well you can Do it where you take a coin in the top Five you take one in the top ten you Take two in the top 20 whatever the case May be you just try to go down and pick Coins uh you know that you like that are Good but what are you really basing that On One thing that works very well is to Have a system and to follow it okay so Let's say you want to create a portfolio And you want Two layer one coins you want one layer Two Network you want maybe one privacy Coin which I wouldn't put in my Portfolio to be honest with you but Maybe you want some Bitcoin of course Then you may want Um maybe an exchange token once again That's something I'm doing right now You may want a storage token whatever it Might be you might build your portfolio Like that instead of just picking random Coins Now another way you can do it Is to invest in a niche and so that's What we're going to be talking about Today there's a ton of different niches Out there uh and you know some we're Going to be talking about on the channel
Soon that we haven't ever talked about Before new niches that are coming up Such as DSi decentralized science very Interesting stuff there that we're Discovering you also have plenty of Other projects out there you have Metaverse projects I wouldn't go hard in That right now you obviously have uh Exchange tokens storage coins kind of Like we just talked about with all those So what I want to do is I want to put Together a portfolio Of only one Niche I think the one that I Want to do is Layer Two I can set up a portfolio I don't know How much we'll put in it maybe five Thousand dollars a pretty good tester Somewhere there balance maybe we do more Because I'm really bullish on this niche We do polygon We do optimism We do arbitrum Then we go around and start picking on Some of the layer twos maybe on other Networks uh look into those and maybe Find a gym somewhere it's a good way Where you can balance your portfolio With really strong picks at the top of a Niche that we think is going to do Really well and then also have some that Are more speculative uh you know maybe In the top 100 maybe you get a little Bit outside the top 100 uh something Like that
But it's a good way like I'll just say It like this layer one platforms have Been my number one investment in the History of microder portfolios Consistently betting on layer one Protocols wins well naturally now that Those seem to win every cycle Now it makes sense that layer twos would Also be moving with them we've seen Polygon movement tandem with ethereum we Now know that with the ethereum merge It's got great tokenomics it's going to Fix some of the issues uh it's obviously Proof of state now it's not proof of Work so That means polygon is going to get a lot Of benefit as well a lot of people want To build on uh you know on polygon we Saw it move with ethereum will we see Some of these other projects do it as Well the more the network gets used The more they're going to need Layer Two So as long as you're counting on Ethereum to go up which I am Not Financial advice that you could Really look at polygon in some of these Other layer twos to With it so there are other niches you Could do this with though uh another one I would be really interested in is Decentralized storage I think that's Going to be a big narrative in the bull Run I think it's going to be a positive Niche then you have some of the ones
That are more speculative like the DSi One I'm just learning about Um obviously you wouldn't want to really Go too speculative in a niche that you Don't really know yet There's going to be a lot of projects Way down on coin market cap but I will Tell you this that's what D5 was in 2020 And a lot of those projects you know People got rewarded for taking that risk And getting in early on a lot of those Decentralized Finance projects not only Were they earning money in the portfolio But they were also earning passive Income with D5 so that's another thing To think about could you set up a Portfolio that's only out of coins that Are making you passive income now of Course we don't want to do that off Chain hey you know what I'm saying if You're going to get card Auto make sure You're using our state and pull the bit Pool or at least a Cardinals taking pool Not doing it on a platform like Gemini Earn or Celsius we see what happens There you're just giving up access to Your coins you don't want to do that Unless you absolutely have to if you do Make sure it's a small percentage of Your portfolio and it won't break you But you don't want to have a portfolio That's a hundred percent uh coins Earning yield on third parties that's Not a great idea so that could be
Something really interesting to look at You know cardano Cosmos uh you know Algorand some of these projects apps Taking you can do it on chain can Definitely be something that uh you know Is very interesting let me turn my Blinker off How about that did you guys like that so I heard also today that uh apparently Coffee Zilla putting out a response to Logan Paul uh in that crypto Zoo Situation have you been following along With that like most of you have I'm sure most of you guys know at least Generally what what it's about Man very interesting we're putting out a Video tonight at 10 pm make sure to come Check it out or I'll be filling in some Of the details and some of them while They're major in my opinion but Um some of the finer points that really Had a big impact on what happened there With crypto zoo and I think at this Point like it's way more beneficial Coffee Zilla doesn't need to respond to Logan Paul he doesn't need to respond And I'm certainly the clicks are going To be good on a response video but in my Opinion it's time to you know really Just say what can we learn from this What can we take away from it not can we Just keep bickering back and forth and Feeding back and forth I don't think It's really super beneficial I think
People can see that Logan Paul's Response video it really didn't hit the Mark Um and kavi Zilla is just continuing to Uh fuel it with him here I just don't I Think coffee's dealers should probably Be the bigger man here and just kind of Let It Go Um and I'm not talking about finding new Information I'm talking about just the bickering Back and forth It's really unnecessary I Obviously have done some bickering Myself uh but I think at this point the Points were made and they were driven Home like really hard and really strong And so like I said let's see what we can Learn from it maybe we get those two Guys uh you know to come together uh and Do a debate live somewhere but Definitely not in either one of them Studios because If you accept another man's challenge to Go to his Studio You're a beta that's all I got be Blessed make sure to put in the comments Which Niche you want to see a portfolio In talk about