Larry Fink (BlackRock CEO) gives POWERFUL investment prediction & advice: ‘Invest in Crypto!’
Larry Fink is an American billionaire businessman w/ an estimated net worth at $1Billion. He sits on the boards of the Council on Foreign Relations and World Economic Forum.
BlackRock is the largest money-management firm in the world with more than $10Trillion in AUM giving the firm enormous power over the global financial system.
We will be at Bitcoin Conference 2023 next year!
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0:00 – Powerful Shadow Men says BUY CRYPTO
1:14 – 2023 Investment Advice/Prediction
4:28 – Subscribe for DAILY news
4:43 – Bitcoin has bottomed (PREPARE)
5:25 – Buying MORE Ethereum than ever before
7:00 – Largest US college teaching Bitcoin!!!
7:36 – Texas issues statement on bitcoin & energy grid
9:09 – Bitcoin Miami 2023
9:29 – Bank of India Calls for an Outright Crypto Ban
**Note: My overall opinion is that the name of the game is to accumulate as much Bitcoin as possible. Alts are interesting but a lot more speculative. I use them to accumulate more Bitcoin.
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Most of my crypto portfolio is Bitcoin, then Ethereum, but I hold many cryptocurrencies, possibly ones discussed in this video.
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One of the most powerful shadowmen in the world
has just come out and said the whole world is Going to tokenize with crypto this powerful shadow
man I'm talking about is none other than Larry Fink who's an American billionaire businessman he
is the chairman and CEO of BlackRock which is an American multinational Investment Management
Corporation BlackRock is the largest money Management firm in the world with more than 10
trillion in assets under management giving the Firm enormous power over the Global Financial
system and the CEO is bullish this might gain Even more attention now because the current
monthly candle is green price moves first The Narrative attaches later this is one of the
reasons why I'm focusing on the whole idea Blockchain for Securities I look forward to
the day when we can tokenize stocks and bonds That every stock and every Bond we could identify
immediately who is the beneficial owner and this Is why we're working on it and every beneficial
owner from an individual to an institution have The ability to vote to democratize every single
vote and that's where we want to take this and and We're leading that effort if you are an investor
you need to pay attention to what Larry Fink says Next he continues giving his broader outlook
on 2023 this year is enormously optimistic for Investors listen to Larry Fink's reasoning why
pay attention to what he says at the end you talk About 2022 being a year of huge transition how
do you see this year shaping up Larry more of the Same or you know are your expectations perhaps
a bit different than what we've seen last year Well from the perspective of long-term investors
I see 2023 to be enormously opportunistic Actually maybe the hardest years for investing for
the long term where the last few years because of Negative interest rates uh investors worldwide
had to take on more and more risk to achieve Their liabilities actually now having uh you
know two-year treasury is going to be close you Know at four and a quarter uh credits at five
high yield at eight percent we're going to see A whole restructuring and a rebalancing of how
portfolios were constructed just a few years ago And you're going to see now once again more Bond
investing within the con within the confines of Pension fund investing in that in 20 years ago
most Pension funds had 60 70 percent in bonds Because we were able to retrieve their their role
and their goals that they were trying to achieve By 2018 they could not own bonds they
had to put on more and more illiquidity And so in reality we're going to be seeing more
and more opportunities of the of rebalancing Back into bonds and as you talk about a lot
about growth Equity when interest rates are Near zero you could you have the ability to
buy high growth stock uh because you're not Losing any money when if short rates go up
to five percent you're paying a big premium For that type of perceived growth and that's
a recalibration what that we saw in 2022 and Now we're living in an area where you're going
to be able to invest differently in addition We are seeing more and more investors looking
at infrastructure where you're going to have a
Combination of some illiquidity but you're gonna
have high coupon I think this is going to be a Period of time with more dividend stocks again
as a play so I look at this as more opportunistic And probably the most important thing of our
announcement today in terms of earnings has been Uh BlackRock is winning more share
a wallet than any firm in the world In good markets when markets are going down or
in banned markets or good markets when markets Are going up and bad markets are going down uh and
this past year we had 400 billion dollars of net Inflows in long-term assets of which 230 billion
came from the United States and so we have now Raised you know raised about a 1.7 trillion
dollars over the last few years uh from from Investors awarding Us in good times and bad times
because of the guidance we're giving and also our Performance and our fiduciary standard by the way
welcome back to altcoin daily subscribe to the Channel because every day we take you through the
charts the different coins we keep you in tune and Up to date and well informed on the entire crypto
ecosystem let's jump in Bitcoin yearly candles Green green green red green green green red green
green green red green green green two more years Of green is what the chart suggests of course past
performance doesn't necessarily indicate future Results but so many things are lining up Bitcoin
eight years ago Bitcoin four years ago Bitcoin Today the Bitcoin narratives change but the
patterns remain the same so eight years ago notice This point right here Trend change four years
ago notice this point right here Trend change now Today very interesting very interesting so going
out on a limb here bitcoin's bottom is in even If it Wicks just a hair lower bitcoin's bottom is
essentially in that's what I think of course you Tell me anything could happen but if the four-year
cycle low is in and we have two more years of Green as I believe it's very hard to miss just
how well ethereum performed relatively speaking Ethereum is holding up so well in this bear Market
as we've noticed as cycle trader Bob Lucas has Noticed as it gets asked often my long-term hotels
the coins I'm holding for the long term 50 Bitcoin 50 each according to Bob Lucas you tell me how
you allocate Bitcoin and eth specifically in the Comments below and it's true eth's risk profile
drastically evolved since 2018 so much better Than that previous cycle though there remains
implementation and road map risks for ethereum It's clear that the market is saying it trusts the
process and many now own it as a store of value Use in nft transactions likely bolstered this
appeal plus staking income yes bitcoin's value Proposition was simple and clear from day one eats
required execution proof moved to staking big deal But also getting withdrawals on the road map key
e real utility finally validates thesis for the Chain significant Capital sitting on chain plus
time people are starting to understand education Is starting to happen in fact one of the largest
U.S colleges has begun teaching students about Bitcoin the professor said a programming Bitcoin
course will follow the first Bitcoin course where Students will learn how to build a Bitcoin library
from scratch what is this large U.S college we're
Talking about Texas A M classroom adoption of
Bitcoin and crypto courses continue to Skyrocket With Texas a m not being the latest United States
College to offer Bitcoin course to some of its 74 000 plus students makes sense right on a state
level Texas very bullish on bitcoin and crypto Adoption I love seeing things like this from
specific regions in the USA or specific countries Just seeing the different types of people
adopting Bitcoin and crypto breaking news for Former leader of Texas energy grid Brad Jones
says Bitcoin mining is helping balance our grid And is driving more Renewables into our system
love to hear people talking about Bitcoin like This so for many years ercot was had been looking
for loads of scale that could really respond in a Demand responsive way that could help us balance
our grid back in 2015 you may remember we started The process of setting up loads in skit it was
through I think about 2016 or 2017 no one showed Up at first there just wasn't any loads that of
scale that could really help us in that market but It's here now and it's a great thing for helping
us to bounce the grid helping us to manage all of Our resources uh the the Bitcoin has the nature of
really turning down when prices begin to rise in A way that we can give that power back to other
consumers and at the same time as we bring more And more Renewables into the state it became comes
a driver of more Renewables because right now if We bring in all the Renewables that are signed
up to want to come to our state there will be A significant depression of pricing during the day
by having Bitcoin there to assist and to stabilize Those prices throughout the day is going to drive
more Renewables into our system and that's good For Texas get your tickets to bitcoin 2023 Miami
May 18th through 20th Miami Beach this year use Code altcoin daily 10 off this is the biggest
Bitcoin Conference of the Year ticket prices Continue to increase as we get closer to the event
use code altcoin daily 10 off get your tickets Now make sure you subscribe to our Channel we keep
you informed on a daily basis and we try and share With you the good news the bad news the whole news
and the whole news is this the Reserve Bank of India their governor calls for an outright crypto
ban India is worried quote they will lose control Over the money supply in the country due to assets
like Bitcoin this can happen the Central Bank Governor warns so currencies have the potential
you know they have the characteristics of becoming A means of Exchange that is they can become
a means of exchange of of doing a transaction And most of it is dollar denominated so if you
allow it to grow assume a situation where 20 Percent of our transactions in the economy 20
percent are mentioning an ad hoc number 20 of The transactions in the economy is taking
place through cryptos which are not issued By the Central Bank it is issued by private
companies which are placed all over the world The Reserve Bank being the monetary authority of
the country as the central bank will lose control Over the money supply in the economy we will lose
control over 20 percent of the transactions in our Economy Reserve bank's ability the central
bank's ability to decide monetary policy to
Decide on the liquidity of you know the level of
liquidity that needs to be maintained the level Of money supply M3 that has to be maintained
in the economy the reserve bank's authority to That extent will get undermined it will lead to a
dollarization of the economy and please believe me These are not empty alarm signals or empty you
know I am getting this can happen one year ago In The Reserve Bank we had said that this whole
thing is likely to collapse sooner than later And if you see the developments over the last one
year climaxing in the FTX episode I think I don't