Now Is Your Time (BEST Opportunity To Grab Crypto)

Now Is Your Time (BEST Opportunity To Grab Crypto)

Let’s look at our bloody portfolios. Bloody – because it’s bleeding. And that means that it’s time to spend our last USDC reserves on one of my favorite altcoins.

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Welcome to bit more crypto my name is Ben we're gonna be taking a look at the Bloody portfolio today no I don't mean Bloody portfolio like I was maybe a British pirate I mean it's bloody Because it's bleeding out right now Um now once again there are some kind of Quirky things about Um ignore this number up here we're not Actually down 50 Um I feel like I go over this every Single week when I cover this Um the skewed numbers there because we Have been using this wallet for uh Stable coins before we got going in here And uh at the peak of the short term of That wallet Um you know it was I guess probably About eighty thousand dollars Um but that's not actually where we're At right now the reality is in this Wallet uh the different Um wallets we have here as you guys can See we have the 25k 10K 5K ISO 20022 and A 1K portfolio so you add these up 25 Plus 10 is 35. plus five here so that's 40. 41. 41 000 so when you take that Into consideration you see we are down Which kind of sucks because we were up Let's see a couple weeks ago uh we were All the way at 51 000 Um so we would have been up ten thousand Dollars we would have been up about 25 Percent

Um and now we're back to down which Really sucks but it's part of the Process You move forward what you got to do is You have to make positive moves Based on what's happening at that moment So for me when I was looking at which Coins to add um you know last week uh we Basically were able to add some coins That were in the red and then there was One Casper we wanted to add but it was In the green we decided to leave it Alone for now this week we're in a Situation where everything the portfolio Is read today so it doesn't really make Sense for us to make a move uh from here Um you know at the current moment Because everything's in the right we Don't know how much further things are Going to fall it doesn't make sense to Shuffle the assets around now Um you know we do have some uh usdc uh I Believe so we'll go ahead and apply the Rest of that usdc uh today because I Don't think we're going down much lower If we do go lower maybe another thousand Dollars Um so it is going to be a good time to Add from a stable coin Um perspective maybe some new coins like Casper or uh you know we'll check it out Here in a second and see what we like Um but just taking a quick look at the Individual wallets

Um this one is down the 25k is down About uh you know 2200 or so the 10K is Barely down the iso 2822 is down you Know 270 bucks and then we have the 1K Portfolio that took the biggest hit as You can see there Um 842.85 cents we are down there Um let's see and we do have xrp in this Portfolio here Um unfortunately we don't have anything We can really move around right now Because we don't have any stables in That portfolio let's see over here Everything's in the red so we don't want To move anything around Now 10K portfolio we've got 405 dollars Worth of you SDC Um so I would say that let's go ahead And go to uh coing gecko Let's take a look here at what's the Biggest things that are down These things that are down we got UOB Dash Litecoin synthetic singularitynet We can add some more Singularity that Could be a move we make file coin down Pretty big uh today take a look at the Week here see what else is down for the Week so you already had down Tremendously Um 40 down had a gigantic run up it was Gonna face a pullback it's pulling back Along with the regular Market uh you got Stacks down massively Um let's see is there anything here I

Really want to add I think actually yes Um let's go ahead and add some Oh that's a great question let's go Ahead and add some Lido Finance to the Portfolio I think that is a a good move For us to make it's down there's a lot Of fun a lot of rumors uh I don't Believe it's going to affect why do I Finance that much uh and so for that Reason uh let's go ahead and take Um our remaining usdc here in this Portfolio 405 and let's get in on Lido Finance there Um unless you have a 25k portfolio how Much we have in usdc a thousand dollars Okay let's go ahead and Split Um our usdc here we're going to split it Uh let's do 500 In Casper and uh 500 Um 500 and um Lido Finance we'll put it In here as well Or should we diversify it should we Diversify it instead between the Difference between two portfolios and The same one Yeah actually I think what I want to do Since uh Singularity is down so much is Let's actually take uh 500 and let's put It into uh from usdc let's go ahead and Put that Um into Casper and let's take the Remaining 523 and let's load up some More Singularity

Um as it's down gigantic forty percent Or last week means it doesn't even have To get that big of a bounce Um to really make some of those gains Back uh or it does need to get a big Balance but because it got pushed down So far the bounce could be you know Pretty good whenever it does bottom Hopefully maybe we're at a bottom Point Um for the local uh price action that We've seen over the last uh you know Week or so with Bitcoin and if that's The case then we could see some of these All coins have you know some apparently The best way to call it uh a relief Rally you could certainly call it Um but it's basically where they get Press down and they bleed so hard Did they also pop back up really hard as Well Um and I think for Singularity an AI Project uh that Ben girth was behind It'll be on the show here in a few weeks I think it's a good one to continue to Start stacking up now we can't just Every time we want to you know allocates Them in portfolio necessarily add new Coins that's why I think it's good to Strengthen some of your positions and That's what we're going to do here with The agix and uh of course we are going To be adding Casper to The Fray in the 25k portfolio so guys uh that is all I Got for today uh we're gonna go hit up

The show here in just a second maybe Next week you know hope this might turn Back into green or at least get back to Break even it feels a lot better uh you Know being at the starting line than it Does you know being way behind the line Uh which we have been down a pretty good Amount in this portfolio at different Times We're close enough to break even right Now for everything to be uh you know to Feel like it's on an even Keel but we Want to see it start moving the other Direction and we do expect to get one More big bull uh bull trap basically Where Bitcoin over sometime between now And maybe the end of the summer it may Run up to 40 or even 50 000 uh before Heading back down Um and then next year we'll get the Normal Bitcoin having price action I Believe and so you know nothing that's Going on right now surprising us we have To choreograph what we're going to do Should it play out the way we think it's Going to play out so if we do start Heading towards another uh you know bull Trap that means a lot of this Accumulation we've done at these levels We can go ahead and start you know Getting some positive Roi and pulling Profits from those uh if we do get that Strong uh Bitcoin move that we think we Will get you know sometime in the next

Most likely four to five months uh but Guys let me know what you think what do You guys think about the movie made in The portfolio we're out of usdc I tell You you're supposed to keep dry powder But we how to draw powder I'm just I'm Impulsive I gotta get them coins as a Portfolio uh let me know what you guys Think that's all got be blessed [Music] [Music]

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