Ripple = WEF (Is XRP a Centralized Banker Coin?)

Ripple = WEF (Is XRP a Centralized Banker Coin?)

Welcome to beautiful crypto my name is Ben welcome to my xrp Army shirt and Today you can't really see it Uh but I want to take this time today to Explain several things to you guys about My viewpoints and my stand on xrp I recently did an interview with uh rice Tbx I don't know maybe two months ago Now and he asked me this question you Really put me down on it and I think It's very important that people Understand my my viewpoints on this Should I give up xrp should I move on From the xrp Army uh is it a centralized Banker coin and uh you know I'm helping Destroy America in the world by Supporting xrp now look I want to start This by saying that philosophical views In crypto I think they have some place okay I do Think when it comes to making a decision Between one coin or another if the Philosophy uh you know this is why we Ultimately got out of salon and fct in The beginning I realized the philosophy Of those companies were terrible we had To get out and luckily we got out months Ahead of time and uh were able to uh you Know avoid some big losses uh we looked At V chain I didn't like their uh you Know the Chinese uh uh backing of the Chain They've since opened up some office Around the world for the V chain

Foundation and either they're kind of Moving away from some of this so we Might come back to the coin but that was Another reason why we got out of V chain The reason why we gotta have vechain It was that but we were trying to decide On the 20th coin in our portfolio so we Had two or three coins that we were Trying to decide between and we use that As kind of the tiebreaker I guess if you Will So I do think philosophy is important But I don't think it should guide every Single decision unless it's something You feel really strongly about Um then in that case it could be a good Factor Now here's the the two main arguments That people use against xrp Um no and when they're trying to tell me Why I should get out of it okay so Number one it's a centralized Banker Coin right and number two they're Partnered with the wef and I think it's Really important to understand because We're very anti-wef for sure But when it comes to the centralized Banker coin okay number one it's not It's not centralized there's a Centralized company behind it if you Look at the amount of nodes that they Own uh they own six out of 155 the Company does uh yes back in 2018 Brad Garlinghouse admitted that they were

Selling xrp maybe it was 2019. they were Selling xrp to keep the company afloat And that probably affected the price of The downside but it was at a rare market So in reality you could make the Argument that that was good for holders Ultimately uh or for new for onboarding New users now I'm not going to make that Argument I'm saying you could make that Argument okay Uh you know I don't like it when coins Go down I only like it when they go up Uh but you know so how much xrp do they Own well I don't have that exact number In front of me maybe I should have done That research but they own a lot the Company owns a lot of xrp there's no Question about it Um they have to for their on-demand Liquidity and what they're planning to Do with the coin so I don't think it's Really fair to uh to to criticize them For holding a lot of their coin when They're still in the process of Onboarding more Banks to use replenet Odl Um which has to in the future be settled In xrp meaning they're going to get a Lot of xrp back at certain points so Uh that's kind of centralized argument Um and remember everything in crypto is A Continuum nothing is a 100 centralized Or decentralized Vitality used to agree With that until he attacked xrp the

Other day which made no sense vitalik Boo don't like that Um and the other thing is Um you know in this argument of the Banker coin as they say A lot of the Bitcoin maximals you know They want the system to change today They want to change yesterday Guys that's not happening bitcoin's not Becoming the world Reserve currency Tomorrow it's gonna be a long time Before that occurs so because of that Um you've got to look you got to say Well banks are going to be around for The foreseeable future they're not going Away next month okay we're looking 20 to 30 years of a fight here All the xrp is trying to do they're not Trying to give Banks more control They're trying to make them more Efficient and I don't really understand The argument of what the problem is There why do you care if banks are more Efficient at sending money okay because If they're more efficient at sending Money then that makes the entire economy Run faster it's an upgrade to the Processes that a bank uses it is a Network we're talking about this a lot It's a network of value not a network of Information that's what Swift is it's Inevitable that xrp replaces Swift There's no doubt about it and people Really undersell the technology that xrp

Has not with the coin but with the kind Of point of sale system if you will uh That will go onto banks that will allow Them to use Rubble net and odl Banks don't make a lot of changes I Don't know if you guys have noticed that The way you go instead in a teller it's Basically the same that it's always been They don't make changes so there you go I don't think it's a centralized Banker Coin number two it's partnered with the Wef well you know FTX was partnered with The wef we see how that worked out for Them that WF scrubbed uh any mention of FTX from anything they had ever done and I believe Brad Brad made Brad Garlinghouse who I love Brad Garlinghouse I will say nothing but good Things about him Um he may have some role of the wef Whatever the case may be now this is the Question I would post to you the same Question I post arise if the WF came to Me and said would you like a position Here the WF I must say yes I'm gonna say yeah I'm Gonna infiltrate it from the inside That's what I want to do and we know the Beliefs that Brad growinghouse has about Decentralization and just because Someone is associated there I don't Think that inherently makes them evil I Think that could be a mistake that we're Making there may be some people that

Leak information who do you think Records these little clips that Klaus You know says and just distributes them Everywhere there's some people in there That are probably good people and for me To take a swing at Brad garlinghouse Over this I don't think it's the right Thing to do at this point and you might Say well that's a conflict of interest For you they're with the WF uh you know They're partnered well what is a partner Really I mean does this mean they're Driving the WF Um is this a paid partnership there's a Lot of the big Bankers that are in there That obviously are probably going to be Working with ripple so from that Standpoint Um you know it might just be a strict Business move now here's what I'll say Similar to the philosophy thing you're Always going to find conflicts of Interest in crypto do you support the Blockchain association pushing for smart Crypto regulation Washington DC Supported by digital currency group Digital currency group uh associated With Genesis Trading Associated with Um uh Uh Barry Silver and grayscale well guess Who gave him all their money the CCP uh Lee kashin Hong Kong tycoon guess what He's involved CCP for sure like there's

A go look at he bought 25 25 of Vancouver for the CCB back in Um you know the early 90s So and that's true 100 of the money to Start digital currency group came from Lee koshing 15 million dollars I believe 100 of the money but it was a gigantic Investment at that time okay so when you Look at that and you say okay well what Else does digital currency group support Browser Abra I I know the guy I talked To the guy the CEO of Opera I think he's A good guy right Ripple Coinbase you ever used any of these Companies they have their hands and so Much stuff decentraland You could make a philosophical Standpoint say conflict of interest on Any of those things my thing is when I'm Going to make if you notice what I said About V chain when I brought up that Philosophical difference I said this is Enough for me to stay out of it forever But right now I'm not going to support It Ftt and Solana we said we would never Support again we said that before the Insolvency even Because what Sam was doing was that evil And we were helping him by buying that Coin so and everybody sees that now so My point is this you're going to find Conflicts of interest in crypto Everywhere you go okay look at

Everything binance is invested in look At everything Andrew's and Horowitz is Invested in BlackRock USD do you use Usdc BlackRock Goldman Sachs Circle Coinbase Then we get into the dcg again because Coinbase right so when you're going to Make one of these standpoints on a Conflict of interest you better make Sure you have all your facts straight You better make sure that you have all Your facts straight and you better be Sure that this is something that you're Willing to stand on and not go back on And so for me at this point Ripple That's not where I'm at now The number one reason why I support Ripple in xrp I would say is because of The community I love the community we Got involved in this community because Of the SEC the enemy in Miami was my Friend right I didn't like xrp I didn't Like the rebel community and then we Galvanized together against Gary ginsler And you know I've helped push the Eastgate narrative forward obviously I Didn't Discover it you know get credit To uh digital asset investor and um ah God I can't remember the name of the Other guy who did it who were the really Ones pushing that narrative but but Congrats to them for uncovering all that And pushing that forward But what I would say is you know

Galvanizing against the SEC has been Great for me it's been something that's Really helped me digging in to Understand the corruption that exists in America uh when it comes to our Regulating bodies and I think it's Something that uh you know can't really Be understated so I love the community I love the xrp Army Shut up I know I got an under-inflated Tire I love the xrp army with everything I've got I think there was a lot of Questions about me coming over the xrp Army at first from the community Thinking that oh he's just doing this For clicks or blah blah blah blah blah You know this is a trend no no I'm I'm In the xrp Army and Um of course I call myself the Supreme Master and Commander that's Tongue-in-cheek guys that's a joke Obviously but I do have a big platform And uh you know I certainly do love the Community and I want them all to be Super successful I hate the SEC I want Them all to fail I want garrigans are Out Um you know they've been very helpful in Spraying that message as well so those Are my thoughts on xrp that is why I Have chosen to be in the xrp Army that's Why I don't see problems with these two Issues everybody brings up at this point Right there's a WF connection could get

Stronger I could change that opinion and I'm free to do that and you're free to Do that if you're a person who's been Very anti-xrp you are also free to Change your opinion the same way that I Did and that's what I love about this Platform and that's what I love about Life is you get more information and you Learn as you go and you change you make Mistakes and you fix them and you repeat Them and uh you know you become a better Person over time so Um investing in xrp makes you a better Person that's visual life advice it's All got to be Buzz big boy out

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