SBF saga continues! New facts about hidden connections with officials at SEC and CFTC that SBF (allegedly) bribed to get crypto regulations that would allow him to dominate crypto space.
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0:00 Intro
0:16 Fox Business on SBF
1:29 How SBF wined and dined officials in DC
3:24 Emails
4:38 What was left out
8:14 Judge recuses herself
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Welcome to Big Boy crypto my name is Ben Today we're going to be showing you guys Some connections between the cftc SEC SBF FTX we're talking dirty politics so If that sounds good make sure to stick Around All right guys so let's start let's Check out some of this uh video footage Here And this is a fox business alert we have Breaking news Dan burkovitz The General Counsel of the Securities and Exchange Commission resigned today amid Speculation that FTX Mastermind Sam Bankman freed was actually trying to buy Off Regulators as well as politicians Now earlier this week the Washington Examiner had a terrific piece of Revelation that in October 2021 Berkovitz was wined and dined at a Swanky DC restaurant by SBF and his top Lieutenants now at the time berkovitz Was commissioner of the commodity Futures commission that's one of the Agencies that regulates cryptocurrencies According to emails that were obtained By the Watchdog group protect the Public's trust berkovitz paid just a Fraction of the cost of the dinner but The real question is whether berkovitz's Switch to the more powerful SEC was Arranged by svf's contacts still early In the investigation but it seems like Sbf's Insurance might have gone beyond
His political contribution so what you See here is we already know SPF was Greasing the wheels with politicians but Was it much worse so here we go this is The Washington examiner post that was Referred to there now if you go back a Little bit further uh what you'll find Here is this comes after the Washington Examiner revealed now what comes after Dan berkovitz stepping down uh the Relationship with SBF and FTX uh were Obtained through emails that came from The Watchdog protect the Public's trust They said if there was ever a scene to Conjure up a vision of DC rigged toward Corrupt insiders at the expense of the Little guy it would be difficult to Top This one Michael Chamberlain director of Protect the Public's trust told the Washington examiner not long before its Collapse and a raft of fraud charges SPF And his gang were wooing one of their Would-be Regulators no doubt to try to Manipulate the regulations to their Advantage so then we go here to the Washington examiner post here the Original one and you'll find you know a Lot more information here Ryan Miller And and I want to say this again about Ryan Miller what I know about him is He's an upstanding individual I think This is a case where just because a an Attorney was involved in a dinner and Involved in some meetings does not make
That person corrupt and I will tell you I do believe there's a time where Ryan Miller is going to probably come on my Channel and tell his story I from every Person I've talked to Ryan Miller they Call him a Boy Scout they said he was a Very good attorney he plays by the rules So I just want to say that out there Maybe that turns out to be incorrect but That's the information I've been given From multiple people so we know this Dinner it occurred on October 5th 2021 It remains unclear what was discussed at The dinner which occurred while bingman Freed was lobbying the cftc to amend the Trading rules that would have given FTI Attacks more freedom and power over the Cryptocurrency world now we go here and We actually look at these emails Themselves and there's something that's Left off of this article that you have To see which is pretty unbelievable so You come down here as chief executive of FTX SPF hired multiple former Regulators Who helped him connect with top Officials at the cftc the agency that he Hoped will be charged with regulating The industry emails shown many abatement For each top deputies were former Regulators Ryan Miller ftx's general Counsel previously served as legal Counsel to Gary Gensler the then cftc Chairman who is now the chairman of the SEC Mark wedgen he's the guy who
Received our bill actually and Intentionally tried to sabotage what we Are trying to do on Capitol Hill for the Benefit of crypto he is ftx's former Head of policy by the way deleted his Twitter and I believe his LinkedIn Account after all this came out former Head of policy and Regulatory strategy And current director at Ledger X in FTX Affiliate formerly served as the acting Chairman and a commissioner at cfdc After being nominated to the position by President Obama Jill Summers another Former cftc commissioner also served on The FTX U.S derivatives board of Directors but here's what I really want To show you that's so fascinating now I Will admit as Greg pointed out I don't Know if you all know Greg there he is There's Greg here people love Greg why Do people love Greg I don't know he's Ugly as a rock but he actually said that This email address we're going to refer To is obviously Mark wetjin's email and I'm going to actually default and say he Is correct on that Um this was uh passed on to me and I Missed this when I first posted this This is the email that caused Dan Berkovitz to step down I think it's About his name wrong to step down from The SEC after cozying up to SPF but wait A second whose email address was deleted From the document Gary is that you I was
Hoping Gary ginsen was on it you can see Here Zach Dexter of Ledger ftx.com Mark wetjin Brett Harrison of ftxus We're on this and Dan berkovitz here Along with SBF this is from SPF here is The email itself it says uh we're the Natural Choice to be the umpires of the Crypto industry that's what he said this Is the original email that Dan had sent To Ryan Miller thank you for the update And links I was watching the Dodgers Versus Giants the other night saw that FTX is the official cryptocurrency Exchange of Major League Baseball I Gather this is not news I'm not sure why MLB needs to have cryptocurrency Exchange but glad to see that it has one That supports regulation what a douche Uh and here you can see same big man Free with his response he says we're the Natural Choice to be the umpires of Cryptocurrency Wow so there's a couple things I want to Point out about this that are very Interesting uh number one is this Missing email address right here It's been white why was this white now If you go back here notice here it did Not include Anyone that was included on the email They left off uh the salutations if you Will here on the other hand It's just missing it's been wiped this Is Mark wet Jen's email address now this
Was sent on October 14 2021 which I Believe was before he went to FTX so why Are they trying to hide this email Address think this is a rabbit Trail we Go down on a later video you can assume That this is either mark at ledgerx.com Mark at Cftc.us or dot gov maybe or maybe it's Mark Ftx.com or dot us we're not 100 sure I Believe if we start searching Mark Wetgins email address the one that's Missing we're going to find a lot of Clues about what happened so that's Something we're going to do a little bit Later on uh maybe this week maybe even On the live stream but when you look at This this email is supposedly Why Dan stepped down is there anything Wrong with this email what's wrong with This email hey I think it's great you Guys support regulation I saw your your Advertisement on the umpires Is that cozing up to SPF no I believe That what happened at this dinner Was Mark Wet Gin possibly accepted a job With FTX from the cftc I also believe that during this dinner Dan bergovitz was promised a job at the SEC why SBF had already laid this out With Gary Gensler and I think if we Really do some investigation on this Email address we may be able to find Some more confirmation of that on the
Web there's a lot of conflict there's a Lot of corruption But it does it in there guys we have This we talked about it on last night's Video just a reminder judge Ronnie Abrams recuses herself from Sam Bateman Freed's case because her husband's firm Advised FTX why is she important she set The bail for Sam begman free interesting Fact If he were to get new charges such as a Ricoh charge That bail would no longer be good and we Go back to a new judge and get something Fair Bernie Madoff 10 million dollars in Bond you know what he put up 10 million Dollars in collateral Martin shkreli the Farmer bro 5 million dollar Bond he put Up 43 million dollars in collateral just Like Maxwell considered a Flight Risk She sat in federal custody until her Case Sam Bateman freed 250 million Dollar bail four million dollars in Property put up it's called a personal Recognizance Bond All they're relying on at this point Is this man right here Sam begman freed To show up to court And we know he's honest he won't flee am I right that's all I got be blessed No no