The Dollar Has Collapsed (What Would Hyper-inflation Look Like In 2023?)

The Dollar Has Collapsed (What Would Hyper-inflation Look Like In 2023?)

Over the past few years people have started to have serious concerns about hyper inflation happening in the US. The idea is not too unrealistic, especially after how things have gone the past few years, so it’s worth thinking through. In this video, I am going to give you an optimistic scenario and a pessimistic scenario.

0:00 Intro
0:46 Pessimistic Scenario
2:50 Optimistic Scenario

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All right so let's start here I don't Necessarily think we're going to go into A hyperinflation crisis but many people Have been predicting this for years and You got to admit inflation's been out of Control but when it comes to Hyperinflation the idea is not too Unrealistic so if we were going into a Crisis we're going to look at what could Happen the optimistic and the Pessimistic situation so you're prepared Both ways let's get it What would a bit more crypto my name is Ben and today we're talking about Hyperinflation if you watch movies that Have a dystopian future like The Hunger Games there's always a point in the History of that country or that land Where things went South and they went South quickly so it's going to lay in The land of what things would look like If we saw hyperinflation from the US Dollar And if crypto was banned completely so The most basic problem would be people's Basic needs when hyperinflation goes up That means the lowest price you can pay For goods well it goes up a lot which Means Necessities like food shelter Water these friends are going to Skyrocket and they're going to be Unaffordable for the average person Meaning how are they going to eat if you Look throughout history if you're able

To control how people eat then you Actually can control the world when Civil unrest occurs and nobody has food People will do anything to eat you guys Know how we've seen supply chain issues For couple years now Well imagine that times a hundred Supply Chains would be disrupted everywhere Meaning the little bit of food that People could afford shrinks which pushes The price up again and this is all a Formula for civil unrest which would Include protests riots who knows what When you think about how hostile things Could get at a gas station if it was Running out of gas and there was only a Few gallons left and everybody was Waiting in line to get it it would be Kind of like living in the wake of a Natural disaster but just all the time And when civil and rest gets too much Governments have to respond with force And to make an example out of people They'd have to give them very harsh Penalties to keep people from doing this Again But it will continue anyways the other Thing about how it would affect the World US dollar is the world Reserve Currency I mean hyperinflation of the Dollar would have Ripple effects all Over the world and it would definitely Lose as World Reserve status which is The sole thing that gives America its

Power on the world stage and look some Countries may rise up and their currency May become worth more because what Happens at the dollar so that's going to Take a long time in the short term world Economies would be wrecked that's why There's so much motivation around the World to keep the dollar from going into Hyperinflation the thing about what an Advantage countries who support crypto Would have during this time of Hyperinflation while the dollar is going Out of control hyperinflating imagine The value proposition for crypto for Bitcoin we've already seen when the dxy Gets stronger Bitcoin gets weaker when Dxy gets weaker Bitcoin goes through the Roof this means that countries around The world that support crypto well They'll be in a much better spot than Those that try to ban it but it doesn't Have to be a doomeday scenario Thankfully we have Bitcoin technology That can act like a Lifeboat when the Fiat ship is sinking underwater we Started seeing hyperinflation in the United States but crypto remains viable Option well that changes things Dramatically in this country now Certainly if we hit hyperinflation with A dollar we're still going to see civil Unrest infrastructure breakdowns and a Lot of bad things but because crypto Exists when those things Start Tumbling

We basically have an alternate economy Built in already that we can just switch To during hyperinflation these dual Economies well they could coexist for Quite a while Until the Central Bank makes a move it Decides to throw in the towel which Crypto adoption is here it's probably Coming in the future and this isn't a Scenario that we've just made up you Know look around the world look Throughout history there have been Plenty of countries who have faced Hyperinflation and you can see how that Played out it wasn't good Latin America You've got a lot of great examples look At Venezuela or even Argentina they're Still facing crazy hyperinflation and Not surprisingly These countries have been two of the Faster countries where their citizens Have been adopting crypto for people There cryptos acted like a lifeline and To prove their quality of life during Very uncertain times these areas still Face problems with their governments and Their local infrastructure like I said Earlier this happens to the United States we're going to see those same Things but crypto allows for a soft Landing Looking at you dronepal and who knows Maybe this is the vehicle maybe this is The way that we finally transitioned

From fiat currency to cryptocurrency but This will take many years and there's Going to be a tough transition process In the middle when it finally gets ready To happen the Bitcoin maximum has won Everything to change overnight but Things change overnight that would Probably mean we were just on the brink Of a disaster you see we don't have to Go to a dystopian hyperinflation world To make this change you and I well we Can start making it today the fact is no Matter what happens crypto is a tool for Preserving value and maintaining Financial Freedom and that's something I Think everybody can appreciate that's All I got be blessed [Music] Thank you [Music]

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